Also extremely dangerous for cyclists. The cyclist could be doing everything precisely 'by the book' (admittedly rare, I'm an 'old school' cyclist who follows the law) and easily be killed or worse. And it's not just 'on-ramps', it's any turn-off, as most motorists fail to indicate their turn approach.Your post seems to ignore the enormous public safety issue a pedestrian had in trying to squeeze through the traffic entering a highway on-ramp in order to simply cross the street.
Some cyclists insist on the 'taking their lane' approach to assert that they are going straight ahead. Even Russian Roulette is safer...I dismount, and look the motorists squarely in the eye and cross as a pedestrian. Still very dangerous, but many motorists demure to your right of way when looked at directly. That's because they have a sense of conscience when being glared at...sometimes.