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It appaears as though you're incapable of answering the question.

Actually I did 'Steve'. If you clicked on the pdf link ( I provided you would have seen documented proof, beyond just my saying so, of the disabilitating manner in which the white majority abused another racialized group, Canada's home-grown First Nations.

If they were capable of doing all that to a people they more so less supllanted and usurped of the best lands and natural resources, to rot away in reservations... what's to stop similar semantical stereotyping of the black community as 'primitive', 'prone to violence', 'pagans', 'child-like' and a plethora of other demeaning linguistics to validate the position of white supremacy?

BTW I found the part about Darwinism and its 'biological' suggestion of natural selection ordainng white superiority, particularly disgusting!

It's called freedom of speach, look into it. Also, notice how none of the attacks you've posted on others have been get a pass, others don't...and that's still not good enough for you?

What personal attacks? Why for over a month now you've been trying to poison the entire board against me IZ-1/bjl/Steve_D?! What have I done to you? The N-word in my eyes is one of those words that should go unheard and unrecited. That's MY freedom of speech, deal with it!

DO you include the opression of black homosexuals in Jamaica, opressed and murdered by other blacks...or do they get a pass as well?

Well I should know because I have alot of gay friends living in Jamaica and they're all alive and well.

and now you insult an entire race, because of your own shortcomings. That's extremely bigoted of you .

You do know what sarcasm is right? If I'm the King of Misinterpretation, you're certainly the Queen of Stirring the pot, hurling insults and planting seeds of collusion, hatred and narrow-mindness!

Are you sure you're "intellectually equipped or emotionally fortified enough to debate these type of conversations with" us?

Just trying to mimic your way of thinking I-Z1. We both know you've said far worse to me that I can expose at anytime if you like ;)!
Right, what part of the real world do you live? In what part of the world do people don't think with any emotion at all? People are jerks because they are individuals.

You have a problem with poeple spelling "nigger"? You can't comfront reality and try to pretty it up? What was the saying? "Better to have blatent verbal jabs than to have the feelings boil underneath instead"? I've been called "chink", "chinaman", "slant eyes" by blacks. I've been called "bro", "buddy", "pal", "guy" by them too.

When the thread began we still adhered to common human decency and were at least apologetic for talking like a rap video. Excuse me if I wanted things to remain on that level of decorum and class.

Guess what? I'm not going to bleep out "chink", "chinaman" or "slant eyes" because I'm insulted by someone. Not all blacks mean racist words even if they do say them. I don't have to fly off the handle and accuse them of racism when it's just a fact that they are pissed at me. As I've said before, if the black community is so inherent on racism then they should be held to higher accountability in not promoting it, yet I'm realistic enough to know that is not going to happen.

If your so afraid of comfronting the "nigger" word then your not anywhere near tough enough to comfront real racism. Try being beat-up by 10+ people while being called racist words. Guess what, I was as a kid. Ganged up and beaten by a bunch of "frikken white 'sauga hicks" back in the early 80's. yet I'm not sore or saying that society failed me, I don't blame whitey because my best friends are also white (and black and asian).

What does childhood 1980s, in then rural, highly conservative, intolerant Mississauga have to do with with today? Everyone gets picked on as a kid, it's a rite of passage. A grown, mature woman trying to do her job shouldn't be subjected to shit logic curses just because she has no control over what race she was born into. Neither should I, and this constant defense of what I thought would be a rational discussion on race is getting tiresome.

Your life experiences are a world apart of mine I'd imagine so please don't insinuate either myself or other blacks who haven't sought out to hurt others by race should be victim of racism themselves.

I find it hilarious that you throw around the word "racism" without even realizing what it really is. You call just plain name-calling racism. This incident has little or nothing to do with racism at all and everything to do with two people who are being jerks to each other and using verbal fights rather than fisticuffs.

Agreed, calling someone a nigger isn't racism :rolleyes:! Putting the word usage in the right connotation, it harkens back to an era when niggers had less status than the family pet. In response to 'asshole' there's a zillion things he could of thought up instead of taking the easy, obvious, brain-dead route of insult. I guess he's exemplar of how ignorant some memebers of society truly appear to be on the inside.

Sooner or later you have to get over this whole oppression thing. You can either continue to dwell on the past and hang it over a bunch of people who never had anything to do with it and try to make the "victimization" your own or you can move forward with what has already been accomplished and running with it.

Tell the other minority groups that benefited from the black-led civil rights movement to get over it! In my normal, non-UT life am as non-victim as the next guy. Here, at least I thought, I was discussing responsible ways to appease and accomodate minorities in greater Canadian society. Boy was I wrong!

