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Trudeau? What's he done to support abortion, beyond maintaining the status quo from Harper et al? What would you prefer, he pass a law outlawing a women's rights to her own body?
Nothing that comes to mind; but since Nfitz brought up family values, I assumed that Trudeau -- like most liberals -- is pro choice and that doesn't bode well with the notion of strong familial togetherness.

The problem with abortion is that it isn't elective, cosmetic surgery. If a woman wants a breast augmentation or a nose job, then that is something that will only affect her. A woman doesn't have ownership of a child she is carrying in her womb. It is a separate entity and I don't believe any woman should be able to decide she wants to terminate that child for the sake of her own convenience. To do so is irresponsible. Also, men play half the role in the creation of a child, therefore, their opinions matter just as much as the woman's and should be given equal consideration. If giving birth poses no health concern to the mother, then she ought to go through with her pregnancy. And before someone inevitably brings up the: "what about rape victims?" argument; how does that circumstance apply to a woman that gets pregnant through consensual sex? Exploiting rape victims to try to score argumental points is a terrible thing to do.
Anyone bigoted enough to go around making public speeches that only Christians can be President should be imprisoned for hate crimes.

Nothing better than a man telling women what they should be doing with their bodies.

The Conservative party's insistence at pondering that they should be creating laws around this issue will continue to hurt them at the polls. And yet they just spent 10 years in power. Why do you think Trudeau is going to change the status quo that a majority Conservative government has concluded is okay?

If the Conservatives didn't feel it was necessary to legislate on this, and Trudeau plans no changes to the law, surely you must attack Harper and Trudeau equally.

Who cares what Ben Shapiro thinks? The guy is a complete wing nut - the guy is so bigoted that he once proposed all the Palestinians from ... wait for it ... Palestine.

He's also shown bigoted anti-gay prejudice, and has been promoting anti-Muslim viewpoints, accusing both Obama and Clinton of being pro-Muslim and anti-Christian.

LOL! I'm not sure how you can possible quote a vile piece of shit like him with a straight face!

You can't call Ben Carson a bigot; he's black! You're being racist, Nfitz. You can't make exceptions just because someone is a conservative Christian. If you don't support this black man, then obviously it is because you hate black people. Sound familiar?

The conservatives inaction on the abortion issue doesn't mean they're ok with it. They probably just didn't want to bother trying to change the status quo because it would have been a messy issue. They chose to ignore it not because they think abortion is a good thing.

Yes, Harper deserves to be criticized. I never even said I like Harper, however.

Ah, the typical character assassination against conservatives when someone on the left can't defeat their opponent's arguments. What Shapiro said; was it untrue? You don't decide whether an argument has merit or not based on your personal opinion of somebody. If a murderer said water is wet, it wouldn't be untrue just because you have no respect for them.

Do you not understand that people can agree with certain view points that another person holds without agreeing with everything they stand for? You don't have to be all in or nothing. Stop changing the subject when you don't want to confront issues you can't argue your way out of. Who cares about Shapiro's views on other topics? That's irrelevant to what we're discussing.
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A woman doesn't have ownership of a child she is carrying in her womb. It is a separate entity and I don't believe any woman should be able to decide she wants to terminate that child for the sake of her own convenience.
Fair enough, that's one honest viewpoint. Given the laws of the land and the extremely unlikelihood of your views on abortion (ownership and deciding power) coming to pass, your best chance to keep the unborn alive to be born is to give the mother a reason to keep the child. This can be universal childcare, better maternity leave, protecting women at risk of violence, maintaining education and removing scorn for teen moms (currently, in Toronto high schools, pregnant moms are encouraged to leave their schools and go elsewhere), etc, etc. That's how you slow the abortion rate, by addressing the reason for (not the ability to obtain) abortions.
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On that topic, one the the big losers under Harper was anyone with socially conservative views. Even with a strong majority, he wouldn't change a thing. During that free vote in 2012, Harper himself voted "no" against his own party member's bill. Now, I like that our elections don't get tied up with stuff like gay marriage, abortion and guns. The niqab crap was bad enough as a wedge issue...
Fair enough, that's one honest viewpoint. Given the laws of the land and the extremely unlikelihood of your views on abortion (ownership and deciding power), you're best chance to keep the unborn alive to be born is to give the mother a reason to keep the child. This can be universal childcare, better maternity leave, protecting women at risk of violence, maintaining education and removing scorn for teen moms (currently, in Toronto high schools, pregnant moms are encouraged to leave their schools and go elsewhere), etc, etc. That's how you slow the abortion rate, by addressing the reason for (not the ability to obtain) abortions.
Or maybe people should stop having sex out of wedlock? People that abstain from that have nothing to worry about. They're not the ones getting themselves in these dilemmas because they avoid risky sexual behaviour altogether. Sexual education has been a massive failure given the amount of teen/single moms, STDs that are prevalent in our culture. That is what needs addressing. The popular message of free love over the course of the last 50 years has led to serious social problems that liberals don't want to confront.
Colorado gave out free birth control and the rates of teen pregnancy and abortion went way down. Louisiana pushes abstinence only and their teen pregnancy rate is one of the worst in the country!
Colorado gave out free birth control and the rates of teen pregnancy and abortion went way down. Louisiana pushes abstinence only and their teen pregnancy rate is one of the worst in the country!
It doesn't matter what the government pushes. Young people are influenced by the media, Hollywood, musicians, celebrities, magazines, etc; all of which are liberally dominated. That's where most young people find their answers.

