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Their production sucks because they don't have several billions, like the CBC.

You misunderstood me. I like some programs on SUN News. Michael Coren and John Robson are very intelligent and interesting to listen to. I was insinuating that people would come on here and say this isn't newsworthy because it was reported by SUN News (which many, on the left, don't consider to be legit -- though most of them have probably never even watched a single program on the network, and just go by word of mouth).

How is it not offensive to everyone, but those who believe this bullshit? It's alright to promote murder against those who deny Islam? Would you support a Christian mural, payed for with your tax dollars?

Paul Fletcher's response to the antipathy this has brought about, was pathetic and embarrassing. John Parker did a great job explaining his views, with Michael Coren; in one of the clips posted above.
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Their production sucks because they don't have several billions, like the CBC.

Somebody needs a math reality check. Or perhaps to acquire his information about CBC from some source other than Sun Noose. I'll avoid the boilerplate about CBC doing actual news, in French and English, not to mention northern languages, in a dozen cities, plus ad-free radio, plus other programming for its totally bullshit "several billions."

Meanwhile, the owner of Sun News, who also owns a cable monopoly and French TV broadcasting empire, plus newspapers, plus sits as chair of the board of Hydro Quebec is crying poor poor me to the CRTC.

SPARE US your Stun News propaganda.

I wonder how much attention these clowns paid to the Senate scandal this week.
Would you like to provide me with some accurate numbers? Where should I acquire information from about the CBC? The CBC?

Why is the CBC wasting my money reporting in "northern languages?" Canada has two official languages. This isn't the colonial era anymore. Is there another country on the planet that has a national broadcaster that reports in some indigenous dialect? The CBC can afford to do all these other things because they have more money than any other news organization. Why does the CBC need a radio program? Do we not have enough places where one can find music online?

Ah, just as I alluded to above, the inevitable anti-SUN News comments have begun. Are you saying all of SUN News is propaganda? If so, prove it. Then we can get back to the topic of the thread.

Why did you decide to comment on the production/lack of funding and not address the mural?

"I wonder how much attention these clowns paid to the Senate scandal this week."

Thanks for proving my hunch. You obviously don't even watch SUN News. If so, you wouldn't have to "wonder." David Akin discussed it quite a bit.
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Why is the CBC wasting my money reporting in "northern languages?" Canada has two official languages. This isn't the colonial era anymore. Is there another country on the planet that has a national broadcaster that reports in some indigenous dialect? The CBC can afford to do all these other things because they have more money than any other news organization. Why does the CBC need a radio program? Do we not have enough places where one can find music online?

Ah, just as I alluded to above, the inevitable anti-SUN News comments have begun. Are you saying all of SUN News is propaganda? If so, prove it. ... Thanks for proving my hunch. You obviously don't even watch SUN News. If so, you wouldn't have to "wonder." David Akin discussed it quite a bit.

I don't watch Sun news because every time I watched Sun news, a right-wing Fox News style commentator insinuated the CBC was a left-wing pinko waste of money, and attacked every political party except the Conservatives. So, you're right on cue with your faux outrage and immediate CBC attack.

FWIW, I lived in France for the past year. The regional network, France 3, broadcasts some shows in Breton, Provencal, Basque, Corsican and (I think) Savoy. Particularly on the radio. Publicly funded. Piss off.
What Riverdale Rink Rat says. The day Canadians decides that CBC radio is too rich for them - the day that only the likes of Sun News purport to represent Canadian values, shoot me. Twice.
Would you like to provide me with some accurate numbers? Where should I acquire information from about the CBC? The CBC?

Google "CBC Annual Report." It's public information. Anybody can find it, even you. Then try to find what Pierre Karl Peladeau spends on Sun News, and how much he expects to force cable subscribers to fork out for it.

Why is the CBC wasting my money reporting in "northern languages?" Canada has two official languages. This isn't the colonial era anymore. Is there another country on the planet that has a national broadcaster that reports in some indigenous dialect? The CBC can afford to do all these other things because they have more money than any other news organization.

No, the CBC does it because it's the law. Google the Broadcasting Act. And BTW: the CBC was founded by a Conservative government.

Also, do you think your precious Pierre Karl Peladeau (assuming you even know who he is) or any other capitalist would set up a news service in the north where it is not profitable? Why should northern Canadians be any less than the rest of us? This is Canada and this is how it rolls. Love it or leave it.

Why does the CBC need a radio program? Do we not have enough places where one can find music online?

Clearly you have never found CBC radio networks on the dial. If you did, you would know that they produce the best news and current affairs programming in the country, and among the best in the world. They're carried by US satellite services, for example. This isn't just Rob and Doug ranting. It's thoughtful and balanced and has input from all over the world.

Ah, just as I alluded to above, the inevitable anti-SUN News comments have begun. Are you saying all of SUN News is propaganda? If so, prove it. Then we can get back to the topic of the thread.

