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Hmm, I'm still waiting for Justin to "stand up" to bad boy Putin. I would love to see how he would deal with Trump if he gets elected. It would probably be something like this:

Justin: Oh Monsieur Trump. Il me fait beaucoup de plaisir de vous rencontrer finalement. Quand j'étais petit, j'avais séjourné à vos hôtels. Naturellement mon papa a payé toutes les factures. Mais je dois..
Trump: What the hell did you just say Frenchie? SPEAK ENGLISH.
Justin: Oh sorry Mr. Trump. I was just saying how it's such a pleasure to meet you since I've stayed at your hotels. I..
Trump: Who are you? And why am I listening to you?
Justin: I'm Justin Trudeau. The Prime Minister of Canada and head of the Liberal party.
Trump: Canada? Liberal? You better not backdoor any Mexicans here.
Justin: Oh Mr. Trump! I wouldn't dream of displeasing you.
Trump: Good! Because if you do I will build a wall on your border and I will make YOU pay for that wall!
Justin: Oh!
Trump: And if you can't cough up the dough I will take it from that trust fund your daddy set up for you!
Justin: Doh!
Trump: Got it Justin?
Justin: Yes Mr. Trump!
Trump: Good! Now get lost!

However I would be happy if he could find Latvia on the map. But then again Baltic states "are not a thing". :)
Trump won't become President. The most likely situation is seeing how Trudeau and Clinton get along.
I was speaking hypothetically but you're most likely right. The US presidency is reserved for Hilary or at least that's what the elites want (sorry Bernie!) but I can totally see the reptilian lady dominating poor Justin (no dialogue included this time).
Trump's unfavorables are off the scale. the worst ever since they started measuring them. This election will be a landslide similar to LBJ vs. Goldwater.

On topic, I am glad that Harper lost, but Trudeau has no opposition right now. The CPC and NDP are without a permanent leader and are in rebuilding mode, so the PM pretty much has free reign right now.

This is amusing.
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Trump's unfavorables are off the scale. the worst ever since they started measuring them. This election will be a landslide similar to LBJ vs. Goldwater.

On topic, I am glad that Harper lost, but Trudeau has no opposition right now. The CPC and NDP are without a permanent leader and are in rebuilding mode, so the PM pretty much has free reign right now.

This is amusing.
We could argue until the cows come home about what's going to happen come November but predicting the future is always a very complicated task to say the least. Nonetheless given the certain poll standings, it seems most likely that Hilary will win the presidency. There is a small chance that the FBI will investigate her but let's be real, the elites would never allow that.

But back to the subject, I'm beginning to like Justin. His performance as PM is amateurish so far but he's not such a bad guy. In Germany where it's censorship gone wild, it's illegal to talk negatively about a foreign head of state/government (see the case of Erdogan pressing charges against a ZDF journalist and Merkel allowing it) but I'm sure if I call Justin a dweeb, he won't prosecute me. Hey at least he somewhat believes in democracy and freedom of speech..
I am generally fine with Trudeau, mainly because I don't vote NDP and won't support the CPC in its current form.
I am generally fine with Trudeau, mainly because I don't vote NDP and won't support the CPC in its current form.

So you don't have a problem with Trudeau denying Canadians the right to vote on electoral reform? You are OK with the future of Canada being decided by a 30 year old know-nothing Minister?

I wasn't talking specifically about electoral reform. There probably should be a referendum though.