I don't see the benefit to society to have sex pushed so hard on us. It teaches children that their bodies aren't private and that they should share them with multiple people; which has all sorts of social, mental and physical health implications. Children are not taught the sacredness of sex and how it is a bond between two people who love each other. Instead, children, before they have developed critical thinking skills, are exploited into thinking it is just a recreational activity. They are manipulated into thinking casual sex is fantastic because: "if it feels good, it can't be bad." They strip the emotion from sex and make it out to be a mere form of stimulation. Children aren't taught to ask themselves: "should I do this?; only: "can I?" Therefore, everything becomes relative. I can stick my fist up someone's rectum, but that doesn't mean I should, or that such an act is morally sound just because I permit myself to do so.

Why is the government so intent on discussing the sexual nature of children? Why do they care so much about other people's kids? It amazes me how people place so much trust in the intentions of politicians. Going back to the abortion issue; if the government cares deeply about protecting children (sex ed) then why aren't they defending their right to live? If monogamy was still the norm, we wouldn't have nearly the amplitude of STDs and unplanned pregnancies; they'd be pretty much non-existent. It ain't social conservatives -- for the most part -- that are affected with these problems, but that doesn't stop many on the left from mocking their "old fashioned" lifestyles. Ones that bear more fruit than their social counterparts.
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Children are not taught the sacredness of sex and how it is a bond between two people who love each other.

That sounds religious and Canada has no official religion.

Going back to the abortion issue; if the government cares deeply about protecting children (sex ed) then why aren't they defending their right to live?

That is what America does. Canada isn't America. No political party with a chance to form a government will touch those issues. Might I suggest voting for the Christian Heritage Party?
Pot calling the kettle black.
I think Harper is too far right and NDP too far left (though recently the NDP puzzles me). I oppose racism and bigotry. Anyone thinking that is a wing-nut territory has some serious issues.

You can't call Ben Carson a bigot; he's black! You're being racist
I can't call an anti-Muslim bigot a bigot, simply based on his skin colour?

And you are calling me racist?!?

You expect me to treat Carson differently based on his skin colour? That's the very definition of racism.

This has to be just about the most absurd thing I've ever heard. Shame on you!
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That sounds religious and Canada has no official religion.

That is what America does. Canada isn't America. No political party with a chance to form a government will touch those issues. Might I suggest voting for the Christian Heritage Party?
It's not religious. It's common sense. Is it not best to make love with one person rather than use each other for some trivial, transient rush? That's really what casual sex boils down to; mutually agreeing to use another person(s) for one's own gratification rather than selflessly giving oneself to another as an exchange of their love for one another. And to be technical (I know this aggravates atheists), but this country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. "God keep our land glorious and free", but I digress.

You missed my point. I meant, why is the government in this country inconsistent with their supposed care for our children and their safety, yet they turn a blind eye to the thousands of them that are being aborted?
I think Harper is too far right and NDP too far left (though recently the NDP puzzles me). I oppose racism and bigotry. Anyone thinking that is a wing-nut territory has some serious issues.

I can't call an anti-Muslim bigot a bigot, simply based on his skin colour?

And you are calling me racist?!?

You expect me to treat Carson differently based on his skin colour? That's the very definition of racism.

This has to be just about the most absurd thing I've ever heard. Shame on you!

I think we've made it pretty clear what you are. Get out of my country!

I was being facetious about Carson. Obviously, you can't detect sarcasm. I was trying to give you a taste of your own medicine by demonstrating how flawed your logic is. Ironically, you do treat others differently based on their skin colour; ahem: white privilege, among other things you've said in the past.

Have you ever been evaluated by a psychiatrist? You're the most neurotic person I've ever encountered. Drugs should be made specifically for whatever your problem is.
... but this country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. "God keep our land glorious and free", but I digress.
I'm not sure the first nations did have any judeo-christian principles. While those later did, it's pretty irrelevant in a society where Islam is 100% equal to Christianity. And a gay transvestite is 100% equal to any other churchgoer.

But hang on ... "God keep our land glorious and free" - why are you quoting Pierre Trudeau's 1980 addition to our anthem, which had no religious references (at least in the main verse - there are some in additional unofficial verses) until Trudeau got his hands on it.

Have you ever been evaluated by a psychiatrist? You're the most neurotic person I've ever encountered. Drugs should be made specifically for whatever your problem is.
Why are you making a personal attack? Please remain civil. Given your use of an extreme racist such as Shapiro as evidence of anything, I hardly think you are in much position to say much.

My problem is racists and bigots; I don't think drugging them is a solution.

Once again, thank god we have Trudeau in power, to end the immorality in society. To end the evil prejudice against gay marriage, and make our country as Islam as it is Christian!

Can you imagine how great our nation will be now that the racists and bigots have been sent packing!
It's not religious. It's common sense. Is it not best to make love with one person rather than use each other for some trivial, transient rush? That's really what casual sex boils down to; mutually agreeing to use another person(s) for one's own gratification rather than selflessly giving oneself to another as an exchange of their love for one another. And to be technical (I know this aggravates atheists), but this country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. "God keep our land glorious and free", but I digress.

You missed my point. I meant, why is the government in this country inconsistent with their supposed care for our children and their safety, yet they turn a blind eye to the thousands of them that are being aborted?

The wingnuts in the US are propagating just that, trying to destroy the separation of church and state.