What do you think placing blame on people who never had anything to do with the enslavement of blacks is more likely to do? *Hint - Guilt trips don't work and are more likey to cause the opposite than intended effects.

Racism/oppression doesn't affect you personally now if the only evidence of prejudice you can recall is from your childhood. Asian-Canadians have it pretty good in contrast to blacks (sorry if that's a stereotype too, I just call things as I see 'em). For several blacks it is the daily struggle. Am not placing the blame on any one set of people, and hence am I'm not blaming anyone.

All I'm saying is that you can't complain that some black bullies called you names in elementary school in one breath, then in the next say I shouldn't be offended by the utterance of nigger. Race-specific curse words are particularly vial and demeaning given Africa and Asia's shared colonial pasts. We should be united on the charge to put away verbal machetes, not on opposing sides!

In closing, I hope you all consider what I've written with the same respect, time and effort I've put in hearing you all out and not intentionally attacking anyone of any racial background :)!
BTW I found the part about Darwinism and its 'biological' suggestion of natural selection ordainng white superiority, particularly disgusting!

To some extent he's right about the double standard. I always hear my friends say "If there was a white history month it'd be racist (black history month)". And yet I rarely hear them say "If there was Whitetown it'd be racist (chinatown)".

The best way to change stereotypes is to remove the basis for them. I mean , to confront the truth head-on, you have to admit it is a frequent encounter to see black youth on the bus or something with baggy pants and loud music and such. That's not to say that others don't do it as well, but that's the general image you see out in public and that helps in forming the stereotypes. And I know I'm digging myself into a deeper and deeper hole, but that's probably why, for the majority of people, there is a difference in their immediate perceptions of certain minorities.

Complaining isn't really going to change anything, it's not like you can control what other people think. Instead, you have to just try to be a better person yourself, try to influence others within your community, and etc. That's the best way to erase stereotypes.

That just one of several hate-based literature enshrined in manifestos the white settler colonies of Canada, British Columbia in particular, conjured up to morally justify dehumanizing the aboriginal peoples of Canada. It's more or less an extension of America's 'Manifest Destiny' which had to do with ethnic cleansing, racial purity and domination of all peoples 'unlike' them. I keep referring to this link (, which demonstrates that I didn't come on here to bash white people, as it was white authors who recorded the misgivings of their own racial ancestry. Knowledge is power, and being a deseminator of 'real' reality, not the ideal raceless, welcoming society we pretend we're living in, brings all of us closer to positive change and we as individuals can find the inner strength to hold gov'ts/NGOs accountable for any form of discrimination they sytematically endorse.

To some extent he's right about the double standard. I always hear my friends say "If there was a white history month it'd be racist (black history month)". And yet I rarely hear them say "If there was Whitetown it'd be racist (chinatown)".
The best way to change stereotypes is to remove the basis for them. I mean , to confront the truth head-on, you have to admit it is a frequent encounter to see black youth on the bus or something with baggy pants and loud music and such. That's not to say that others don't do it as well, but that's the general image you see out in public and that helps in forming the stereotypes. And I know I'm digging myself into a deeper and deeper hole, but that's probably why, for the majority of people, there is a difference in their immediate perceptions of certain minorities.
Complaining isn't really going to change anything, it's not like you can control what other people think. Instead, you have to just try to be a better person yourself, try to influence others within your community, and etc. That's the best way to erase stereotypes.

I agree with all of this. It shouldn't take Black History Month or Asian History Month to encourage people of different backgrounds to get to know one another. Africentricity should be celebrated year-round. All backgrounds should.

You're not digging yourself into anything friend. You're on the right track by highlighting how its always the black kids that are prime suspects when a crime's committed, like how only the black participants in the Boxing Day shooting were paraded around the media when it was known Asian, Latinos were also gang members. I guess its easier to offend 'wards of the state', as I've heard whites refered to blacks as before, instead of potential nouvelle riche recent immigrants. But you're right, complaining resolves little. Social activism however, can serve as a catalyst for a movement towards ethnic harmony in the truest sense, equal oppurtunity! I choose not to be a stereotype even though I admit my life would probably be alot simpler if I were.
dentrobate, are you inferring that darwin held racist views and expressed such views in his works regarding the theory of evolution & natural selection?
dentrobate, are you inferring that darwin held racist views and expressed such views in his works regarding the theory of evolution & natural selection?

No, I think he's just referring to the use of Darwin's theories by idiots to prove ideas of racial superiority. It's hard to say though, since the article is behind a pay wall.
It's hard to believe that there is still a perception that humanity is actually split into separate races.
When the thread began we still adhered to common human decency and were at least apologetic for talking like a rap video. Excuse me if I wanted things to remain on that level of decorum and class.

