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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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The Taverner thing is going to haunt Doug for a while. Completely ill advised on his part.
Not just haunt, which infers events of the past, but get worse! We haven't gotten the whole story, and I'm led to believe there's cops rightfully seething and can hold their peace for only so long before details are leaked. Not to mention
Doug Ford blasts OPP deputy commissioner for Ron Taverner complaint
Premier Doug Ford is accusing Ontario Provincial Police Deputy Commissioner Brad Blair of violating the Police Services Act for complaining about Ron Taverner’s controversial appointment as the next OPP commissioner.

Blair has pretty much sunk his career on this, which makes him all the more ready to spill the beans. If you were a clean, respectable and hard-working cop admired and trusted by his own men let alone other forces...who would you be rooting for?

Just like his brother, Dug in the Hole sure knows how to pick them. But it won't stop just at Dug-Out, the shit will splash over the rest of the Cabinet. That's what happens when you align yourself with scum. The smell gets all over you...and all of them will go down with the shit....err...ship when it sinks. Watch them all start to jump off like rats as soon as the hole is blown below the waist...err...waterline.

"Leak" manifests in many ways...there will be a Commission called. And there'll be line-ups at the cop shops for 'anonymous leaks' on Duggie cholera.
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SNOBELEN: Spring session a test for Ford government

From link.

I call it courage.

A friend of mine, with the acumen that comes from long tenure as the CEO of a large corporation, calls it energy.

But whatever you call the semi-mysterious ingredient that fuels every change initiative, it is inevitably perishable.

The vast majority (at least 70%) of change initiatives fail. Few die nobly. Most simply wither.

Former Navy Seal Brent Gleeson describes the withering of corporate courage as change battle fatigue.

It is the exhaustion that comes with the inevitable challenges to change.

Former Ontario premier Mike Harris knows what all change leaders learn – speed is an essential element in all successful change initiatives. The longer a change takes, the more resistance grows.

That’s why Harris has said if he had it all to do over, he would have implemented his government’s change agenda (even) faster.

The slower you go, the less likely you are to succeed in implementing change.

To their credit, the Ford team has taken the need for speed to heart.

They went to work immediately after the election to begin the process of reversing the failed policies of the former Liberal government and implementing a pro-growth agenda.

The test for the Ford government, and the determining factor in its success, will be the ability to overcome a second change hurdle – focus.

The Ford team came to government promising to restore sanity to the finances of the province, reduce barriers to investment and growth and put some money back in the pockets of beleaguered taxpayers.

The entire agenda is captured in three words – for the people.

Reversing the course of Ontario’s borrow and spend past, while giving taxpayers relief and encouraging business investment, isn’t an easy task. But it isn’t complicated.

Predictably every significant reduction in expenditure (see canceling college and university expansion plans) and regulation (see employment law reform) will be met with resistance. Borrowing is easier than saving.

Those challenges can be met as long as the government has the determination (see courage, energy, fortitude, initiative) to do so.

But determination has a limit.

The energy of a new government must be focused or it will be squandered on secondary objectives unconnected to the bigger agenda.

Focus, staying on the agenda, is the big test for the Ford government in the spring legislative session.

Moving with velocity comes with risks, and those risks are exasperated by an expansive agenda.

When the Ford government convened the legislature immediately after last spring’s election, it assumed all of the risks that come from moving forward without the comfort of a fully formed team or an entirely coherent policy framework.

Ready – Fire – Aim.

That’s not a bad thing. But the government was challenged by issues with little if any relevance to the agenda.

The list is long (and exhausting).

Less politicians for the City of Toronto, eliminating the French language services commissioner, reviewing the sex-ed curriculum and appointing the OPP commissioner used up as much oxygen as more mission critical issues like eliminating the carbon tax.

All of these sub issues have merit. But the wide spectrum of initiatives leaves the Ford government with a staggering burn rate on internal energy.

With so many fires burning, change battle fatigue is a critical concern.

That is why the spring legislative session will inevitably see a recharged Ford team ready to focus on reducing spending, growing the economy and helping people.

Everything else, no matter how compelling, can wait.

