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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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I'm not a partisan for the Greens but I think they offer something needed and refreshing in the political discourse, and I look forward to their growth in politics not only for its own sake, but in giving other established parties a swift kick to get
their act together.

Or one can dream, anyway.
Thankfully I think that the presence of the NDP has staved off some of this in Canada, unlike the US where this newer segment of theorists have largely captured the Democratic Party. I would still like some further pragmatism from all parties, but that remains to be seen
Inch by inch, millimetre by millimetre!

Be sure to watch the video interview, one of the UK's most prominent politicians, and as long in the tooth as he is, listen to his passion on behalf of "youth":

This is prescient for Canada, the cracks are already showing. The UK is about to realize the complete schism. In this instance, the UK Lib Dems are roughly analogous to the present Cdn Greens.
The Brexit Party and the Lib Dems are getting good polling numbers. I doubt it will happen, but if there was a general election, the result would be interesting.
The stress test should be tweaked IMO. It's madness that someone applying for a 10 year fixed rate mortgage and 35% down is getting stress tested. All it does is just make condos even more popular and rives up the prices, making it even harder for 1st time homebuyers. Hard for move-up buyers as well when you add the double land transfer tax as well. Agent fees. Everyone is still making money from real-estate at the expense of the buyers.

Couldn't agree more. I've been combing a bunch of condo sites for the cheapest loft building i could find, stumbled on this one, but even if I put down $100k for the 20% down payment (which I'll never have) for a 500k unit, then I'll still be stress tested at a rate that i can't qualify for. It honestly feels impossible to buy right now if you're in my position.
Couldn't agree more. I've been combing a bunch of condo sites for the cheapest loft building i could find, stumbled on this one, but even if I put down $100k for the 20% down payment (which I'll never have) for a 500k unit, then I'll still be stress tested at a rate that i can't qualify for. It honestly feels impossible to buy right now if you're in my position.

Oh I know, I just closed on a house and couldn't believe the amount of hoops we had to jump through with a massive downpayment. I have no idea how 20-25% down should be stress tested. They should tweak it absolutley. There are some credit unions who don't do stress test like may want to try them.
This is why droves of Millenials are moving out of the GTA when they are ready to become home owners.

Toronto Real Estate is being propped up by foreign investors, speculators and new immigrants that come here with money already.
Trudeau essentially leaving the $600M media fund for Unifor and couple of Toronto/Quebec organizations to figure out how the money is doled out.

The eight associations that have been asked to select a representative to sit on the independent panel by the middle of June are: News Media Canada, the Association de la presse francophone, the Quebec Community Newspaper Association, the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada, the Canadian Association of Journalists, the Fédération professionnelle des journalistes du Québec, Unifor and the Fédération nationale des communications.

The government just made its toxic media bailout plan even worse
People in line for media bailout dollars shouldn't be the ones deciding who gets media dollars
Instead, Rodriguez has handed deciding the membership of the panel over to eight associations, a group that includes News Media Canada (a newspaper industry lobby group), a handful of press councils and professional organizations, and two media unions including Unifor, an organisation whose leadership has actively campaigned essentially on behalf of the Liberals.

That is, the panel will be staffed by pretty much the same legacy news organizations and vested interests that have spent the last three years demanding the government bail them out in the first place.
Each organization is invited to name a member to the panel, and that member's job will be to advise the minister on the eligibility criteria for the tax measures in order to ensure that they are "efficient, transparent and fair."

The rationale that the news release gives for the choice of these groups is that they "represent the majority of Canadian news media publishers and journalists" — but this only underscores how bizarre it is. When handing out public money, it's not normal practice to invite the expected prime beneficiaries of the handout to determine the criteria for who ought to get the handout. Try asking your kids to hand out Halloween candy sometime and see how that goes.
If there's any good news here, it is that it is now dead clear to everyone just why the Liberals' bailout package is such a toxic initiative. The news media play a number of useful roles in a healthy democracy, but one that is often cited is the job of "holding power to account." One very common way journalists do this is by pointing out conflicts of interest — in particular, the conflicts that arise when public money is being handed out by people who stand to gain by handing it out.

