I was thinking the same thing earlier today, driving to work. There are a bunch of multifam developments going up all around the big box stores in Orchards/Ellerslie/Summerside/Charlesworth, as well as a lot of trails/pathways that crisscross these newer developments and actually allow easier access to commercial areas. While far from ideal, from a city-wide mobility point of view, it is becoming a lot easier to move around without a car down here, especially if you bike.
Just by looking at the ones I drive by every day on my way to work still under construction, there are probably over 500 new units going up around the 54st/Ellerslie Rd Superstore, which are all with walking distance to quite a few stores. And on top of these, there are the ones already finished and leased.
The townhome complex around the Orchards future Co-Op is also quite interesting, and there are condos and apartments projected to be built on 66st/25Ave, across from it, as well.
The only thing it lacks, IMO, to be a fairly reasonable compromise between typical suburbia and a proper urban experience is better transit.