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That's the absolute Machiavellian brilliance of the ridiculous Conservative "Liberal Media" line. It means that Conservatives can do literally anything, no matter how bad, and their base will dutifully blame not the transgressor, but the "biased" media for having brought it up. I mean, conservatives these days can get away with literally anything and their base will simply blame the media for pulling the blindfolds off their eyes. I mean look at David Vitter!

Though the funny thing is: it's not unlike the base of support for a lot of black politicians and figureheads in the US--and I can't help thinkng back to Toni Morrison calling Bill Clinton America's first black president after the Lewinsky scandal. Maybe in Rob Ford's case, white is the new black...
Yes. I like my politicians to have minor personality flaws, but when it comes to the big stuff will put the best interests of the majority of Torontonians first and foremost.

In a CTV poll that asked that asked "Are you offended by Rob Ford's comments about immigration?" 86% VOTED NO!

Ford is saying what 80% of the over 14,000 voters did in the Toronto Star's recent online poll question about the Tamils. What Ford did over a decade ago on vacation before he ever became an elected politician is as irrelevant as whether Sarah Thomson remembered by how much she lost an election by in Hamilton all those years ago. Why aren't you outraged by Smitherman's known use of recreational party drugs (LSD? coke? heroin?) while a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario?

Let's face it, you've run out of excuses and justification for Ford. You can pretend that you just don't get it but I really think you do. (You're not that stupid) Why not just come out and stop being so disingenuous. It's clear that you don't care what Ford does, right or wrong. This is the guy you want and you'll take whatever crap Ford does because you guys share the same agenda. Ford could do just about anything and I'm sure you'd stand behind your man. I know there are lots of people just like you. (though few of them are gay, I would imagine)

I'll guess we'll have to wait a few months to see if most Torontonians think like you. I really find that hard to believe, in spite of all the stupidity I've read in newspaper comments. I guess anything is possible. (but god, I hope you're wrong)
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Now we both know that the source of the allegation that he was using in 2001 isn't exactly credible, but still I have my doubts as to whether Smitherman stopped as cold turkey as he has claimed. But your quote there now makes me question whether Smitherman is even psychologically fit to be our Mayor?

I'm not a huge Smitherman fan, but his talking openly about his struggles with addictions is one thing I very much respect him for.

But come off it, Smitherman battling an addiction makes you question his mental fitness to be mayor but Ford's pattern of alcohol abuse doesn't? He has now admitted to driving after consuming 'a couple of litres of wine' with his wife, suffered through an embarrassing incident where he got drunk at a hockey game and made offensive comments, and was arrested - but not charged - following an incident where his wife alleged domestic abuse.
The difference between Smitherman and Ford is one has admitted to and dealt with his abuse problems. The other one hasn't admitted it yet ... this was clear today with the bizarre claims that one wouldn't be drunk after splitting 2 litres of wine. These are clearly the words of an addict in denial.

Personally I don't think either of these two would make a good mayor though ... and that has nothing to do with their present or past issues with substance abuse. Smitherman however, seems a hell of a lot further along the path to rehab than Ford. And at least he would be a role model for something other than KKK wannabes.
Let's face it, you've run out of excuses and justification for Ford. You can pretend that you just don't get it but I really think you do. (You're not that stupid) Why not just come out and stop being so disingenuous. It's clear that you don't care what Ford does, right or wrong. This is the guy you want and you'll take whatever crap Ford does because you guys share the same agenda. Ford could do just about anything and I'm sure you'd stand behind your man. I know there are lots of people just like you. (though few of them are gay, I would imagine)

I'll guess we'll have to wait a few months to see if most Torontonians think like you. I really find that hard to believe, in spite of all the stupidity I've read in newspaper comments. I guess anything is possible. (but god, I hope you're wrong)

You simply do not get it that this has nothing to do with whether I think Ford's the best person for the job, but everything to do with how terribly David Miller and his deputy has turned this city for the worse IMO, and how detrimental George Smitherman has been to the Province of Ontario. If Sarah Thomson or even Rossi were credible options at this point, I would be inclined to vote for one of them (their views are largely representative of John Tory's after all); but the way things are going, if I had to choose between a City Councillor who has been consistent in his opposition to Miller's outlandish and fiscally irresponsible schemes, a NDP benchwarmer and yes-man, and Smitherfraud... well...
... everything to do with how terribly David Miller and his deputy has turned this city for the worse IMO
What an absurd statement! I can think of many good things Miller has done for the city. And surprisingly few for the last Tory mayor ... Lastman.

