News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 02, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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I am currently feeling awful, chest pain and tightness for almost a week. Going in to the doctor tomorrow to rule things out. Likely just inflammation but always err on the side of caution. I've been careful but not careful enough obviously.

Hope you're feeling better.
I haven't caught it again since my first time last January. It felt like a mild cold. By then, though, I wasn't aware that it increased the risk of cardiovascular problems considerably for a year, even after mild cases, and even in vaccinated people. I know three youngish people to whom it happened shortly after they got infected. Fortunately, they are all still with us.

So, no parties or restaurants for me!
Hope you're feeling better.
I am feeling quite a bit better these past two days thanks! Chest pain mostly gone. Seems likely that it was just inflammation around my sternum and ribs and nothing more serious.

Thankfully, being an athlete, I also have access to an FSM machine which is specifically designed to help treat pain and inflammation which has no doubt also helped a ton!

It wasn't covid, at least accoring to a rapid test. But still, I can't ever remember a sickness that has done something like this to me. It wasn't the most sick I've ever been but it was definitely the most concerning and discomforting.
Our household got it a few weeks ago. 5 shots each for the adults, 3 for our daughter. My wife and I had literally our 5th shot just two weeks before it struck us. Our daughter was the only kid in her class regularly wearing a mask (N95 to boot), but it spread around the school like wildfire and it was inevitable.

Our daughter had it easiest. Nothing more than a runny nose and slight cough for a few days. She tested positive for about four days.

I got it three days after she brought it home. I had a moderate head cold for a few days, and at the worst of it felt about 80% of my normal self. For the first two days, my temperature was slightly elevated, but never got beyond 37.6°C. My first dose (AstraZeneca) made me feel far worse than the disease did. Felt fine after day three, but tested positive for another eight days; so eleven total.

My wife caught it five days after our daughter. It hit her the hardest. Almost one entire day was spent sleeping, with full-on fever. After four days she was back to normal. By day six, she was no longer testing positive. She caught it last and had it worse, but tested clean days before I did. Go figure.
Rapid testing doesn't mean a whole lot, once you know you tested positive.
Rapid testing doesn't mean a whole lot, once you know you tested positive.
It does let you know if you’re still contagious though. Even if the current rules allow for being out amongst the public maskless if your symptoms are improving even while testing positive (masks are not mandatory in this situation); personal responsibility and conscience was more important to me and I stayed in.

Even though I felt fine, I was still ending up with a near black test line on the RAg test for quite a while. I felt a little like Typhoid Mary at that point; ultra contagious but asymptomatic.
It does let you know if you’re still contagious though. Even if the current rules allow for being out amongst the public maskless if your symptoms are improving even while testing positive (masks are not mandatory in this situation); personal responsibility and conscience was more important to me and I stayed in.

Even though I felt fine, I was still ending up with a near black test line on the RAg test for quite a while. I felt a little like Typhoid Mary at that point; ultra contagious but asymptomatic.
The rapid tests don't tell you if you are still contagious, though. This is why they have the time-based guidelines. You can test positive or negative and still have infection or not have infection. You can have a false positive after you have cleared the infection due to virus particles. I see no harm in continued testing, it just concerns me when I hear people (not you) say "after 5 days I tested negative so I am okay to go out in public again". The only test that is really meaningful if the first positive one, as that starts the clock (or based on symptoms). Further tests are really just noise.
The rapid tests don't tell you if you are still contagious, though. This is why they have the time-based guidelines. You can test positive or negative and still have infection or not have infection. You can have a false positive after you have cleared the infection due to virus particles. I see no harm in continued testing, it just concerns me when I hear people (not you) say "after 5 days I tested negative so I am okay to go out in public again". The only test that is really meaningful if the first positive one, as that starts the clock (or based on symptoms). Further tests are really just noise.
This is exactly what the rapid tests tell you: whether or not you are contagious, provided they are done properly. PCR tests, however, can remain positive after you are no longer contagious.

This Twitter thread by immunologist Michael Mina is informative.
Alberta has some of the highest covid hospitalizations in Canada. These numbers will only get worse with an antivaxxer premier at the helm.

Looks like the Alberta numbers got better instead.

Change in hospitalizations per million since that post was made.

QC: +17
BC: +15
NL: +1
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ON: -48
China's u-turn on covid is evidence they saw the protests as a genuine threat to the regime. On one hand its almost unbelievable they were that scared, on the other hand their total reversal with zero road map is a disaster waiting to happen.

A LOT of people are going to die.
I don't think they were that scared. The outbreak was already starting to spread out of control before the protests.

My interpretation is that the CCP just decided it was a lost cause and to bite the bullet on whatever the impact of the outbreak will be in exchange for the benefit of rebooting the economy, and whatever damage comes from it all they can deflect the blame to the protestors.

Some aspects of the reopening were poorly handled though. Ex people were afraid of buying ibuprofen during Covid Zero because it would trigger red QR codes so their home stocks were depleted and now they're looking to restock even if they don't have an immediate need in case they get covid later but aren't able to buy ibuprofen because they aren't allowed to leave their home quarantine. So while there was probably going to be a rush on ibuprofen anyways due to immediate need from people catching covid, that has made it worse, and now they have significant shortages.
I finally caught it this week. Mild sore throat Tuesday night, sore throat and a positive rapid test Wednesday morning, headache and extreme fatigue setting in through the day on Wednesday, fever starting Wednesday night and peaking yesterday. Fever is down today but I have a cough. Wish I knew where I caught it. I've been pretty risk averse and have managed to avoid it for almost three years, but I guess we're all going to catch it sooner or later.
Hmm, I think I finally caught it (mild symptoms, but feeling overwhelmingly tired) - but my rapid test is still showing negative.

I finally caught it this week. Mild sore throat Tuesday night, sore throat and a positive rapid test Wednesday morning, headache and extreme fatigue setting in through the day on Wednesday, fever starting Wednesday night and peaking yesterday. Fever is down today but I have a cough. Wish I knew where I caught it. I've been pretty risk averse and have managed to avoid it for almost three years, but I guess we're all going to catch it sooner or later.

I will join the sick club. Started feeling off the past few days, just assumed it was from stress from all the work and running around i was doing. Today chills, headache extreme fatigue cough, body aches. Feels like I ran a marathon. I slept in until almost noon. i haven't slept that late since i was a teen.

I'm cancelling Christmas dinner with my family tomorrow. Some of my relatives are getting up there in age, not going to spread what ever the hell i have. COVID? Flu? Cold? Some other virus? I don't have any rapid tests.
