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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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By the I only one who finds it perversely amusing that the idiot breaking into the grounds of Rideau Hall drove 2+ days from Winnipeg to get there............and the Prime Minister was in Winnipeg?

Or that he isn't necessarily the brightest wrench in the toolbox (I mean, all that Q s**t) - fortunately. I think the harder question we need to ask is tackling these sort of radicalization.

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If the family was threatened I’d want Sophie in front wielding the fireplace poker, not Justin. There‘s just something that says lack of mettle there, whereas mother bear shan’t be messed with. Now Justin’s Dad, he’d crack your head for sure, just like Chrétien’s Shawinigan Strangle.


Chretien was a badass.
So, a Federal MP requested that the PBO (Parliamentary Budget Office) cost out a Federal Basic Income program based roughly on the Ontario model.

That report is here:

I have watched on Twitter today as policy wonks both endorse the idea and others savage the report for proposing something so miserly.....

Only thing, best I can tell, not one of the least 2 of whom are University Professors appears to have read the damned report properly.

I see people confused between 'average' benefit and 'maximum' benefit.

People who don't understand 'possible offets' vs recommended offsets.

Who don't read the fine print to see the disability supplement.

And others who don't know how claw-backs work. head is exploding from seemingly smart people who rush to put out Tweets before they've actually read and understood something!!!!!!
Ahead of today's non-budget Federal Fiscal Snapshot............something to consider.

While Canada's deficit hasskyrocketed.........(likely to 300B'ish)...........adding the same to our national debt as well.....

The total debt we own to the market has likely declined, as the Bank of Canada, via printing money, has added over 400B in assets in the last few months.

All indications are, despite the skyrocketing debt, that the Federal government will spend less on debt servicing costs this year, than last.

To my knowledge, this is the first large scale borrowing from ourselves that has occurred since the early 70s.

The argument against doing this in the past has been that to do so promoted inflation. (its not at all clear that this is the case in the historical record).

But if that were a given, you'd expect to see prices rocketing now, or imminently.

Interesting times...............

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Now that we have a better picture of the attack - the complete silence of the opposition seems utterly indefensible.

I’m thinking the Conservatives are feeling really awkward about it. His rant sounds like most Conservative rants on Facebook and Twitter.

Add in all those Facebook groups that allow hate to fester, no wonder this guy was radicalized.
I’m thinking the Conservatives are feeling really awkward about it. His rant sounds like most Conservative rants on Facebook and Twitter.

Add in all those Facebook groups that allow hate to fester, no wonder this guy was radicalized.

Awkwardness is one thing - there isn't hope for them if they can't even stand for something as simple and fundamental as denouncing politically-motivated violence without any "ifs, ands or buts". It isn't something that should be parsed to death to have a position on.

Awkwardness is one thing - there isn't hope for them if they can't even stand for something as simple and fundamental as denouncing politically-motivated violence without any "ifs, ands or buts". It isn't something that should be parsed to death to have a position on.


It's hard for them to denounce this nutcase because secretly they agree with him.
It's hard for them to denounce this nutcase because secretly they agree with him.

Nah that's unfair (and probably not true). It's probably more like they know a decent chunk of their supporters sympathizes with the attacker - and they are unwilling to pay the political price of standing up and saying what is right and Canadian - that talk of and acts of violence has no place in our political system.

So in essence the damning thing is cowardice, not radicalism.

Federal Deficit 343B for current fiscal year.

Debt to GDP up to 49%


Debt borrowing costs (total) will actually fall this year.

The way this is being done is by refinancing previous gov't debt through the Bank of Canada at much lower interest rates to the tune of a quarter of a trillion in pre-existing debt.
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