Really, would you stop it with these baseless statements?

I honestly don't know what kind of Mayor Ford would make but Smitherman as mayor has to be taken more seriously due to the fact of his connection with the ehealth scandal.

A billion dollars disappears and there's been zero accountability including that of Smitherman. Now he wants to be mayor and I'm surprised more people on this forum aren't upset or disturbed that this guy might be in charge considering this. Ford probably lost some traction because he wasn't honest with the public about his DUI. The man has flaws and sticking his foot in his mouth is one of them. That being said however.....

It's interesting that some people are painting Ford as the devil though but seem willing to give Smitherman a complete pass. As for Miller? Let's face it. Under his leadership this city has sunk so deep into debt that it's obvious how bad things are crumbling and the ridiculous tax hikes and grabs to keep paying for things. And let's not forget how how he completely blew it with the unions and let them steamroll the city over with their demands.

I'm a union person but Miller has just lost my confidence with his leadership on too many issues.
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The low property tax myth has to end. By measuring property tax against assesment it looks like Toronto has low rates, but it doesn't. Because of the high cost of property, the market value in Toronot is considerably higher than anywhere else in Ontario.

Well, I can certainly understand wanting to vote for Ford to lower property values in the city and, therefore, property taxes even further. I can't argue against that point.
A billion dollars disappear and there's been zero accountability including that of Smitherman.
You make it sound like it was stolen. Where the money went is documented. Alberta - a much smaller province - has spent $1.4 billion on their system. Is this incompetence, or just the nature of the beast? Whose to blame ... those in the ministry that should understand how the system would work, or the minister? eHealth Ontario wasn't created until September 2008 ... 3 months after Smitherman left the Health ministry.

Seems to me putting all this on Smitherman's plate is a bit partisan. Surely David Caplan has more responsibility on this. And if your going to blame Smitherman for eHealth, don't you then have to commend him on the Green Energy Act?
Would Miller save the day?

Do you think that Miller would consider running for re-election if the possibility of Rob Ford as Mayor (and destroying Miller's legacy) became inevitable unless he ran? Do you think that Miller would win?

His reasons for not running are to spend time with his family. However, I think that the thought of his life's work -- 2 terms as Mayor of Toronto -- being undone in under a year by the kind of policies Rob Ford says he would follow could make him reconsider.

Could he win? I think that many people, presented with the option of Rob Ford or David Miller would pick the incumbent.

Your thoughts?
I've been told over and over again that Smitherman was around regarding ehealth. My mistake if this is incorrect. Still, a billion dollars later and what do we have to show for it? And why did this cost a billion plus dollars?
"eHealth" generally refers to (in Ontario, at least) a decade-long effort by two Ontario governments (Conservative & Liberal) to create electronic health records for everybody. It was left in the hands of a CEO and various consultants with an apparent fondness for no-bid contracts and expense accounts. Smitherman was Minister of Health for five years, from 2003 to 2008, and presided over some of this, though the agency didn't take the 'eHealth' name until after he was moved to another cabinet post.

Ultimately, the whole thing became a big mess and it was not a proud moment for anyone involved, including Smitherman. I think it's a black mark on his record and may speak to an inability to effectively manage projects, but it's not like it was some socialist plot to throw a billion dollars down a well.
Have any studies been conducted to determine the "profile" of the typical online forum poster for newspaper websites?

I want to know how accurate the "mood" on those forums are. Perhaps there is a huge cross-section of the populace which is unrepresented and whose opinion will only come out on election day.
I mean if it turns out the average newspaper forum poster is a 35-65 year old male WASP... then the mood on those forums becomes largely irrelevant!
No one is stopping you (or other like-minded people) from posting on those websites. But what if the mood on this forum (which has fewer contributors) is largely irrelevant?

I think that Ford's supporters are loud (just like him) but I doubt he will finish any where near the top when the 32% of Torontonians who are still undecided cast their ballots.

I think that Pantalone will gain traction and will either win or come in 2nd.

Unless something dramatic happens (a top candidate drops out) I predict:

1 - Mayor Joe
I predict you'll be wrong.
