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Outgoing chief planner Keesmaat calls Minnan-Wong’s ‘knitting’ comment deeply offensive

Deputy Mayor Denzil Minnan-Wong was quoted saying the next chief planner should "stick to the knitting."

See link.

John Tory’s deputy mayor Denzil Minnan-Wong is being criticized for what’s being called a sexist comment concerning outgoing chief planner Jennifer Keesmaat.

As quoted in the Sun last week, Minnan-Wong — who has publicly feuded with Keesmaat before — said he wants the next chief planner to “stick to the knitting” when it comes to the top role at city hall.

Keesmaat called Minnan-Wong out on the statement in an interview on CBC’s Metro Morning on Thursday.

“I’m not going to mince words. He might as well have told me to go back to the kitchen. And just so you know, I've never been there. I’m not a very good cook,” she said. “I think it’s a deeply offensive comment.”

Minnan-Wong issued an apology hours later after being contacted by a Star reporter.

“I explicitly stated that I was not commenting on the current and retiring chief planner,” Minnan-Wong said in an email about the Sun column. “However, I unreservedly apologize to Ms. Keesmat or anyone who may have taken offence to comments I made that were taken out of context.”

He went on to say the next chief planner “needs to focus in on planning and improving the management of a large planning department.”

On Twitter, several councillors resurfaced the Sun article Thursday morning to denounce Minnan-Wong’s comments.

“Chief Planner @jen_keesmaat has done great things to make TO more walkable, livable, vibrant!” wrote Councillor Mary-Margaret McMahon. “No need 4 sexist comments @DenzilMW #Knitting.”

“How can Mayor @JohnTory continue to support deputy mayor?” asked Councillor Mike Layton. “Mayor must not stand for these sexist comments from HIS hand picked team.”

Tory was asked last week whether he agreed with Minnan-Wong’s statement.

He said “knitting” has a “very broad definition” and went on to equate “knitting” — as the essential elements of the chief planner's job — to city building. He then praised examples of Keesmaat’s work in that respect.

“If that’s knitting, which I believe it is, then I guess Ms. Keesmaat’s successor will have lots of knitting to do,” said Tory.

The Star asked the mayor to respond again following Keesmaat’s comments Thursday.

In an emailed statement, Tory said: “The comment was inappropriate. I've communicated that to the deputy mayor and I understand he will be issuing an apology.”

In 2012, Minnan-Wong said the medical officer of health Dr. David McKeown should also “stick to his knitting,” as quoted in the Globe & Mail.

In 2006, Peter MacKay, then deputy leader of the Conservative party, told Nova Scotia MP Alexa McDonough to “stick to her knitting,” CBC reported. After she accused him of making a “sexist slur,” MacKay apologized.
I was talking to someone who happened to be at the OMB pre-hearing a couple of weeks ago where Mammoliti and Di Ciano's objections to the new Ward map were being discussed. Mammo brought the room to total silence when he said he was not in favour of the OMB being involved and stated that 'City Council should decide these things". Apparently nobody had the heart to remind him that HE was the one who brought the appeal and Council DID make a decision. (Also nobody noted that di Cianno was not even present for the final Council votes!) The actual hearing is, apparently, scheduled to start on October 10th.
What's deeply offensive is the manufactured outrage to score cheap political points with the ultra-left wing crowd.
What's deeply offensive is the manufactured outrage to score cheap political points with the ultra-left wing crowd.
Actually his comments were offensive but more so because he is the Deputy mayor and has a history of disrespecting City staff. DMW is not a good 'front man' for Team Tory and if Tory had any sense he would drop him as Deputy Mayor.
Remember back in the Rob Ford days...



No. It's more like Minnan-Wong saying that stuff to score cheap political points with the hillbilly crowd. I see it's working.

Hillbillies aren't the target audience for idioms.
Certainly a lot of chum for people who want to connect unrelated dots though.
I was not sure where to put this as I could not find the forum that talks about the issue that 2 toronto councillors are taking to the OMB regarding the motion to increase # of councillors by 3. The councillors are Mammoliti and Di Ciano. But I just heard Di Ciano say the fight is to decrease number of councillors to mimic the # of MPP's or MP's. So which is it - to decrease numbers of councillors or the increase? I thought Di Ciano was against the increase of 3 as he would be running against someone as his ward was affected. But for him to say he prefers 25 councillors now, I would think that would affect his chances of getting re-elected even more. I do not trust this guy