Doesn't the Toronto Sun know that Doug Ford doesn't like tests? Doug Ford dropped out of community college because he didn't like lectures or tests.
So, about this wannabe pro-Sharia party the right is up in arms about about and blaming liberals for. It is mostly followed by bot trolls and conservatives. One of the first followers was a member of Scheer's inner circle. Plus, this "party" is very right wing and socially conservative, hardly left wing! I smell a rat...
So, about this wannabe pro-Sharia party the right is up in arms about about and blaming liberals for. It is mostly followed by bot trolls and conservatives. One of the first followers was a member of Scheer's inner circle. Plus, this "party" is very right wing and socially conservative, hardly left wing! I smell a rat...
The "party" is run by an alt-right agitator, so yes it's just a big farce.
This deal is dead. Washington State regulator denies bid to reconsider Hydro One-Avista deal.

The commission had said it would not approve the deal for fear the Ontario provincial government, which owns 47 per cent of Hydro One's shares, might meddle in Avista's operations.

It cited Premier Doug Ford's move to force former Hydro One CEO Mayo Schmidt to retire, which was followed by the resignation of the entire board, as evidence that the province was willing to put political interests above those of shareholders.
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Washington State regulator denies bid to reconsider Hydro One-Avista deal.

The commission had said it would not approve the deal for fear the Ontario provincial government, which owns 47 per cent of Hydro One's shares, might meddle in Avista's operations.

It cited Premier Doug Ford's move to force former Hydro One CEO Mayo Schmidt to retire, which was followed by the resignation of the entire board, as evidence that the province was willing to put political interests above those of shareholders.
But did they know we were open for business?
Ford’s first political fundraiser as premier will be a $25-a-plate spaghetti dinner

See link.

Under Wynne’s restrictions, which were put in place after a 2016 Star exposé into Liberal fundraising practices, all MPPs, candidates, and staff were forbidden from attending events where money was raised for political parties.

The Tories, who toppled the Grits last June, amended that campaign finance legislation in November’s Restoring Trust, Transparency and Accountability Act.

While Finance Minister Vic Fedeli retained the Liberals’ ban on corporate and union donations, some loopholes were reopened.

Fedeli repealed a section of the previous electoral finance reform bill that forced donors to “certify, in a form approved by the Chief Electoral Officer, that the person has not acted contrary” to the prohibition on unions or corporations making donations in the name of members or employees.

Both Conservative and Liberal fundraising experts have privately admitted that’s a loophole all political parties could exploit.

But will the beer be a buck each?

$25 for a spaghetti dinner? Just wondering who is catering this slop? I have a friend who works in catering and he laughed, they either getting someone to open the Chef Boyardee can or someone is donating the slop because at 25 dollars not much to fundraise with. But yeah he is catering to his Folks base, so they probably don't expect a 3 course wet noodle dinner..
From a "For the People" news release today. Have your say on changes to the auto insurance industry. Be prepared. It's not much of a consultation.

The Government is Seeking Input on How to Make Auto Insurance More Affordable
The Ontario Government, working for the people, is inviting drivers and consumers to share their views on how to lower the province's auto insurance rates as part of its commitment to making life more affordable.
"The previous government's failed system of stretch goals on auto insurance is clearly broken. Auto insurance rates in Ontario are among the highest in the country, and action is needed," said Vic Fedeli, Minister of Finance. "We want to hear directly from you on how to improve the system."
Consumers and businesses are invited to share their views by visiting and by providing input no later than February 15, 2019.
The Putting Drivers First consultation will coincide with a review of Ontario's auto insurance rate regulation system, jointly conducted by the Ministry of Finance and the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario, as mentioned in the 2018 Ontario Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review. The review will examine practices in other jurisdictions and identify opportunities to achieve greater efficiencies and introduce more competition in the system.
From a "For the People" news release today. Have your say on changes to the auto insurance industry. Be prepared. It's not much of a consultation.

TY for posting that.

Weak though it is, I did fill it out.

Supporting removing postal code as a basis for premium pricing.

Used the feedback box to suggest removing male/female for pricing as well (base it entirely on merit/experience/tickets/driving record/type of car and level of coverage)

As well suggested they try to address fraud by looking both at the permitted level of claims under pain/suffering for non-catastrophic injuries as well as measures to ensure
real therapy is taking place by considering having insurers deal directly w/physiotherapists as opposed to paying cash for this type of claim. (fraudulent therapy claims are a big thing)