What does childhood 1980s, in then rural, highly conservative, intolerant Mississauga have to do with with today? Everyone gets picked on as a kid, it's a rite of passage. A grown, mature woman trying to do her job shouldn't be subjected to shit logic curses just because she has no control over what race she was born into. Neither should I, and this constant defense of what I thought would be a rational discussion on race is getting tiresome.

Your life experiences are a world apart of mine I'd imagine so please don't insinuate either myself or other blacks who haven't sought out to hurt others by race should be victim of racism themselves.

Agreed, calling someone a nigger isn't racism :rolleyes:! Putting the word usage in the right connotation, it harkens back to an era when niggers had less status than the family pet. In response to 'asshole' there's a zillion things he could of thought up instead of taking the easy, obvious, brain-dead route of insult. I guess he's exemplar of how ignorant some memebers of society truly appear to be on the inside.

Tell the other minority groups that benefited from the black-led civil rights movement to get over it! In my normal, non-UT life am as non-victim as the next guy. Here, at least I thought, I was discussing responsible ways to appease and accomodate minorities in greater Canadian society. Boy was I wrong!

Racism/oppression doesn't affect you personally now if the only evidence of prejudice you can recall is from your childhood. Asian-Canadians have it pretty good in contrast to blacks (sorry if that's a stereotype too, I just call things as I see 'em). For several blacks it is the daily struggle. Am not placing the blame on any one set of people, and hence am I'm not blaming anyone.

All I'm saying is that you can't complain that some black bullies called you names in elementary school in one breath, then in the next say I shouldn't be offended by the utterance of nigger. Race-specific curse words are particularly vial and demeaning given Africa and Asia's shared colonial pasts. We should be united on the charge to put away verbal machetes, not on opposing sides!

In closing, I hope you all consider what I've written with the same respect, time and effort I've put in hearing you all out and not intentionally attacking anyone of any racial background :)!

Time for you to STFU. This time you've pissed me off. When the fuck does getting a gang beating almost monthly = a rite of passage? You don't know what racism is. You're just a fucktard. You need a rite of passage then. Go fuck yourself, you read nothing posted and are the true racist here. Everyone else hasn't experienced racism but blacks? Go fuck yourself. You do not deserve to any more civil argument as you've shown your true "colour"!

All you've done is belittle others' experience which are far worst than yours.

If it takes swearing and a ban on me to get it through your blindness than so be it but it needs to be said.

You Detro are no better than those you condemn, in fact worst as you are also a hypocrite as well as a racist, especially by your own standards.

How does it feel for the shoe to be on the other foot now?

Even if i get banned you now have to defend your words and actions to all others. You've only made your own case worst and set an example that blacks are also perpetuators of racism as well!
Everyone gets picked on as a kid, it's a rite of passage.

I thought it was a case of a kid being singled out and abused by other kids.

Such a belief would appear to undermine significant portions of your arguments.
Time for you to STFU. This time you've pissed me off. When the fuck does getting a gang beating almost monthly = a rite of passage? You don't know what racism is. You're just a fucktard. You need a rite of passage then. Go fuck yourself, you read nothing posted and are the true racist here. Everyone else hasn't experienced racism but blacks? Go fuck yourself. You do not deserve to any more civil argument as you've shown your true "colour"!

All you've done is belittle others' experience which are far worst than yours.

If it takes swearing and a ban on me to get it through your blindness than so be it but it needs to be said.

You Detro are no better than those you condemn, in fact worst as you are also a hypocrite as well as a racist, especially by your own standards.

How does it feel for the shoe to be on the other foot now?

Even if i get banned you now have to defend your words and actions to all others. You've only made your own case worst and set an example that blacks are also perpetuators of racism as well!

Whoa, someone went off their meds apparently. Calm down and realize what I said wasn't to belittle you. Doesn't it not say somewhere in scripture:

"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." and...

"Brethren, be not children in understanding: howbeit in malice be ye children, but in understanding be men."

If I only focused on the suffering of blacks I wouldn't have told you that: "We should be united on the charge to put away verbal machetes, not on opposing sides!" It's right there in my quote. I never said I was better than you and in no way dismissed any racism you may have faced. However when does it end? When was the last time someone called you the Asian equivalent of 'nigger'? People well into their adulthood shouldn't be subjected to juvenile racial slurs, that's what I've been trying to drive home to you. If anything it seems it's you who can't get over something that happened 20+ years ago and needs to reassess yourself. Immature outbursts of rage makes you no better than the steadfastest Ku Klux Klan member!

