Is this the same Elizabeth May who compared those who didn't agree with her environmental policies to Chamberlain's appeasement of Hitler?
Same one....and hey a little rhetoric never hurt anyone except her own poll numbers....
Is this the same Elizabeth May who compared those who didn't agree with her environmental policies to Chamberlain's appeasement of Hitler?
And rise they will after May puts in a good debate performance.
I could never figure out why Harper was attempting to shut May out of the debate -- it almost seemed like he was unconsciously trying to save Dion from himself.
I have to admit not knowing the full details of MMP vs preferential balloting, but I've been wary of MMP in the past. Sounds like it takes too much power away from each riding and basically gives it all to a political party. I've heard people explain it away before who support it, but there's still something about MMP that rubs me the wrong way. There's never a win-win perfect anything in politics, and something just doesn't sound right about it.
Maybe preferential balloting is the wave of the future to both give multi-parties power, and also balance the process so that a government that only has 25% of the vote doesn't end up controlling everything in a de facto manner because they just happen to have the plurality.
You might like Single Transferable Vote, instead, then. It has multi-member ridings, which are elected using voter preferences counted in a rather complicated fashion in order to approximate the overall popular vote in the legislature. It's what BC selected out of its Citizens Assembly, and just ever so slightly failed to accept (majority were in favour).
Yeah it's Jack Layton's fault the Liberals have a grade-Z leader who didn't have the backbone to stand up to Harper.
Well, depending on how the ridings are structured, STV does respect preferences more than merely replicating popular vote.
In fact, preferential ballot is a special case of STV, where the seats per riding is one.