Some Star reporters tried to see if the TTC really was "free"...
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Few ready to take TTC for a ride
May 26, 2006. 01:00 AM
So, it's free to ride the TTC?
The ongoing battle between the transit commission and its union erupted into a job action that potentially left the door open yesterday to free rides for thousands of commuters.
The TTC and its union have fought over security issues, health benefits, job evaluation and, most recently, the reassignment to more night shifts for janitors. The union had threatened an illegal strike over the new maintenance staff schedule, which kicks in Sunday.
As a result, the union announced that "it will be up to the travelling public whether or not they want to make a contribution to the box."
Two Star reporters hopped on the TTC to investigate.
As the number 17 bus stopped at Birchmount Rd. and Lawrence Ave. E., a reporter greeted the driver: "Hi, I'm not paying. I hear it's free these days."
The driver furrowed his brow before loudly announcing she was misinformed.
"Okay, well, I'm getting on. Are you going to stop me?"
"It's up to you to be honest or not. If you don't want to be then have a nice day," he said, waving her onto the bus. It was her fourth free ride of the day
Several drivers who spoke to the Star yesterday said they've been threatened for refusing to let someone ride for free.
"Someone threatened to shoot me two weeks ago just for requesting a transfer," said Walter Miller, a driver of nine years.
A 2005 TTC driver safety task force found transfer and fare disputes to be the main cause of assaults. It also found that seven out of 10 drivers have been assaulted during their careers. Operators report being kicked, punched, slapped and spit upon.
In an open letter to drivers and ticket collectors yesterday, TTC chief general manager Rick Ducharme said it is their responsibility to collect fares, but added they are to use "good judgment" in fare disputes.
Ducharme said about 60 cents of every dollar collected goes to pay wages and benefits. If fares fall short of budget then that only leads to less service, increased fares to cover the shortfall, or tapping taxpayers for more subsidy, he said.
Ducharme also said the TTC takes driver safety seriously. The introduction of transferable passes and timed transfers help reduce friction between drivers and passengers, he wrote. Ducharme said cameras would be installed in buses and streetcars this fall, and work is underway on the possible installation of barriers around the driver's seat.
On the other side of town yesterday, Sheldon Johnson listened to his MP3 player as he waited outside the Dufferin subway station for the number 29 bus. He'd already paid his $2.75 and was surprised to learn some drivers were letting passengers ride for free. Johnson said he sympathizes with people who genuinely can't afford bus fare.
"The fare just keeps going up. I don't know when it's going to end," he said.
As the 29 came to a halt at the Dufferin stop, a Star reporter tried to slip by, unnoticed.
"I heard it's free to ride the bus today," he told the driver.
"Not on this bus. Perhaps you'd like to wait for the next bus," replied the smirking driver.
The reporter got off the bus.
Despite the prospect of a free ride, nearly everyone surveyed by the Star yesterday paid the fare. Sitting on the number 54 bus on Lawrence Ave. E., Diba Shashimi said she doesn't think it's a good idea to let people ride for free. "The situation gets worse and worse if people start thinking they can do whatever they want," she said.
Before boarding their final bus of the day at Queens Quay and Lower Jarvis, the reporters compared notes. One had taken seven free trips and paid for two. The other paid for seven and got two free.
The number 6 Dupont bus arrived and the reporters flashed their long-expired transfers to the driver. One got a nod and quietly slipped into a seat, the other wasn't so lucky. The driver asked to see his transfer again.
"I hear it's free today — the paper said so," he said.
"The papers don't know s---," was the reply.
A small argument ensued, and the reporter forked over a ticket.
Disclaimer: Although both reporters tried to ride for free, they paid the full fare before exiting each TTC vehicle.
with files from Kevin McGran