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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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So according to OFFICIAL Stats Canada statistics the EXCESS death rate during the pandemic (starting from Jan 2020) was 658 souls. A large loss of life to be sure! (the equivalent of a fully loaded A380 jetliner crashing with the loss of all onboard) but nothing compared to what we have been told from other "official sources" about the loss of life from Covid.

Did the loss of 658 lives justify shutting down the Canadian economy for well over a year costing over a TRILLION dollars which will lead to skyrocketing inflation which will hurt the poor and middle-class the most and will UNDOUBLETLY lead to FAR MORE deaths than the loss of 658 lives! Did the loss of 658 lives justify wiping out the retirement income of countless Canadians which will leave many of them homeless and ultimately way more than 658 death?

During the shutdown lives lost from Opioid overdoses have skyrocketed 75%! Similarly suicide rates are way up
! And then there are the increased deaths the result of so-called "elective surgery" (e.g. ESSENTIAL Cancer , Cardiac and other life saving surgery) being cancelled during the pandemic.

A few days ago I read about a young father who had his cardiac surgery cancelled because it was deemed "NON-ESENTIAL" i.e. "ELECTIVE" . He sadly died from a heart-attack leaving behind a young widow and two young children.


This Stats Can release covers total excess deaths for 2020.

The screenshot below highlights the relevant data

Read it it again. That figure is for "January 2021 to early February 2021", not the entire pandemic. LMAO at anyone who believes that's the entire death toll from COVID.
I need to read it again?

QUOTE: (copy paste)
"Stats Canada says the excess death rate from Jan 2020- Feb 2021 was 2.1% (658 more than usual)."

"Jan 2020 - Feb 2021" = ~ 1 year
I need to read it again?

QUOTE: (copy paste)
"Stats Canada says the excess death rate from Jan 2020- Feb 2021 was 2.1% (658 more than usual)."

"Jan 2020 - Feb 2021" = ~ 1 year
Read the actual link beyond the headline. Rufus misquoted. Northern Light has highlighted what the text actually says. This is how misinformation spreads.
I am not sure who is watching the new Law & Order spinoff called Organized Crime, but the main villain on the show (played by Dylan McDermott) is using the pandemic to his advantage. In one episode, his people literally stole vaccines and had a vaccination party for some rich people hopping the line. Tonight, he made a really good point that 90% of the doses are controlled by a handful of rich countries and poor or developing ones are literally begging for some of it, so his business plan is to sell the vaccines to that market and make billions. Topical stuff.

"so his business plan is to sell the vaccines to that market and make billions"

I know it's quickly produced fiction, designed to be "ripped from the headlines," but this is farcical even for them. To make billions he would have to have tens of millions of vaccine doses, perhaps even 100's of millions. Where is he keeping all these? How could that many go missing? Do we even have that many sitting around somewhere to be stolen? How will "poor countries" pay "billions" for them? On top of that, all the vaccines have already been licenesed for production to a few dozen countries around the world too, and that happened like 8-12 minths ago, so the handful of "rich countries in control" is kind of horsehit, but l get that's something people really want to believe to be true. It's really the rich countries controlling distribution from each other, not from the poor countries.
I did NOT misquote. Jan 2020 - Feb 2021. I did NOT misquote.
Please read again the 4th paragraph of the article. "From January 2021 to early February 2021, there were 31,509 deaths in Canada. This amounts to 2.1%, or 658, more deaths than expected if there were no pandemic."
So according to OFFICIAL Stats Canada statistics the EXCESS death rate during the pandemic (starting from Jan 2020) was 658 souls. A large loss of life to be sure! (the equivalent of a fully loaded A380 jetliner crashing with the loss of all onboard) but nothing compared to what we have been told from other "official sources" about the loss of life from Covid.

Did the loss of 658 lives justify shutting down the Canadian economy for well over a year costing over a TRILLION dollars which will lead to skyrocketing inflation which will hurt the poor and middle-class the most and will UNDOUBLETLY lead to FAR MORE deaths than the loss of 658 lives! Did the loss of 658 lives justify wiping out the retirement income of countless Canadians which will leave many of them homeless and ultimately way more than 658 death?

During the shutdown lives lost from Opioid overdoses have skyrocketed 75%! Similarly suicide rates are way up
! And then there are the increased deaths the result of so-called "elective surgery" (e.g. ESSENTIAL Cancer , Cardiac and other life saving surgery) being cancelled during the pandemic.

A few days ago I read about a young father who had his cardiac surgery cancelled because it was deemed "NON-ESENTIAL" i.e. "ELECTIVE" . He sadly died from a heart-attack leaving behind a young widow and two young children.

You need the think about the counterfactual. If we let COVID spread uncontrolled, you'd have people dying on the steps of the hospital or at home in large numbers because they couldn't get care. The fact that excess deaths are low is a direct consequence of our success in controlling the pandemic.
I did NOT misquote. Jan 2020 - Feb 2021. I did NOT misquote.
My apologies. The headline does say January 2020 to February 2021. BUT the 658 deaths only refers to the two month period of January 2021 to February 2021. The full year total is included in the text and is much higher.

therefore your statement of “Stats Canada says the excess death rate from Jan 2020- Feb 2021 was 2.1% (658 more than usual)” Is incorrect
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Funny enough the US is selling out stadiums and we are here in Ontario being told to stay home through the summer.
I'm reading the SSP COVID page of the US. I think that the general attitude there is more laissez-faire, and that Canada is more cautious around these things. I think we could take a hint from them, and move towards less rules (the only time I'll ever say we should move towards the US). So, I agree with you.
You're not going to get full compliance. You cannot just tell people that we are shutting down, for a few weeks. That bridge was crossed last year. I think that society in general needs to have a discussion about whether continuing lockdowns into the summer is the best for society, in general. So I'll start it:

I think that it can be detrimental to society. It's true that lockdowns do reduce COVID transmission. It's also true that doctors are trained to think about public health, whereas politicians are *supposed* to balance all the factors out and make the right decision.

An entire generation's education was disrupted for a year, and millions of people have lost their jobs. How many lives were saved? I am wondering how much stress this has caused to society in general. Probably quite a lot.
Lockdowns once everyone is vaccinated is ridiculous. If everyone's protected, what are lockdowns doing? 2 weeks after my vaccination, I'm calling my lockdown over. At least, with friends who are also vaccinated ...
I agree with AoD that they need to see ICU availability increase. Potential ICU patients originate from any number of medical conditions outside of Covid. There is also the issue of critical patients who are being treated outside of an ICU simply because of lack of capacity, as well as those who have been involuntarily re-located.
Dancing around maximum capacity is not good planning, if for no other reason than staffing who have been dealing with this for over a year. I saw an interviewing with a Chief of Something of one of our local hospitals who said that, normally he would deal with 3-4 ICU patients at any given time but has lately been typically dealing with 12.

If nothing else, summer is coming. In spite of the lockdown, serious road collisions are happening along with all of the other medical impacts of summertime.

Maybe if the gangbangers either stopped shooting up the place or learn better aim . . .
If people are vaccinated, they shouldn't be back in the ICU. Something's going wrong if ICU availability is decreasing slower than admission grew last month.
