Purely astonishing. It never occurred to me that the DVP would have continued on up to Woodbine; only that they would have ended it various streets till the time to move it north... so I imagined that, at least for a bit, it just dumped everyone on Lawrence while they got around to subsuming Woodbine. A great discovery to realize that it was pushing through to narrow down to Woodbine somewhere around that house... just like it used to do just north of Sheppard till 1977 or so.
Or, of course, the 427/Indian Line transitions in the 70s/80s/90s. (Complete w/"temporary" traffic light at Morningstar, etc.)
Ultimately, though, it does make sense: if you're going the effort to take the DVP up to Lawrence w/plans to take it further, might as well finish *a* Woodbine connection there and there as a bookmark for the future.
I do wonder, though, if (judging from appearance) the Geraldine Ct house might be a replacement for an earlier farmhouse--or maybe it was just a typical postwar exurban something-or-another subdivided off existing farm fields. (By appearances, it seems--at least in its present state--much too precocious for the late 40s in Toronto; maybe what we're seeing is a "rear addition"?)