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It's the party that has won the Provincial election, not the leader.

If a sitting Premier is deamed incapable of any or all of Article 22; they can also be forced to resign.

Then Article 24 can be used.
No they can't. Article 24 can't be used on a leader if they are in the premier's seat. The only provision in the PCPO Constitution for a leadership review is once, right after they lose an election.

There's no official way for caucus to remove a leader, nor is there a mechanism for members to force a confidence vote. That means the only option for an unhappy caucus is a coup, and the deck is stacked in favour of the leader. If Ford becomes premier or survives the mandatory confidence vote it will be near impossible to ditch him.

Obviously hilarious and sad.

As a white working class male I really, really, really wish these people (as well as people like Ford) would stop pretending they speak for me. I'm on a whole other level.

I also wish that guy hadn't used the name League of the North...that'd be a really cool name for my gang of radical centrists.....or just my crew of friends. That's it, I'm co-opting it.
I also wish that guy hadn't used the name League of the North...that'd be a really cool name for my gang of radical centrists.....or just my crew of friends. That's it, I'm co-opting it.

I think the Italians had it first.
A nice editorial from the Guardian thoroughly explaining the utter bankrupt phoniness of Dofo's fake, far right "populism: "

Far right? Advocating jobs for miners in the desperate and forgotten far north region is far right? I’m sure mining can be done in a environmentally sensitive way. Let’s be honest. Or offset carbon credits can be purchased to mitigate any harm. The focus needs to be on job creation and yes, profits for corporations that take risk with their capital on behalf of shareholders.

The NDP would be a nightmare for this province just as it was in the early 90’s- the deepest, most brutal recession in Ontario since the Great Depression.

Do not make the mistake of venting your frustrations with Ford’s rough exterior (I get it, it’s not polished) by voting in a party of economy destroying idealists.

Find another way to internalize your personal disgust for Ford. I personally don’t care about his personality. I focus on the PC party policies. Fiscal discipline, business sector friendly policies and ultimately the economy.
Far right? Advocating jobs for miners in the desperate and forgotten far north region is far right? I’m sure mining can be done in a environmentally sensitive way. Let’s be honest. Or offset carbon credits can be purchased to mitigate any harm. The focus needs to be on job creation and yes, profits for corporations that take risk with their capital on behalf of shareholders.

The NDP would be a nightmare for this province just as it was in the early 90’s- the deepest, most brutal recession in Ontario since the Great Depression.

Do not make the mistake of venting your frustrations with Ford’s rough exterior (I get it, it’s not polished) by voting in a party of economy destroying idealists.

Find another way to internalize your personal disgust for Ford. I personally don’t care about his personality. I focus on the PC party policies. Fiscal discipline, business sector friendly policies and ultimately the economy.
Don't confuse the "Populism" façade with his blue dyed in the wool intent. We have all heard the "job" spiel before and seen his uncosted numbers.

The NDP did not cause the recession and they weathered it quite well but it was a losing proposition; Harris did little to add to work the NDP set out and cost jobs and services as well as disastrous downloading to the cities just to name a few things.

You can't run a government like a business, especially if you see the taxpayers/voters as customers instead of shareholders.
Actually you can and should run the gov as a business. That’s the problem. The Liberal era has destroyed Ontario’s credit rating because of its fiscal irresponsibility and an NDP gov would make matters exponentially worse.

You’re correct Ford has not costed out a lot of his policies. But his intentions are pro business. That mindset will produce better pro business policies and will serve this province well in the long run. A business leader in public office always bests an academic or idealogue.

The Bob Rae gov most certainly did cause the recession. Directly. And I knew businesses people from that time who suffered tremendously as a result of that flagrantly anti business ideology. They companies crumbled and their personal lives were destroyed. All because Rae sucked the life out of Ontario businesses.

We cannot repeat that mistake again. I would much rather see a Wynne-less Liberal party in power.
Don't confuse the "Populism" façade with his blue dyed in the wool intent. We have all heard the "job" spiel before and seen his uncosted numbers.

The NDP did not cause the recession and they weathered it quite well but it was a losing proposition; Harris did little to add to work the NDP set out and cost jobs and services as well as disastrous downloading to the cities just to name a few things.

