This isn't about a 'dislike of lockdowns' this is discussing the insane overreaction to a virus that largely doesn't affect the general population and even the most vulnerable population. 5,300 covid deaths to date OUT OF A POPULATION OF NEARLY 15 MILLION in the province. In the same timeframe that we reached those 5,300 virus deaths these past 10 months or so, about 80-90,000 people in Ontario have died by other causes and those deaths occurred in much larger numbers in other age demographics than just the oldest and sickest.
It's like you think that number's going to remain static at 5,300 if we let the virus run it's course. You lack the foresight to see that those numbers get *quite worse* if we aren’t taking precautions. Those death numbers are including all of the things we've been doing to date. Without them, it means thousands of
non-seniors dead. It means
nearly a million young and previously healthy people over the age of 20 with long term or permanent disabilities (long covid). Would you like to permanently require weekly dialysis or a pacemaker, let alone less life-changing things like having erectile dysfunction or never getting your sense of smell back? Because that is happening in all age groups. Brain damage, heart/vascular damage, kidney damage.
10% of people infected covid are showing permanent or long term disability.
That you fail to see that is astounding, even having these things pointed out to you repeatedly. And its why your "opinions" are just biased screeds you feel you're entitled to have people agree with.
We do so many things to prevent the other deaths you say "will happen anyway", so don't act like they just happen without interventions of their own. Doctors around the world recommend and have successfully used lockdowns in cases of severe outbreaks. Epidemiologists; Doctors of Public Health; The Medical and Scientific community who've spent their careers plus a decade in school working on this.
Why do you, Joe Schmoe on a forum, believe you know enough to say they're wrong?
Why do you, Joe Schmoe on a forum, think that all these "common sense" ideas you have were never considered by that community?
Why do you, Joe Schmoe on a forum, believe you're *smarter* than these people?
Yes I'M the one talking out of my butt when YOU'RE the one that declared 'only wealthy people can afford to eat healthy' and that its an impossible task for anyone else even the poor to do.
Did I say only wealthy people can afford to eat healthy? No.
Did I say that healthy eating is a privilege of wealth? Yes.
I didn’t actually “declare” it either as though it were some kind of debatable opinion. I provided you links to studies from three universities and a food security organization saying exactly that; that if you’re poor, it’s harder to eat healthy. When you have little money the choice of eating healthy becomes moot as you need to spend as little as possible per calorie or you will be hungry. It's easy to get a lot of calories for cheap, but a lot of nutritious calories on the other hand, not so much. At this point, I'm not expecting you to grok this though, as I've also seen enough of your posts on to know you aren't exactly a friend to minorities and the poor.
Really, Harvard should've asked you for your opinion instead of a study by that crackpot professor of epidemiology/cardiologist with an MD and Doctorate in Public Health, who's now the Dean of Tufts Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, am I right?
Are you sure you're not talking about yourself? I'm just having a discussion, but you don't seem to like different opinions and think that anyone who isn't 100% for fighting the virus at all costs is wrong/ignorant etc. GOD FORBID we should have more than one way to solve a problem than taking a near scorched earth approach.
You ignore every bit of data to continue repeating a fallacious argument. “Japan’s got less of a problem because they eat healthy”. I don't know how many times you need to be shown there are a multitude of other, bigger factors to understand you're wrong on this; that your opinion doesn't hold water, period. Frankly, you seem to know very little about Japanese culture, but also somehow believe you know that their culture *isn't* the reason why they're suffering less than we are. It makes the irony in your choice of screen names about as subtle as a high school band at the homecoming parade.
That much intention on having your opinion trump facts, figures and knowledge is not actually discussion, it's trolling. And claiming "I'm just having a discussion" is a pretty common trait amongst trolls.
Trolls are never welcome.