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Ah, they are coming here cause of Bush only. Once US is getting better, they will go back.

It's typical, Canada is a shelter to everyone. People don't stay here unless they have to other choice.

People leave the country, go work somewhere...when they get sick, they come back and take advantage of this country.
The Mexicans are coming too...


Link to article

Canada looks to bring in more Mexicans

Aug 16, 2007 05:29 PM
Canadian Press

OTTAWA – While the U.S. Congress turns up its nose at immigration reform, Canada is poised to start negotiations that would bring even more Mexican workers into this country.

An agreement to strike a commission into increased labour mobility is expected to be among the key accomplishments connected with next week's summit of North American leaders in Montebello, Que.

Mexico's ambassador to Canada, Emilio Goicoechea, said in an interview that the idea is to expand an already successful program that brings in thousands of Mexican agricultural workers every year.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon and Prime Minister Stephen Harper will hold a private meeting Wednesday.

"The first step will be a declaration from the leaders and the political will to do it, and the question of how it will happen will be up to a working group that will work out the details with Mexican and Canadian legislation," Goicoechea said today.

In June, the U.S. Senate rejected a bill that would have allowed more Mexican workers to legally enter the country and would have granted citizenship to some of the millions already there illegally. Since then, Washington passed a bill cracking down on illegals, sparking an outcry from American farmers who depend on the workers.

Canada currently takes in 12,000 Mexican workers through the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program, but is examining ways it could bring in even more people to fill low- or semi-skilled jobs. There has also been talk about more mobility for energy workers, especially for Alberta.

Mexico is also expected to raise with Canada the issue of contraband weapons flowing north and south from the United States, and what can be done collaboratively on the issue.

The discussions are another indication of the deepening relationship between Canada and Mexico, a hemispheric success story for both countries. Bilateral trade has been increasing, and there has been more co-ordination in areas such as energy, defence and security.

Canadian prime ministers, including Stephen Harper, have cultivated closer personal ties with their Mexican counterparts over several years.

Harper was one of the first leaders to congratulate Calderon on his victory last year, and attend his November inauguration.

"They're becoming good friends, they trust each other, and that's something really important in order to develop better relations in the future," said Goicoechea.

Still, a few irritants remain.

Canadian officials acknowledge that the number of Mexican visitors turned away at airports and land crossings is increasing, a sore point with the Mexican government. Last year, a high-profile Mexico City lawyer was turned away at Vancouver's airport when attempting to visit a client.

And some Mexican agricultural workers have complained of ill-treatment by Canadian employers. The issue has gained a high-profile particularly in Quebec, where news reports say the Canadian government has done little to investigate the allegations.

Goicoechea said his country would like to see a system set up to protect and assist seasonal workers when they're in the country. He said for example that a worker who is fired with or without cause has little recourse, and few resources sometimes to even buy a ticket home and settle accounts.

"Basically, what Mexico wants is that the human rights of Mexican workers who come to Canada are respected, and that there exist mechanisms that can quickly resolve disagreements between parties."


Toronto could use some Mexican workers. If they can work on farms, then why not put them to use in maintenance and construction in urban areas.

Also, it would be nice for Toronto to get a vibrant Mexicantown, like many American cities.
I know a Mexican who came up here, went to grad school and is now working at the head office of a big Canadian bank and doing quite well.

I'm sure you didn't mean it Wylie, but your wording could be read as being offensive, and underestimates the potential of immigrants and foreign workers.

I think we should be more aggressive in offering permanent residency/immigration, rather than the guest worker program.

As for a Mexicantown - there's a few areas where there are businesses catering to Latin Americans - St. Clair West (west of Bathurst), and up a northwesterly direction from there towards Downsview.
Ah, they are coming here cause of Bush only. Once US is getting better, they will go back.

It's typical, Canada is a shelter to everyone. People don't stay here unless they have to other choice.

People leave the country, go work somewhere...when they get sick, they come back and take advantage of this country.

You obviously have no clue how difficult the decision and process is to immigrate to Canada or any country for that matter. Your puddle deep observation about us, our motives and intentions says more about you than us.
While I think thats a huge is impossible to deny that Canada is seen by many of its dual citizens as a place to wreap rewards when needed and contribute little otherwise..and as a proud Canadian that upsets me
I hope nobody is offended after reading my post. My intent when writing that little blurb was not to make a stereotype of Mexicans as cheap labour. I was just writing that those "guest workers" who will be coming shouldn't just be restricted to rural jobs, but can also help with fixing up our cities as well, and by doing so they might be able to enhance the multicultural image of our cities.

If the mods see anything offensive with my above post... please feel free to get rid of it.
And yet in last week's Star travel section the Pink Planet went to Mexico - on the Mexican tourist authority's tab. Seems to me that a right-on paper like the Star should have refused, but this is the paper that loves the environment with an inch thick Wheels section full of ads...
It was a freelance story, was it not?

Time, I think, for another amnesty for illegal immigrants. The last one was in the mid-1980's. Then, once illegals were granted amnesty and got landed immigrant status, they paid tax the same as the rest of us, could get proper health coverage, had deductions from their paycheques for the usual benefits and contributions that everyone else makes, and were able to make a full contribution to society as equals to the rest of us. My late partner was in that situation, and it was a huge relief to us as a couple that he was accepted. The rules were strict - successful applicants had to have been living "underground" continuously for at least five years - thus, many had put up with considerable hardship to stay in Canada - even to be considered for the programme.
While 10,000 certainly does seem puny considering there are over 300 mil Americans, it's proportionate to the annual number of immigrants from China (37,000 in 2004) taking into account that nation's size, and that flow certainly wouldn't be characterized as insignificant.
Ah, they are coming here cause of Bush only. Once US is getting better, they will go back.

It's typical, Canada is a shelter to everyone. People don't stay here unless they have to other choice.

People leave the country, go work somewhere...when they get sick, they come back and take advantage of this country.

Try to stick with the whining you pass of as complaints. Leave the analysis of motives for moving to those who are making such decisions.
Try to stick with the whining you pass of as complaints. Leave the analysis of motives for moving to those who are making such decisions.

I don't tell you what to do or write. So please, take your complaint you pass of as lecture somewhere else. Thank you. :rolleyes:
