And conservatives will shoot themselves in the foot again by not committing to being in step with the majority of Canadians who are not homophobic misogynists, while crying about any other dog whistle topic their base of regressives love.
The mistake Liberals (party and supporters) are making is that they assume that is disqualifying to voters when facing real economic challenges. Harper's premiership should kinda show that Canadians don't buy into fearmongering on social issues, as much as partisans think. Voters only seem to care when they have the luxury to do so, when they feel economically stable. We're already seeing some crazy increases in shelter costs. Just imagine what they'll be in 2025, after our population grows by another 1.5M from today.
When I see people who think that voters care more climate than rent, I imagine that they are generally too well off to care about cost of living, or aren't old enough to pay their own bills. Because this is most definitely not how the median voter thinks. And younger generations and women starting to shift to the CPC should tell you how voters really think.
Mike Moffat said on Twitter that the LPC invited him to their cabinet retreat. If the Liberals want to win in 2025, they'd be smart to immediately implement every single recommendation he makes. He's been talking about the housing crisis and how it drives other issues like climate policy and economic competitiveness for years.
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