Midtown Urbanist
That period of time that you speak of was also far from the historical norm. Throughout human history, China has always been a major (and often the primary) player in the world stage with the sole exception of the past two hundred years. Now that they have industrialized their economy, we are merely returning to historical norms.I’ll be 50 in 2021. I remember when China didn’t have this hold and impact on the world. Toys or electronics if they came from Asia were made in British Hong Kong, Japan or Singapore. It wasn’t that long ago that China didn’t dominate our economies, labour standards, universities, tourism and trade. I know we can’t put the genie back in the bottle, but life was okay pre-China.
New reality or return to reality, it makes no difference however, China simply can't allow those wet markets to continue operating when the risks are so evident. I hope there is a global response to China on this through the international channels. We can't allow another massive global economic disruption and human loss of life due to a preventable pandemic, plus those wet markets are also destroying some of our planet's rich biodiversity.