Dear participants:
Once again, Metrolinx and area municipalities will be hosting Accessibility Public Meetings across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, and we would like to extend a personal invitation for you to join us.
We want to hear from you about the accessibility of GO Transit, PRESTO, UP Express, and our new and upcoming Rapid Transit services and projects. The meetings in Hamilton and Whitby will be joint meetings with the City of Hamilton and Durham Region Transit respectively, so you will also have the opportunity to discuss the accessibility of municipal transit at those meetings.
We would also greatly appreciate your assistance sharing the information about the meeting nearest your community with your friends, colleagues, and others in your networks, to encourage their participation in the meetings. For those located further from a meeting location than they may feel practical to attend, we are also offering a teleconference option.
Hamilton: Monday, November 13, 6:00-9:00 PM
Hamilton Public Library, Central Branch
55 York Street
Hamilton Room (main floor)
* Note: this is a joint meeting with the City of Hamilton
Toronto: Thursday, November 23, 6:00-8:30 PM
Metro Hall
55 John Street
Rooms 308 & 309(third floor)
Whitby: Monday, November 27, 6:00-9:00 PM
Abilities Centre
55 Gordon Street
Theatre / Multi-Purpose Room (second floor)
* Note: this is a joint meeting with Durham Region Transit
Teleconference: Tuesday, December 5, 5:30-7:00 PM
Phone-in meeting; TTY will not be available
RSVP required; please submit questions and comments in advance of meeting
Teleconference details will be provided to registrants
At each in-person meeting, you will have an opportunity to:
·learn about past, current and future accessibility activities at Metrolinx and its operating divisions and business units;
·discuss and provide input to our accessibility initiatives through roundtable sessions; and
·interact directly with Metrolinx staff involved with accessibility projects.
American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation, real-time captioning and attendant services will be provided at the in-person meetings. Alternative formats and other accommodations will be made available upon request.
To help us prepare for the meetings, we are asking anyone who is interested in attending to register in advance, via the links on our Accessibility Public Meetings webpage(, via email (, or by calling 1-888-438-6646 or 1-800-387-3652 (TTY teletypewriters only). As part of the registration, we ask that you please identify which meeting you plan to attend, what accommodations you may require (if any) to participate fully in the meeting, and which topic area(s) you are most interested in discussing at the meeting (GO Transit, PRESTO, UP Express, Light Rail Transit/Bus Rapid Transit, municipal transit).
We hope you can attend, and would appreciate your assistance in further promoting these meetings through your networks.
Anyone wishing to participate but unable to attend a meeting can provide comments using the contact information below.
For more information, or to provide input, please contact our Accessibility Team via email at, or by phone at 1-888-438-6646 or 1-800-387-3652 (TTY teletypewriters only).
The Metrolinx Accessibility Team