Generally speaking, I want to keep Covid-related stuff in that thread.
But I feel the need to make at least one post here expressing my profound disappointment in John Tory throughout this pandemic.
My distaste comes from both actions taken; and not taken.
First, there is the non-stop obsession with people using parks; which is not only permitted, indeed recommended by medical guidance; but which is exceedingly low-risk as per CDC-published, Peer-Reviewed research.
Superspreading Events and Control of SARS-CoV-2
In so doing, he's failed to recognize that any risk in the outdoors, is one where people are not provided sufficient space. Most of the complaints, centred around the Eastern and Western Beaches have in fact seen few if any violations of social-distancing.
But to the extent that they've been a bit busier than one might hope; including those out there making use of said parks; the answer to provide more space, not less.
Closing 1/2 of Lakeshore Blvd to expand the walking/cycling room in the Western Beaches would have been a constructive solution.
In the Eastern Beaches, closing all of Lakeshore, east of Coxwell would have been similarly sensible.
Closing lanes/streets in the crowded areas of downtown to afford people room to be responsible as pedestrians, and opening golf courses (not for golf, but as natural walking areas) would likewise have spread people around.
The failure to implement these appropriate steps; steps taken in US Cities like New York and San Francisco; but also in Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg............and, even not only irresponsible, it has surely led to more infections than would otherwise be the case; delayed any reopening of the economy by a week or more; and increased risks of mental health disorders, domestic violence and suicide by failing to encourage people to get outside {which is necessary), but in a responsible manner.
Further, during this time, while the Mayor has obsessed about low-risk activities, unsupported by any sound science, and indeed contradicted by it; there was a major Covid outbreak in City-owned Long-term care homes that really has cost several lives.
Had his attention been focused on that much higher-risk environment, one might reasonably believe at least one or two people would still be with us.
There was also a major outbreak at Toronto Public Health HQ. The department managed by Toronto's CMO, Ms DeVilla in whom I have next to no faith.
Her own employees have publicly said they were afforded less protection than the staff at Loblaws.
That is surely mismanagement of the worst order.
I won't rant further about this except to say Toronto's handling of this (referring to the corporate City) has not only sub-optimal, but sub-par. The 2 people leading the response, politically and bureaucratically should feel a real sense of shame over that.