I thought it was a case of a kid being singled out and abused by other kids. Such a belief would appear to undermine significant portions of your arguments.

I was mimicking rpgr's apathetic attitude towards the usage of the term 'nigger'. He's doesn't realize how offensive the word might be for moderate persons of colour. I more or less gave him a taste of his own medicine to drive home the point that we all should be valued and respected equally, otherwise we reap what we sow. I also find it outrageous that he was beat up merely for being a minority, there has to be more to the story.
Doesn't it not say somewhere in scripture:

Try to be a good xtian, and keep your 'scriptures' to yourself, they're effectively meaningless.

I never said I was better than you and in no way dismissed any racism you may have faced.

Yes you have, many many times, in many many posts.

Immature outbursts of rage makes you no better than the steadfastest Ku Klux Klan member!

Time for you to take your own advice.

I was mimicking you were mocking x=someone elses post? don't you constantly cry foul when you perceive someone mocking your posts? Are you really that much of a hypocrite?

I more or less gave him a taste of his own medicine to drive home the point that we all should be valued and respected equally,

But, you didn''re the most racist person who posts here, it's disgusting.

I also find it outrageous that he was beat up merely for being a minority, there has to be more to the story.

Your hypocricy is outrageous!
Detro, at this point you're in the shitcan. You no longer have any valid points at all. Save what's left of your dignity (which is now 0) and go cry in the corner.

Yes, I was beat up for being a minority seeing how I was the only NON-WHITE in the frikken school for 3 years.

Your posts continue to show how ignorant you really are at what real racism is and you are now showing you are a racist.

You no longer have any leg to stand on in this debate and your pathetic attempts at turning this around is sad. Right now the only one who continues to cry about this issue is you and your own responses will now degenerate this whole thread into flamebait.

This thread should not last much longer and would be better locked.
Try to be a good xtian, and keep your 'scriptures' to yourself, they're effectively meaningless.

Nice to hear since you definitely need God, son. I'll say a little prayer for your tortured soul. you were mocking x=someone elses post? don't you constantly cry foul when you perceive someone mocking your posts? Are you really that much of a hypocrite?

Since this thread has completely devolved to hell, I may as well now. I'm not gonna take shit from anyone, life's too short to have to defend these ad hominen attacks on my character constantly just for asserting some social justice and activism on behalf of innocent people being brandished niggers like some dog when they're upstanding, contributing members of society. You and your **** associates can go kiss my black ass!

But, you didn''re the most racist person who posts here, it's disgusting.

No, I think real racism stems from one seeking out every oppurtunity life has to offer only to continually see doors closed in their face for no other reason than being the wrong color. Then when said person in hopelessness and dispair thinks he can find an open-minded, tolerant sympathetic venue to discuss possible ways to overcome systematic racism which does exist in Canadian comtemporary society, he gets harassed and bullied by the very racist proclivities he sought to eliminate from his life. The ugliness and true hatred displayed by you and others here, havev only stretghened my opinions and convictions about race relations. Thanks for not proving me wrong!

Your hypocricy is outrageous!

Everyone's a hypocrite. When this thread began everyone said how sorry they were for what happened to this innocent reporter being shown less respect than what's bestowed on an animal. Now it's a free-for-all character assasination, unbleeping the N-word to prove to the one self-identified black person that the racism he was fighting to escape in the real world has followed him into virtual reality!

You no longer have any leg to stand on in this debate and your pathetic attempts at turning this around is sad. Right now the only one who continues to cry about this issue is you and your own responses will now degenerate this whole thread into flamebait.

Sorry you feel that way...not!

If you're so small-minded that you can't get over incidents that occured over two decades ago to the point you can't apply unbiased objectivity to this discussions, and yes even to my posts, then you have no business being here. I was very polite to you and even apologized for unintentional harm. I guess you're still a child, if even after all these years you equate elementary school bullies (which affect millions of kids, even when both bully and victim are of the same race), such that I have to wonder what's so special about you.

If I'm the only one 'crying' over this incident does that not infer to you that in fact racism is a bigger detriment to Black-Candians' lives than it is for other ethnic groups? You can either prove me wrong or take your own advice and STFU! You can't have it both ways. Fred Durst said it best:

We don't, don't give a fuck
We will, never give a fuck
Until, you give a fuck about me
And my generation!

This thread should not last much longer and would be better locked.

Why, so you can silence the voices of righteousness and honesty yet again? I'd love for the day when society wrongs you because of your ad hominen and you come on here expecting my sympathies. Karma's a rotten turd :rolleyes:!
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