Senior Member
Well, you're also an informed individual so I'll take it.
The only person I know who is a federal civil servant is one of my best friends' (two brothers) mum who has worked for Human Resources and Development since at least the mid-90s and is just about retired now. Poor ain't the word. I don't know what she does exactly. I think she's some mid-level manager maybe.
There are about 260,000 federal civil servants. If one searches websites for 'average' income for federal employees, it shows about $70K, but if you get into the various classifications on the Government of Canada website, some, like data entry, clerical, etc. - the many minions who toil in the government offices - have grids that are in the $30Ks (Ontario full-time minimum wage is about $29K) and some actually started in the high $20Ks. Of course, it's hard to know how many are at each scale so each income group would have to be weighted by the numbers of employees in each; some would have thousands, others a relative handful. The government has many professions such as lawyers, scientist, engineers, etc. that would have to be offered something comparable to their private sector counterparts, and some classifications, such as the military, have no reasonable private section comparison.