One of the great spaces in Toronto - to me - is the great hall in our Union Station. This ceiling puts me in a contemplative mood; thinking of all those who've passed underneath it; yada yada...
Unlike the ceilings in some of our grander churches; this one can be enjoyed nonsecularily.
Mustapha: Toronto Union Station is a classic - Thankfully it has prospered and been refurbished in recent years and among the memories I have
is my first visits to Toronto by train in 1979-80 and later learning that this great hall was once threatened to be demolished - I believe sometime
in the later 60s/early 70s era...TUS is a symbol of Toronto and its railways from the golden days of rail transport that is alive and quite well today...
Then. Sometime soon after its opening in 1927. Looking E.
Dec. 5, 2014. The Christmas Market ends today, Sunday. My Now pic was shot looking SW.