I'm sure you raise some very valid issues, however no one is going to take you seriously if you write like that. Do they not teach proper english in Rexdale? I'm not even going to bother reading what you wrote because it takes too much effort. And if this is how you speak in real life I wouldn't be surprised if people ignored your complaints either. communication is key. Master that first and then move on to the bigger issues. Yesterday having been Martin Luther King day made me think... do you honestly think if he spoke the way you did anyone would have taken him seriously?
True, he does need some grammar lessons but I get the gist of what he's saying. This is what I've been saying all along, how the pluralist approach to academics leaves many ethnic groups behind. The fact that there's people in the GTA who've gone through the public high school system and still cannot construct proper sentences hints at the TDSB's shortcomings. Lack of proper articulation of ideas, limits social mobility.
i remember that couple months my moms brought paper home the TO metro. front page some actress breaking up. back pages train in congo flips in mountains killing 128. rebel attacks in india kill 150 today spread over the northwest and central regions. what more important to you?
week before jane creba was killed a innocent baby 4 years old was killed by strays and i think another 3 year old kids as hit by strays but luckily survived. Jane Creba killed next week big uproar. dif? Creba white 4 year old black 3 year old brown. we have to get past that bull all 3 were bad imo the babies getting was worse.
In spite of my prior statement, Desi, you're smarter than people here give you credit for. Before 9/11 I never thought racism could extend beyond whites-against-blacks. Now I see the diaspora of the disadvantaged- Natives/Blacks/Indo-Arabs and to an extent Latinos. Even within these communities a lighter-skinned child/spouse is favored over a darker one, explaining why so few black orphans get adopted. All this hate over melanin . If Britney's bipolar meltdown takes presidence on a Cable News Network (CNN) over the New Hampshere Primaries, then that's to show where North American society's priorities lie. The 'me-generation' has no time nor pity for those who don't resemble them, act like them, talk like them, etc. This is why Obama should be elected but won't. It is alot easier for society to be rid of their ills through deceptive, calculative means (__ on __ violence/jail/chronic unemployemnt) than to actually change the lot of fellow citizens.