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Every penny counts. Thats how I saved enough money to life my current lifestyle, while others still live in their mother's basements. And the current budget is only so large because under MIller expenditure has balloned up and up every year to the point where even the Canadian Taxpayer's Association practically camps out in front of City Hall.

Lifers, are cronic spenders like Mosoce, Mammolloti, Perks, who plow through their office budgets by October. Some of these guys take cabs for mere blocks, yet they get both free Metropasses and parking!!

It sure does, but I don't really see this as a bad allocation of resources. It's a good investment.
Bill Carrol was raging about this in the morning, insisting that there was some malicious intent on Miller's part because he chose to "bury" (his choice of words, with repeated and loud emphasis) this $140,000 expense in the $9 billion budget rather than...well, I don't really know what he would have wished Miller had done. Hold a referendum, I suppose?
Every penny counts. Thats how I saved enough money to life my current lifestyle, while others still live in their mother's basements. And the current budget is only so large because under MIller expenditure has balloned up and up every year to the point where even the Canadian Taxpayer's Association practically camps out in front of City Hall.

Lifers, are cronic spenders like Mosoce, Mammolloti, Perks, who plow through their office budgets by October. Some of these guys take cabs for mere blocks, yet they get both free Metropasses and parking!!

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is a joke. The guy they keep trotting out - Gaudet? - seems to believe that if we just lowered the tax rate to 0% everything would magically work out perfectly. There's nothing noble about their cause -- it's a bunch of libertarian nonsense carried out under the veil of populism.

Toronto council is still profoundly messed up, of course, as the municipal model is broken in Canada. To be "right wing" in Toronto politics essentially means that you wish we ran things like Oakville or some other "town" does. Political parties, term limits, and (most importantly) increased voter turn-out are vital to making things better.

I like Miller well enough -- he's certainly better than Lastman ever was -- and his use of twitter has been really cool.
This is not a right wing or left wing issue. I could care less who Miller is affiliated with. The problem is as that you don't spend $140K on something like this when we are in the worst recession we've seen in 50 years. If he wants to help climate change why doesn't he give it to the TTC. Oh right, that wouldn't fit into his "legacy"
Every cent counts. I bought a home in the Beaches at age 27 by using that mentaility of saving money, while many people I know still live in their mother's basement, with the belongings in storage.

Like some of the posters in this thread, who have no hope of getting out of renters paradise. No one in thier right mind that owns property in Toronto supports Miller.

Like some of the posters in this thread, who have no hope of getting out of renters paradise. No one in thier right mind that owns property in Toronto supports Miller.

Perhaps you should review the results from the last municipal election. Actually come to think of it, just how much are you in paying property taxes and ancillary fees-wise here in Toronto, compared to say a similar place in the 905, the paragon of municipal efficiency? Care to inform the rest of us?

Darren B:

Just because you managed to save and buy at home when you're 27 does make not you an individual qualified to comment with authority on how a city should be run. There is NO commonality, period.

The problem with the right is that they are getting less and less info on how the municipal government is being run. Either via the secretive budget process or the Exec Committee, more and more info stays in the hands of a few key Miller loyalists.

Oh please, considering the sheer amount of budget numbers available, vs. the Lastman/Jacobek era, you should hardly be talking about "secrecy". But of course, it's all about the mayor in question, right? At least be truthful about that.


I dont know about that. Lets see if mayor Miller can be elected 10 consecutive terms by the Toronto residents.

I hope not - this isn't Mississauga.

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Miller, Lastman, Ford, Vaughan, etc., aside, let's look at the most basic measurement for any expense: will we receive any value for that expenditure?

I don't have a clue if we will or will not. If it can be shown that we will receive something for it, then it was well spent. If we receive nothing for it, it was wasteful.
Look at the list of cities who are members of the C40 group. It's a who's who of major economic/industrial centres of the world. The question is: do you think Toronto should be on that list? Do you think our city should have representatives talking with those from the other cities about municipal issues around carbon emissions and related matters? Or do you think we should NOT be on the list, and save $140k (an infinitesimal amount in the context of our budget)? I firmly believe the former. To believe the latter, I think one must have a radically different conception (than me) of what Toronto is and what it should be.
This is not a right wing or left wing issue. I could care less who Miller is affiliated with. The problem is as that you don't spend $140K on something like this when we are in the worst recession we've seen in 50 years. If he wants to help climate change why doesn't he give it to the TTC. Oh right, that wouldn't fit into his "legacy"

Good point, but its actually the worst recession in 80 years or possibly the worse one ever
Darren B:

Just because you managed to save and buy at home when you're 27 does make not you an individual qualified to comment with authority on how a city should be run. There is NO commonality, period.

Oh please, considering the sheer amount of budget numbers available, vs. the Lastman/Jacobek era, you should hardly be talking about "secrecy". But of course, it's all about the mayor in question, right? At least be truthful about that.

It just goes to show you that Miller's support is in the extreme left wing, pro-welfare crowd. Any homewoner who is still supportive of this guy should really give his head a check. We all saved hard and made sacrifices to buy our homes, ie...every cent counts, and then we see this Mayor splurge and splurge and spluge. Does TO even need a budget that HUGE??? Its increased every year in record amounts under Miller.

I can care lesss about Lastman. His tenure isnt part of this discussion. I care about how the current administration has run this city to the ground.
On a related note; why are we not following the lead of Chicago and instituting a residency law for municipal employees? Yes we have the Charter that could impede it, but what if there is a legal workaround? We have heads of municipal organizations who live in the burbs, cops who live in Auruora, Hyrdo workers who live in Oshawa, TTC workers who drive in every day from Peterborough. I personally know at least one person in those categories I just mentioned.

If this city is good enough to work for then it should be good enough to live in. I want my taxes to go towards someone who knows first hand what living in this city feels like, and knows the tax burden first hand that. Our local economy would be better served of those salaries were spent in our city.

Your thoughts?