What is at issue is the proposed composition of the panel, and there is no question that the members of any organization that plays along with this panel are in principle ceding their right to object to these sorts of conflicts of interest. Which is to say, they are abandoning one of the prime democratic functions of a free press.
Meanwhile, Postmedia, an American owned company, is taking heavy losses and begging Trudeau for a bailout.
I'm all for drinking and driving laws but sitting at home drinking after you drove home sober could get you an impaired is absolutely mind boggling to me.

Police in Canada can now demand breath samples in bars, at home

It may sound unbelievable, but Canada’s revised laws on impaired driving could see police demand breath samples from people in bars, restaurants, or even at home. And if you say no, you could be arrested, face a criminal record, ordered to pay a fine, and subjected to a driving suspension.
You could be in violation of the impaired driving laws even two hours after you’ve been driving. Now, the onus is on drivers to prove they weren’t impaired when they were on the road.

“It’s ridiculous, it’s basically criminalizing you having a drink at your kitchen table,” Paul Doroshenko, a Vancouver criminal defence lawyer who specializes in impaired driving cases, told Global News.

This new law is going keep the Canadian courts busy.

Woman has a drink, drives home. Sits by the pool for 2 hours and has several more drinks. Then, the cops show and breathalysed her, and charged her with drunk driving.

Nanaimo woman wins court challenge over forced breathalyzer test hours after driving

This is why I hate politics. There was a meeting about online hate and how to combat it. This witness himself referred to the Christchurch shooter and brought up specific examples trying to make some point about conservatives and hate crimes. Logic dictates that this leads to open questions about all of the shooters online history and everything he wrote, particularly if he there is something in it that contradicts the witnesses statement. But now the media is trying to claim that quoting from the manifesto is bad when the witness is the one who brought up that specific example!!!!!!!

And supposedly conservative Scheer just kicked the MP from the justice committee. It is appalling. I don't know why the MP's are allowed to ask questions if they are not allowed to show the contradictions in the witnesses argument.
This is why I hate politics. There was a meeting about online hate and how to combat it. This witness himself referred to the Christchurch shooter and brought up specific examples trying to make some point about conservatives and hate crimes. Logic dictates that this leads to open questions about all of the shooters online history and everything he wrote, particularly if he there is something in it that contradicts the witnesses statement. But now the media is trying to claim that quoting from the manifesto is bad when the witness is the one who brought up that specific example!!!!!!!

And supposedly conservative Scheer just kicked the MP from the justice committee. It is appalling. I don't know why the MP's are allowed to ask questions if they are not allowed to show the contradictions in the witnesses argument.

It is because according to SJW logic no matter what the muslim person says, it must be correct and whatever the conservative says it must be wrong.
It is appalling. I don't know why the MP's are allowed to ask questions if they are not allowed to show the contradictions in the witnesses argument.

There is nothing appalling except the MP's behavior, which is why he was booted!

The man was there to make a presentation on behalf of his group; the presentation did not mention the Conservative Party.

It was specifically discussing the link to Alt-Right, to hate-promotion, with a particular link to the manner of ideas raised by people such as Trump where you refer to people in demeaning ways (see Shi...hole countries remark, amongst many others) as promoting hatred and how that leads some people to acts such as mass shooting.

That is entirely accurate, and is well documented and evidenced and not in fact contradicted by anything in the manifesto of the NZ shooter.

The Conservative MP lit into the witness as if he had either made up such links, or as if he had testified that they applied more broadly to mainstream conservatism. He did no such thing.

The link was to hard-right, populist, increasingly xenophobic and racist BS.

That was clear.

On top of that the MP said the Witness should be ashamed of himself, which is clearly insulting, rude, inappropriate and unjustified.

The MP was both wrong and he was grandstanding and testifying rather than thoughtfully examining the witness.

Let me show you how its done properly.

"Mr. Suri, just to clarify your testimony, you were drawing a link with more extreme view points on the right, with hateful rhetoric, and not with mainstream conservatism, correct?"

That would have been parliamentary and just fine.

That's not what happened.

It is because according to SJW logic no matter what the muslim person says, it must be correct and whatever the conservative says it must be wrong.

See above. Your representation of what happened here is incorrect.

Your suggested line of thinking is at least as extreme as the type of thinking your offended by; and which in any event didn't happen here.

How about actually carefully reading the account of the event and transcripted remarks before drawing a conclusion?
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