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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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re: Land ownership - I vaguely recall a portion of the OSC lands was transferred to the province as part of a deal to fill the Toronto budget hole - it may have been during the Mel or Miller era. Does anyone recall?

Whatever the severity of the issues at hand, Doug Ford's "you'll fall off your chair" rhetoric re what ails the OSC is nothing more than carny talk. It's like a computer guy saying "you'll fall off your chair" re whatever viruses might be floating within your computer, regardless of the fact that *anyone* who isn't a computer guy and doesn't do computer-guy stuff with a computer every, say, month or so would have said stuff floating within and not obviously harmful unless "provoked". Or "you'll fall off your chair" when you find out what your ballpark hot dogs are made of. Or (in a way that his influencer daughters would identify with) "you'll fall off your chair" once you see all that gunk that a Biore deep cleansing pore strip removes from your nose and your face...

Oh heres a twist:

The Lease requires that, where the building constructed is damaged by any cause where over 50% of the building is unfit for the purpose of a museum and is not capable of repair/restoration within three years or where the Province fails to make available the funding to repair/restore within one year, both or either of the City and TRCA may terminate the lease with respect to their own lands. Where the lease is terminated, the City/TRCA can elect to either take possession of the buildings on the Site or require the Province restore the Site to its original condition at the expense of the Province

Also staff saying its not feasible to run the science center. it would require a full doubling of the entire arts budget just for the science center

Oh heres a twist:

Also staff saying its not feasible to run the science center. it would require a full doubling of the entire arts budget just for the science center

It makes no sense for the city to run a science centre in any case - especially in parallel with a provincial facility. Perhaps what they should do is squeeze from the province a commitment to stay for a limited time (along with maybe a cost-sharing for roof replacement for the Reception and Tower building - I don't really see the point of keeping the Valley Building) - in lieu of the province is planning to pay some private company for a lease for at least a few years. At the end of that period, maybe the old OSC can be turned into a STEM school (with the conversion funded by perhaps the redevelopment of the two parking lots)? The province gets a climbdown and some public goodwill;; the city gets a smaller, renewed facility that is ready for reuse - in the context of a newly intensified community that is right by a transit line straight to downtown.

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I'm personally a full restoration/preservation kinda I feel the whole structure is a valued architectural gem that needs to be wholly retained. And any compromise to that here will likely just end up being disappointing, self-defeating and half arsed...I mean compromise is what happened to 401 Bay, in that example. As I also doubt that it will appease the governing Tories who probably still want it nuked from the sky, IMO..
...if Doug fibs anymore about this his hair might just turn orange. >.<
I don’t know about others but the main building would be perfect for a museum of transit. I know it’s very much far fetched but that parking lot space (north and south) would be perfect for a trolley track layout. Take a modern LRT to here to ride and experience the city’s historical transportation development. It would open a lot of doors to lower income families who don’t have the means or available time to get out to Halton.