You can't run a government like a business, especially if you see the taxpayers/voters as customers instead of shareholders.
Good bit of sarcasm there - as almost everything you said is not true. I'll just fill in a few facts for those gullible enough to think what you wrote may be true.

NDP worsened the recession. From 1990 to 1995, Canada unemployment rate went from 8.1% to 9.5% - an increase of 1.5%. In same time, Ontario went from 6.2% to 8.7% - an increase of 2.5%. That's 50% worse than the Canadian average, and worse than any other Province in Canada.

Harris increase jobs. From 1995 to 2003, Ontario Unemployment rate went from 8.7% to 6.9% - a drop of 1.8%. the Canadian average 9.5% to 7.6% - a drop of 1.9%. That's 5% worse than Canadian average. Harris managed to undo the NDP damage.

In terms of GDP, Ontario by 16.4% under Rae, below the Canadian average of 19.2%. Under Harris (and Eves), from 1995 to 2003, Ontario grew by 49.7%, just a touch better than the Canadian average and only surpassed by Alberta and NewFoundland.

Harris was premier who suffered under the Liberals cuts to transfer payments - the first in history. And contrary to what people say, he did not cut healthcare (
Good bit of sarcasm there - as almost everything you said is not true. I'll just fill in a few facts for those gullible enough to think what you wrote may be true.

NDP worsened the recession. From 1990 to 1995, Canada unemployment rate went from 8.1% to 9.5% - an increase of 1.5%. In same time, Ontario went from 6.2% to 8.7% - an increase of 2.5%. That's 50% worse than the Canadian average, and worse than any other Province in Canada.

Harris increase jobs. From 1995 to 2003, Ontario Unemployment rate went from 8.7% to 6.9% - a drop of 1.8%. the Canadian average 9.5% to 7.6% - a drop of 1.9%. That's 5% worse than Canadian average. Harris managed to undo the NDP damage.

In terms of GDP, Ontario by 16.4% under Rae, below the Canadian average of 19.2%. Under Harris (and Eves), from 1995 to 2003, Ontario grew by 49.7%, just a touch better than the Canadian average and only surpassed by Alberta and NewFoundland.

Harris was premier who suffered under the Liberals cuts to transfer payments - the first in history. And contrary to what people say, he did not cut healthcare (

You have articulated this issue better than I possibly could. Thank You!
You have articulated this issue better than I possibly could. Thank You!
Meh... it's not about the PC party in particular, this is about Doug Ford and his unsuitability to lead. A borish bully, liar and not really interested in politics. (he proved his un suitability during his 4 yr tenure on TO council) The PC's snubbed Christine Elliott twice and in the grand scheme of things went about it in a pretty shady manner. Ford, will like Trump will cut and dismantle healthcare - remember him advocating several yrs ago before his brother got sick, but gladly accepted the social health service when push came to Rob (so to speak).
Far right? Advocating jobs for miners in the desperate and forgotten far north region is far right?

Yes, far right. Pretending to actually give a shit about the "little guy" while unashamedly serving the interests of the rich and corporate power and scapegoating "the Other" is the entire Ford shtick, as well you know...or as you should know. The gross personal manners are merely the icing on the cake. For all his blustering, Trump hasn't improved things for ordinary working people since he slimed his way into the White House. We've been seeing variations on this one for the past couple of decades, whether it's Trump, Berlusconi, Boris Johnson in the UK, or our own homegrown thugs like Harris, Harper or the Fords. Good Lord, as if Ford has any intention of actually helping the people you mention. Are you simple?

The focus needs to be on job creation and yes, profits for corporations that take risk with their capital on behalf of shareholders.

Ah yes, the poor, persecuted, blameless, inoffensive, powerless, helpless widdle corporations. Let's all shed a tear for them.

The NDP would be a nightmare for this province just as it was in the early 90’s- the deepest, most brutal recession in Ontario since the Great Depression.

You're crediting Bob Rae with far more power than he actually had. That was a worldwide recession, and it was caused by the economic policies of the Reagan/Thatcher/Mulroney triumvirate (as well as the other right wing governments at the time). Things have only continued in that vein, not least of all thanks to the neoliberal filth who are mostly running what passes for liberal/leftist parties in the western world these days. That's the real problem with clowns like Wynne, selling off assets like Hydro for pennies on the dollar to the same corporate vermin you're blubbering about here.
