Thanks for the quick reply! I thought the same initially.
However, we actually received copies of the realignment report from our incoming property management which provided a bit more detail about the issue. The two particularly revealing parts were the following excerpts:
A Public Notice was placed on the City's website requesting those objecting to the exclusion of 1327-1339 Queen Street East from permit parking in area 8D forward their objections in writing to the City Clerk, so they may be scheduled as deputations at the Toronto and East York Community Council meeting."
Area 8D has 1842 on-street parking spaces. To date 1488 permits have been issued. This area does not have a history of being waitlisted, meaning the demand for overnight on-street parking permits has never exceeded the supply of parking spaces."
The way this reads to the incoming residents is, per section 2 - there's still plenty of street parking available... however, per section 1 - the current residents object to new condo residents having access to it - also, re: the "public notice," none of us were made aware of it so we could defend our side of the story... I suspect that was via a loophole of us conveniently not being Ward 14 residents yet and therefore not meriting notice.
Really, in the end, this feels personal, and pretty unwelcoming to those of us moving in.
Like I said, I'm happy to use alternate parking in the area, but from all the searching my wife and I have done, it doesn't appear to exist.
So yeah, any/all ideas are welcome!!