Northern Light
He has every right to however. Induced Demand is one of those things I feel that people often shout without properly understanding. Induced Demand has to come from *somewhere*, and cannot appear to fill up a highway from absolute nowhere. Highway 413 is located in a transit desert where most of the traffic is heavy industry and minor commuters from Bolton, Georgetown, and Northern Brampton. There aren't that many places for commuters to come from, and the greatest beneficiaries are truck drivers coming from Northern Canada. As a result its absolutely fair to question at the very least whether or not Induced demand even applies in this situation.
Yes, he has the legal right to say something incredibly stupid, for which he cites absolutely no evidence; and if you read he the entire article, it goes on to show his understanding of the theory is laughably bad.
He shows no evidence of having studied origin-demand modelling, no evidence of understanding induced demand, no understanding of a finite public purse (we can't fund every project, we must therefore choose to invest dollars wisely).
What he does show, is that he is wholly biased in his position; and lacks any academic or other credentials on which to base his opinions.
Frank Notte is director of government relations for the Trillium Automobile Dealers Association, representing over 1,000 new car dealers across Ontario.
He is the head lobbyist for people who sell cars..............FFS you couldn't ask for a more obvious conflict-of-interest.
You or anyone else; are free to advocate for the construction of this highway.
I fervently believe that position to be incorrect; but we needn't go over arguments that been made time and again, once more.
But if an opinion is going to be cited from a non-member, there really ought to be some basis to take that opinion seriously based either on the expertise of the author; or evidence they cite from experts.
Here, we have neither.
'nuff said.