wasnt ford the man responsible for delaying and cancelling all of those lines?
The whole Ford/McGuinty shit storm happend seven years ago. The Finch and Sheppard LRTs were to have resumed construction in the mid 2010s (roughly 2015, I believe), but Metrolinx has delayed both those lines multiple times beyond those new construction start dates.
Also, we must remember that McGunity bares the brunt of the blame for canceling those LRT lines. The Mayor of Toronto did not have authority to request the cancelation; only Council did. McGuinty was complicit in Ford’s inappropriate request to circumvent council, and McGuinty is the individual that ultimately canceled those LRT lines. A responsibile leader would’ve stipulated that City Council first authorize the cancelation of those LRT lines. McGuinty chose political expediency over respecting the wishes of Council, and we continue to pay for his error in judgment today.