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What a little paint can do in Lyon, France...

From link.

Don't like Toronto's "grey" colour scheme.
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If anyone doubted Tory's iron grip on city council:

He does have a solid grip on Council; though, here, I can't say I mind the outcome.

I really don't see any value here. The move is one to embarrass Tory; not to obtain any great insights or make changes that would preclude similar happenings in the future.

I'm not a huge fan of the current mayor; but also have little time for political gamesmanship.

Toronto loses bid at Supreme Court of Canada to overturn Doug Ford’s cut to city council

From link.

Premier Doug Ford had the right to slash the size of Toronto city council in midelection in 2018, the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled, in a split decision that a disappointed legal scholar says will have ongoing impacts for cities.

In the 5-4 ruling released Friday, Canada’s top court said Bill 5, the Better Local Government Act, did not infringe Torontonians’ freedom of expression rights and fell within the province of Ontario’s expansive powers.

The decision solidifies the status of cities — even a global one like Toronto with an annual budget bigger than that of most provinces — as creatures of provincial legislatures, and ensures Toronto’s 2022 election will proceed with 25 mega-wards.

“The change to the ward structure did not prevent electoral participants from engaging in further political expression on election issues under the new ward structure in the 69 days between the Act coming into force and the election day,” said the majority decision written by Chief Justice Richard Wagner — that period, he noted, was longer than most federal and provincial campaigns.

The decision found the act did not substantially interfere in the election — that it did not restrict candidates’ ability to campaign, raise “significant” funds and garner votes under the new ward structure, nor did it impact voter rights.

Toronto city council had previously voted to have a 2018 election with 47 smaller wards after a years-long independent review and public consultation to redraw the boundaries — what advocates hoped would provide better representation for a growing city whose wards had become unbalanced in population.

Wagner wrote that because municipal elections are not based in the constitution like provincial and federal elections, the province can “change the rules as they wish” as long as it does not amount to “substantial interference,” and to decide otherwise would interfere with provinces’ authority under the constitution.

Wagner also found that municipalities, unlike federal and provincial governments, are not guaranteed effective representation — which includes the idea that all votes should have equal weight and therefore population sizes between electoral boundaries should be balanced.

A sharply worded dissent written by Justice Rosie Abella found the midcampaign interference did substantially interfere in freedom of expression rights.

“It is incumbent on a provincial legislature to respect the rights of its citizens to engage in meaningful dialogue on municipal issues during an election period and, in particular, the rights of candidates and voters to engage in meaningful exchanges before voting day,” Abella wrote.

She continued: “By radically redrawing electoral boundaries during an active election that was almost two-thirds complete, the legislation interfered with the rights of all participants in the electoral process to engage in meaningful reciprocal political discourse.”

She said there was no “pressing and substantial” explanation offered by the province for the late interference.

“There was no hint of urgency, nor any overwhelming immediate policy need.”

University of Toronto law professor Mariana Valverde called the majority decision a failed opportunity to legally recognize how cities have grown and matured since the British North America Act gave them no official status in 1867.

“It’s bizarre to pretend that Canada hasn’t urbanized and that municipalities are somehow the same as some administrative body that the province could create or destroy,” Valverde said in an interview.

Under the majority reasoning, she noted, Ford’s government could appoint the mayor, or abolish the city of Toronto altogether and run things from Queen’s Park.

“Five members of the Supreme Court of Canada are telling Canadians that they have no more right to fair and effective municipal elections than do the citizens of China,” Valverde said, adding the ruling could impact challenges by municipalities and residents to provincial power over megaprojects such as the Ontario Line.

Chris Moise, one of the 2018 Toronto city council candidates who folded his council campaign after the cut, said the court upheld an archaic view of cities.

Instead of giving people like him, a gay, black man, a chance to join a city council that is whiter and more male than the city it serves, the Supreme Court has helped the Ontario government keep the city “with both feet in the past.

“Everyone’s trying to work around a system that’s broken and continues to be broken,” he said. “We still live in a colonial structure which silences the voices of many — Indigenous people, people of colour and others.”

Moise, who sold his house to move into the new ward he hoped to represent, and had built a campaign team that knocked on doors across that ward, was able to get re-elected as a Toronto school trustee.

But Friday’s ruling hurt, he said. “There are still many scars and the decision today is an open wound that is salted again by the system,” he said.

Ontario Municipal Affairs Minister Steve Clark hailed the decision as a victory for “restoring accountability and trust in government,” and said the city and province have worked well together during the pandemic.

“We have never been afraid of making the tough decisions that deliver the best outcomes for Ontarians, and we’d encourage the city of Toronto to remain committed to this positive model moving forward,” Clark said in a statement.

NDP MPP Peter Tabuns said a decision’s legality doesn’t make it right. “Elected municipal leaders and residents deserve a government that respects them, not one that tries to crush them,” he wrote.

