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I sent him an email asking him not to vote for the strike settlement deal and I got back a boilerplate "thanks for your comments" email (although I did get it back very quickly). He also added me to his mailing list without asking me.

My parents emailed their councillor (Bill Saundercook) and, although he did later vote for the deal, he at least responded to their email with a list of reasons why he thought the deal was the right one for the city. I would have appreciated the same from Vaughan.

Something tells me Saundercook has a bit less on his plate than Adam Vaughan. I live in Saundercook's ward and work/do business in Vaughan's ward. In my experience, Saundercook is less accessible than Vaughan.

However, I don't see why a savvy guy like Vaughan wouldn't have had a better form letter ready to send back to you.
Perfect Candidate:

Mike Clemens!

He's got leadership skills - he can round up 46 grown men from different backgrounds and get them to work together. Successfully!

Hes' got excellent charisma and notoriety for electability purposes

Heavy community involvement

He's has experience running a large organization (Argos)

He'd get my vote.

HAHAHAHA. What an offensive suggestion. We've already tried a Paul Godfrey puppet and he turned out to be a corrupt, philandering, ineffectual deadbeat dad.
And if anyone is 'qualified' to run a city, it would be someone with expereince in balancing the sensitive budgets and varied personalities that come with running a CFL team. And if you look through his bio, Clemens has probably had more community involvement in the last 20 years than any of the incumbents. Especially the Mayor


Tongue in cheek, I hope?
My sources tell me the right wing are currently kicking the tires on Glen Murray's car to see if it's got any miles left in it. Other than his "milestone" factor and poorly timed attempt to join the federal (Liberal) cabinet, I don't know too much about Murray. He's now heading up the Canadian urban Institute, which I also don't know much about.

Jeez ... I don't know much about much (expect that we will have abandoned our civic duty if we manage to elect a former pro athlete as mayor).
expect that we will have abandoned our civic duty if we manage to elect a former pro athlete as mayor

I agree. Fight the urge to vote for celebs like the Terminator, Stuart Smalley, and Ace. I does ourselves an injustice to think that because someone is a good entertainer that they would make a good politician. We aren't voting for the prom king and queen.
Anyone think Sue Ann Levy might be testing the waters with a run for the Conservatives in the St. Pauls byelection? According to the Star, a key plank in her platform will be criticizing the McGuinty Liberals for giving a reckless David Miller powers to over-tax the city. It seems like Levy will be running more against Miller than McGuinty, which could mean her ambitions lie elsewhere.
It goes both ways though. It may be ridiculous to vote for someone because they are a celebrity, but it is just as ridiculous to not vote for someone because they are a celebrity. As always, the main concern has to be what is the candidate advocating. I would vote for a mime if he/she was campaigning on a platform I agreed with. These identity politic issues (where a person lives, where they used to work, coke vs. pepsi...) are just background noise compared to larger issues.
It goes both ways though. It may be ridiculous to vote for someone because they are a celebrity, but it is just as ridiculous to not vote for someone because they are a celebrity. As always, the main concern has to be what is the candidate advocating. I would vote for a mime if he/she was campaigning on a platform I agreed with. These identity politic issues (where a person lives, where they used to work, coke vs. pepsi...) are just background noise compared to larger issues.

Very true. But entertainers have a public profile for reasons that are seldom related to their ability to govern. If Michael Clemons has real, substantive positions backed by cogent arguments, then good for him. So far, I only know "Pinball Clemons": the guy who is a favoured subject of Toronto Sun covers, replete with a bikini-clad lady (or two), a corporate mascot and a stupid pun for a headline. In fact, is anyone pushing this idea except Paul Godfrey?

Also didn't know that he's a Christian fundamentalist. No wonder he's always smiling -- he has god on his side.
The opposition to Miller has launched a new effort against him. From a Sun article:

Residents unhappy with Mayor David Miller's reign are taking it to the streets with a not-so-subtle sign campaign.

The bright yellow signs with black letters that shout "David Miller is an idiot!" have been springing up around the city this week.

Although the people behind the signs are on the mailing list and attended some organizing events of the Toronto Party, they claim they're acting as individuals trying to spur a "silent majority" against the mayor.

"I think (the signs) speak for themselves," said a woman who has the sign in her Heath St. W. front garden.

The woman, who refused to give her name, said she's a life-long Torontonian but disagrees with Miller's tenure.

"He's made our city dirty," she said. "He makes me ashamed of my city."
Sue Levy would make a great mayor..imagine her and Rob Ford or Denzel Wong as the righty bunch.It would make the special interest groups shake in their earth sandals and the unions rethink about going on strike in a deep recession.I vote for her as mayor.
