Remembrance Day - November 11, 2018 The Great War ended this day 100 years ago. So many thousands of young men gave their lives so that we can enjoy our freedom.
Call number:296-2018
Commodity:Construction Services,
Description:New Building – City Park Pavilion Washrooms (Tommy Thompson Park – Park Entrance)
FOR: New Building - City Park Pavilion Washrooms (Tommy Thompson Park – Park Entrance)
Tommy Thompson Park -- Status Update As part of the 2018 Budget process, City Council requested that the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, in consultation with the General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the Executive Director of Municipal Licensing Services, report to the Executive Committee by June 2018, to provide cost estimates to maintain the park once transferred with a timeline for the transition. • The EA from the 1980s required a Master Plan for what would be a park when the lake filling was complete. The master plan was completed through a public process and approved by the Ministry of Environment and is thus essentially law. • It is a plan that envisions a maintained park similar to a conservation area are and would be co-managed between TRCA and the City. • City Council approved an increase of $0.675 million to the Parks, Forestry and Recreation (PF&R)'s 2018 2027 Capital Budget and Plan during the 2018 Budget process, in preparation for the transfer lands to ensure public safety and make the lands accessible for public use. During 2018, repair work was completed for the Primary Pedestrian Trail, south of the Nature Centre that was damaged by the April storm. Improvements to wayfinding, multi-use trail improvements/techniques to reduce user conflicts, a signage plan and amenities such as bike racks and AODA compliant seating were also undertaken in 2018. • As of to-date, the transfer of the property from TRCA to the City of Toronto has not happened due to site remediation work. Ports Toronto has applied for a lease extension until December 2019 to undertake repairs to the shoreline as a result of the extreme lake level in 2017 and the April 2018 storm event. Once Ports Toronto's lease expires in 2019, MNRF will start the process to transfer the property to TRCA. • The intent of the transfer is to include this additional area in the Joint Management Agreement with the City of Toronto where Parks, Forestry and Recreation would be required to operate and maintain the areas. Therefore, it is expected that the City will incur additional operational costs as a result of the transfer of Tommy Thompson Park in the future. These costs may include additional park maintenance, monitoring and enforcement as well as any operating impacts as a result of park service improvements and enhancements. • Over the next year, it is expected that TRCA will work with Municipal Licensing and Standards, and Park, Forestry and Recreation to develop a timeline for the transition and to determine the operating costs once the site remediation work is complete