I think a vacant storefront tax is debatable philosophically although I understand the sentiment. A vacant residential tax is rooted in the idea that everyone needs a place to live. What a vacant storefront tax is saying is that society deems doing business mandatory to satisfy societal goals. We have not traditionally gone down that route.
I agree its non-traditional; though I'm not sure what you suggest is the intent here.
Isn't it just a punitive tax?
The city might make a quick buck but this doesn't solve the underlying issue of vacant storefronts that are vacant because leases are too high.
I'm not sure that that is the case; anymore than the vacant store rebate was intended merely to give away City dollars or reward vacancies.
I would suggest the point of this would be to penalize landlords that either withholding space from the market in anticipation of non-imminent redevelopment; or alternatively are holding out
for national retailers and setting punitive lease requirements for smaller, independent businesses in preference to the former.
Obviously, there's a question of why a space is vacant, and there surely has to be a minimum period of such before sometime of punitive tax kicks in (6 months?)
You might think, based on the above, that I'm favour of a such a tax.
I'm not sure that I am, as I have a natural distaste for complexity in regulation or trying to use regulation or tax to micromanage every economic or social ill.
I support such regulation, where a problem is widespread, the market seems unable to naturally address the problem; and there is reason to believe such a regulation will be both efficacious and cost-effective.
I'm not sure that's the case here.
But I do think there is an emerging problem, where space that is market-ready is essentially being withheld even though there are prospective, profitable, tenants to be found.
It is a market malfunction that this is occurring.
The discussion of potential solutions is therefor a reasonable one.
Though, I'm not yet sold on this particular one; and I will need to see the details and supporting evidence, before drawing a conclusion.