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The sex scandal was at the beginning.

I'd have totally disregarded Ford's experiences in Florida if he had been open and honest about them. Smitherman has talked openly about his problems with drugs following the death of his father, and I respect that. People make mistakes People suffer. What I don't like is someone hiding a piece of their past, lying about it when confronted, and then continuing to support a 'tough on crime' plank at city council that calls for people with addictions to be arrested and sent to prison.

Exactly. Well said.
Ahh, for the days when Adam Giambrone quit the mayor's race. Why did Adam Giambrone quit? Must have been worse than Rob Ford's current predicament.
And if Ford didn't think he was drunk, why did he refuse to take the breathalyzer test? Come on Ford supporters, get real! This is the guy you want leading Toronto?

Yes. I like my politicians to have minor personality flaws, but when it comes to the big stuff will put the best interests of the majority of Torontonians first and foremost.

In a CTV poll that asked that asked "Are you offended by Rob Ford's comments about immigration?" 86% VOTED NO!

Ford is saying what 80% of the over 14,000 voters did in the Toronto Star's recent online poll question about the Tamils. What Ford did over a decade ago on vacation before he ever became an elected politician is as irrelevant as whether Sarah Thomson remembered by how much she lost an election by in Hamilton all those years ago. Why aren't you outraged by Smitherman's known use of recreational party drugs (LSD? coke? heroin?) while a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario?
I love that the campaign is focused on dirt rather than vision for the city. Isn't democracy grand?

Dirt that endears Ford to the armchair commentators sitting at home watching as the media tries to destroy him. Democracy in its truest sense allows for even an "unpopular" sentiment to be given airtime. One has nothing to lose by voting for Ford because his opponents have blown every opportunity to be credible and reliable. They have overtaxed us, taken us for granted, never listened to us, their voters, their employers! They never considered themselves servants to the public. They have acted like masters who are not accountable to the democratic process.
In a CTV poll that asked that asked "Are you offended by Rob Ford's comments about immigration?" 86% VOTED NO!

"Disclaimer: This is not scientific and reflects the opinions of only those Internet users who have chosen to participate."

Why aren't you outraged by Smitherman's known use of recreational party drugs (LSD? coke? heroin?) while a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario?

1. LSD and heroin aren't "party" drugs. They're kind of the opposite of party drugs. Knowing when and where he did them, we can be 90% sure that he used coke and/or exctacy/MDMA...and if he went to rehab for it, then it's almost certainly the former.
2. The issue isn't that Ford smoked pot, it's that he lied about it. And then he lied about the DUI. Just like he lied about not being at the Leafs game when he drunkingly berated other fans and got himself kicked out. His first instinct is to lie and only when confronted with concrete proof does he "remember" what happened.
That's the absolute Machiavellian brilliance of the ridiculous Conservative "Liberal Media" line. It means that Conservatives can do literally anything, no matter how bad, and their base will dutifully blame not the transgressor, but the "biased" media for having brought it up. I mean, conservatives these days can get away with literally anything and their base will simply blame the media for pulling the blindfolds off their eyes. I mean look at David Vitter!
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Fresh Start, please provide evidence that Smitherman used drugs after 1999, when he was first elected to the legislature.

Smitherman says he did not hold elected office while struggling with his drug addiction, but says his desire to enter public life was his motive to find help.

"I am a fairly driven person (and) it was the recognition that this was disabling me," he told the Star.

After speaking with his physician, he then visited an addiction specialist. Smitherman and the specialist spoke for two sessions about the damage the drugs were doing to his brain.

Finally, he received counselling with a drug specialist psychiatrist on about 15 to 20 occasions. The result was parting company with certain friends who were too closely associated with the party scene and abstaining from alcohol to break the drug habit.

Smitherman told the Star he has been free of stimulants for a decade and finds he can occasionally drink a glass of wine, but nothing stronger.
Now the campaign is about the candidate's historic recreational drug and alcohol use.

What happened to the city? I guess it's no longer on the agenda for this election.
I think that Ford's supporters are loud (just like him) but I doubt he will finish any where near the top when the 32% of Torontonians who are still undecided cast their ballots.

I think that Pantalone will gain traction and will either win or come in 2nd.

Unless something dramatic happens (a top candidate drops out) I predict:

1 - Mayor Joe
2 - Smitherman
3 - Ford
4 - Thomson
5 - Rossi
Why aren't you outraged by Smitherman's known use of recreational party drugs (LSD? coke? heroin?) while a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario?
Why are you making up stories? I've never seen a report that he used drugs while a member of the Legislative Assembly.

We all know that Rob Ford is a pathological liar. Why are you emulating him?

Why are you supporting a gay-bashing immigrant-hating pathological liar? Are these qualities that you think the mayor of the largest city in Canada should possess?

Perhaps the solution is that Rob Ford should change his name ... get a fresh start ... and start his campaign again.

Wow indeed. The polling numbers are just not in working in other candidates' favour. They have had months to define who they are but the populace is not buying in. The Ford supporters have definitely decided and are strong in their support and are determined to show up at the poles to cast their votes. They want change, they will get change. Their drive for change is unwavering. Odd that the 4 others candidates are ganging up to oppose Ford but offer nothing in their platforms but more of what Toronto has already had.

Toronto has the lowest residential tax rates in the GTA. Do you even pay property tax?

The low property tax myth has to end. By measuring property tax against assesment it looks like Toronto has low rates, but it doesn't. Because of the high cost of property, the market value in Toronot is considerably higher than anywhere else in Ontario. There is only one base against which tax, any tax, should be meaused and that is income. On this measure Toronto doesn't come out so well.
The low property tax myth has to end. By measuring property tax against assesment it looks like Toronto has low rates, but it doesn't. Because of the high cost of property, the market value in Toronot is considerably higher than anywhere else in Ontario. There is only one base against which tax, any tax, should be meaused and that is income. On this measure Toronto doesn't come out so well.
To some extent you are correct, and this does mitigate the extreme difference in rates. However even take an average Toronto house, and compare to an average (pick your city) house, the total amount paid per year in Toronto is lower than almost every over 905 city.

This is because of Toronto's policy of shifting the tax burden from residents to business. But these days, even the left-wingers on council agree that it's gone a bit far, and tax rates have been rising for residents in Toronto, and dropping for businesses.

Surely, as a right-wing businessman, Rob Ford is more likely to increase residential tax rates, and decrease business tax rates faster than any of the other candidates. And quite frankly, this would be a reason to support Ford ... because residents will pay more tax.

Not that he has a hope in hell of ever being elected ...
Fresh Start, please provide evidence that Smitherman used drugs after 1999, when he was first elected to the legislature.

Now we both know that the source of the allegation that he was using in 2001 isn't exactly credible, but still I have my doubts as to whether Smitherman stopped as cold turkey as he has claimed. But your quote there now makes me question whether Smitherman is even psychologically fit to be our Mayor?