No, I didn't. Why are you expecting me to? And where is your deductive reasoning ability? Just because I said one thing Sun news disseminates is wrong does not mean therefore everything it does is wrong.

Why did you decide to comment on the production/lack of funding and not address the mural?

First, I am not afraid of being killed by art. Second, the mural is open to interpretation. Third, I am not Islamaphobic. Finally, who died and made you UT's comment sheriff?

"I wonder how much attention these clowns paid to the Senate scandal this week."

Thanks for proving my hunch. You obviously don't even watch SUN News. If so, you wouldn't have to "wonder." David Akin discussed it quite a bit.

Akin is a real journalist. He has worked for real networks where he was forced to produce balanced reportage. He also has to be out in the field everyday. The others are clowns who perform in studio. And Ezra Levant is a tarsands and Con shill.

Now let's talk about Riverdale, a bastion of socialist left wing CBC types. LOL.
Google "CBC Annual Report." It's public information. Anybody can find it, even you. Then try to find what Pierre Karl Peladeau spends on Sun News, and how much he expects to force cable subscribers to fork out for it.

No, the CBC does it because it's the law. Google the Broadcasting Act. And BTW: the CBC was founded by a Conservative government.

Also, do you think your precious Pierre Karl Peladeau (assuming you even know who he is) or any other capitalist would set up a news service in the north where it is not profitable? Why should northern Canadians be any less than the rest of us? This is Canada and this is how it rolls. Love it or leave it.

Clearly you have never found CBC radio networks on the dial. If you did, you would know that they produce the best news and current affairs programming in the country, and among the best in the world. They're carried by US satellite services, for example. This isn't just Rob and Doug ranting. It's thoughtful and balanced and has input from all over the world.

No, I didn't. Why are you expecting me to? And where is your deductive reasoning ability? Just because I said one thing Sun news disseminates is wrong does not mean therefore everything it does is wrong.

First, I am not afraid of being killed by art. Second, the mural is open to interpretation. Third, I am not Islamaphobic. Finally, who died and made you UT's comment sheriff?

Akin is a real journalist. He has worked for real networks where he was forced to produce balanced reportage. He also has to be out in the field everyday. The others are clowns who perform in studio. And Ezra Levant is a tarsands and Con shill.

Now let's talk about Riverdale, a bastion of socialist left wing CBC types. LOL.

Under which column can I find their entire operating budget?

You're right, the CBC was founded by a conservative government -- though its environment has changed in the last 60 years.

I'm well aware of who Pierre Karl Peladeau is. What's with the assumption that I'm a massive SUN News fan? I said I like Michael Coren and John Robson; as well as Kris Sims, David Akin. I'm not impressed by all of their programing or personalities. Northern Canadians also speak English and or French. Why is it necessary to report in several other languages? Who in Canada doesn't know how to speak one of our official languages -- besides some refugees? How is anyone being left out?

Sorry, I accidentally confused CBC Radio with CBC Music. The latter is what I find to be redundant.

I'm asking because most people, from my experience, that are anti-SUN News, give off the impression that everything they report is propaganda. As for my comment on the CBC having billions of dollars -- I was exaggerating. Do they not receive roughly $1.1 billion a year?

The mural is open to interpretation? It promotes Jihad against non muslims, no? Who said anything about being Islamaphobic? I never insinuated that all muslims believe in killing infidels. I'm not UT's comment sheriff. I'm allowed to ask you questions and you can answer them or ignore them.

What is a real network? SUN News doesn't pretend to be terribly balanced. They admit to having a right leaning bias. Though they did have Adam Giambrone as a correspondent, at one time; and Warren Kinsella is regularly on Brian Lilley's program (which I'm not interested in). They often have left wing guests on their respective shows. What others are, "clowns who perform in studio." All of their journalists go out in the field; including your buddy, Ezra.

If you want to discuss this further, pm me. Back to Riverdale.
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I see Jilly's has been closed as the city have deemed the building unsafe

I see Jilly's has been closed as the city have deemed the building unsafe

"Structurally inadequate?"

I hope that this won't be an excuse to tear it down. If only the corner facades can be saved for a condo with a setback to preserve the roofscape as podium or whatever, I am good with it. But I would hate to see the owners write it off.
This may actually be a good thing -- the cost of repair may prompt the current owners to sell, and a condo developer presumably would have to do a lot of structural work anyway, so the issues aren't likely to be a deterrent.
Whatever happens, it's a magnificent building. One of my very favourites in the entire city. I hope it meets a kind fate.
Whatever happens, it's a magnificent building. One of my very favourites in the entire city. I hope it meets a kind fate.

Indeed. It hasn't been compromised as bad as Heydon House at St. Clair and Old Weston - the small hotel in established neighbourhood near a railway station - just like the Gladstone as well.
Indeed. It hasn't been compromised as bad as Heydon House at St. Clair and Old Weston - the small hotel in established neighbourhood near a railway station - just like the Gladstone as well.

Weren't there plans to restore Heydon House a few years back?
