Where does my thinking lay when it comes to Via's business plan?
Where does it lay when it comes to past actions of federal governments?
I try to stay out of the pure fantasy, and stick to something that is within the realm of possible.
Sure, but your definition of "possible" diverges from what's worth discussing.
And there are places where nothing more than a daily should exist.
No once-daily train route is economically reasonable except for remote services. A single daily train doesn't generate enough revenue to cover its overhead costs. If there is no corridor, there is no economic basis. A bus will be cheaper, provided there is a road. There is no market in Canada where a once-daily service offering will fill a long train, because it does not give travellers flexibility in timing.
A train that is needed once daily is by definition a remote service, and even there economics will force it to 3x weekly.
Regina -Saskatoon may work for HFR.
Please explain where the ridership will come to fill this service. The entire population of Saskatchewan isn't sufficient. And a provincial transport network with appropriate feeder routes would be largely bus dependent, so having a rail backbone is not worthwhile.
Other than that, a daily to most cities would be enough.
Again, forget "daily". A bus every x hours far exceeds the value of a once daily train, and is far cheaper to build and operate.
So, finding a way to maximize profits out of the parts of Via that can be profitable makes sense.
You assume investment on an enormous scale. Sure, some trains on some routes might cover their above-the-rail expense, but only after a massive capital spend whose financing costs will never be recovered. Which is why other Ministers can make better cases for the available funds. As for private money, if you can't offer ROI on investment, breaking even on operations is not good enough to find investors.
Adding other routes that could also be profitable
What other routes ?Again, you are imagining funding streams that the country doesn't have, public or private.
My second cup of coffee is kicking in, so I will stop here. Your ideas make sense only to you - because your grasp of the fundamentals is so weak.
- Paul