Liberal Leader Steven Del Duca said: “Millions have gone years without the level of representation they deserved, all because of a Premier who’ll do anything to get his way.”

Toronto Mayor John Tory struck a conciliatory tone, thanking the top court for its work. While he disagreed with the way Ford cut council, Tory said that both governments will “continue our work together” on the pandemic and more.

The ruling came less than seven months after a one-day virtual hearing where city lawyers and intervenors on the case argued before nine justices that the province had infringed freedom of expression rights and superseded fundamental principles of democracy by interfering midelection.

The province argued it had the right to pass legislation changing the ward boundaries, because municipalities are what are known as “creatures” of the province and that municipal elections are not guaranteed the constitutional right of effective representation.

The decision to update the city’s ward boundaries came as a result of a rapidly changing population that left populations between wards unbalanced and caused concern about unequal representation.

Ford shocked city officials in July 2018 when he announced he would cut the number of wards from 47 to 25 without consultation, overruling the review process and upending an election that was already underway — candidates nominated, campaign materials handed out and doors knocked on.

A group of candidates and voters first challenged the decision in Superior Court — the first step in a legal battle of this kind. With the city’s backing, a judge ruled the council cut was unconstitutional and that the law should be struck down.

But the province was successful in convincing the Ontario Court of Appeal — the next level in the justice system — to stay, or pause, that decision, effectively confirming an election with 25 wards. A later full decision by the court affirmed the province’s arguments and ruled against the city, overturning the lower, Superior Court judgment.

Council directed the city’s legal staff to continue fighting the case to the highest court. They applied to have the issues heard by the Supreme Court, which considers a handful of cases of public and national importance each year.

In March, Ford called the cut to council “the best present I’ve ever given the mayor. Who wants more politicians? It all lines up with the federal, provincial, municipal boundaries and … they’re more than capable of doing the work.”

Jennifer Hollett, another 2018 council candidate side-swiped by Ford’s decision, said Ford has never been able to explain why he made the dramatic, unprecedented move in the middle of a campaign.

“The system is broken,” tweeted Hollett, now executive director of The Walrus media outlet.

“Make no mistake, the interference in the 2018 Toronto election is about money and power. Don’t forget what has happened here. It will happen again.”

The cities should not be treated like children of the province anymore. Maybe back in 1876, when the rural population was greater than the urbanites. Not anymore.

The other Ontario political parties better make it part of their platform to reform the relationship between cities and the province, and grant them more independence. Maybe a constitutional amendment or a city charter?

Toronto loses bid at Supreme Court of Canada to overturn Doug Ford’s cut to city council

From link.

The cities should not be treated like children of the province anymore. Maybe back in 1876, when the rural population was greater than the urbanites. Not anymore.

The other Ontario political parties better make it part of their platform to reform the relationship between cities and the province, and grant them more independence. Maybe a constitutional amendment or a city charter?

Very disappointing verdict. I feel really sorry for the 2018 candidates who left their jobs, put in a lot of their own money or fundraised heavily for their campaign, only to back out because of Ford's pathetic grudge towards city council.
The existing models don't work, they were established from smaller communities and simply added to instead of re-written. The cities have very different issues than smaller communities - development, housing, poverty, international connections, migration (local and otherwise). Honestly is there anyone in Ottawa who has both vision and courage to reset the administrative template for Canada? If common sense ruled a new model would be created for cities in Canada that would allow communities to secede from provincial control. Ontario is not served by having big noise Toronto take all the attention. Sudbury is not Mississauga they have very different needs and are just as important as Toronto is. If the administration model was changed, Toronto Canada, Northern Ontario and Southern Ontario as seperate entities, then each region could take care of the issues that face them. It's the 21st century why are we hog-tied by ancient colonial red tape?
The short-term rental wars enter a new phase:

Minnan-Wong said in his ward, Don Valley East, he's been hearing horror stories from constituents, which is why he's introducing the motion on the feasibility of regulating backyard pool rental platforms.
But that's not enough for residents in one neighbourhood near Eglinton Avenue East and Victoria Park Avenue, where a homeowner rented out his pool using Swimply.

"It's very, very scary," Alina Dusa told CBC Toronto. "A lot of traffic, cars, people hanging out on the street, even at night ... inebriated people falling on neighbours' lawns and staying there for hours.
"We weren't able to go out in the backyard anymore because there was noise all the time."
She and some of her neighbours don't want the pool rental service regulated. They want it shut down for good.
Most likely the COVID-19 restrictions requiring reservations to use the city's swimming pool was the reason for increase in backyard pool rentals. The reservations include a restriction on the number of people allowed in. Once they get rid of the COVID-19 restrictions, the use of the city swimming pools will go back to a more normal routine, and the backyard rentals should go down.
Having cars and people hanging out on the street at night is scary? Do they know they live in a city?

Maybe the city should just not allow any individual to rent out anything anymore.
