more like realistic...
It's more complicated than that. To a large extent, the oilsands have created the economic malaise that central Canada is suffering from. This is due to the inflationary nature of an industry that is unresponsive to domestic interest rates and the upward pressure on exchange rates caused by exporting tens of billions of dollars in oil.
I really rather doubt that. Alberta, if anything, might help the government stay in the black. It won't do much to help the economies of Quebec and Ontario.
Extract Alberta -- and the Oil Sands -- from of Canada, and you can kiss Canada as you know it goodbye.
Rae or Ignatieff
Iganatieff imo has a strong image and can articulate complicated polices and be a populist.
Ignatieff a populist??? He has about as much of a common touch as John Kerry. He lived out of the country for 30 years and then showed up and expected to be leader. I think the Tories would have an easy time painting him as an out of touch intellectual who can't resonate with regular Canadians.