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Rob Ford really brings people together...

Funny. And is nfitz out of his mind or something?

He keeps referring to Ford as being some kind of evil, anti-immigrant bigoted monster because..... Ford actually suggests that maybe Toronto and the surrounding region has enough people as it is to contend with regarding the issue of sustainability. We should reserve the right to turn others away at our borders as we see fit. Immigrants of the past had to prove their worth before being allowed entry into our country.

Ford's comments are being taken waaaaay out of context in a attempt to vilify him.
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He keeps referring to Ford as being some kind of evil, anti-immigrant bigoted monster because.....
Because that exactly what he, and anyone who supports his racist anti-immigrant ideas is.

It's that simple.

It's not the first time he's been caught making racist comments.
They got you hook line and sinker. Shame on you.
What is that supposed to mean? Your the one comparing a civil war that lasted near 30 years with over 50,000 killed to a small group of terrorists who were only involved in a handful of deaths ... there's organized crime groups in this country with more blood on their hands ...
Funny. And is nfitz out of his mind or something?

He keeps referring to Ford as being some kind of evil, anti-immigrant bigoted monster because..... Ford actually suggests that maybe Toronto and the surrounding region has enough people as it is to contend with regarding the issue of sustainability. We should reserve the right to turn others away at our borders as we see fit. Immigrants of the past had to prove their worth before being allowed entry into our country.

Ford's comments are being taken waaaaay out of context in a attempt to vilify him.

Well, let's be equal, then. If this is about raw sustainable population figures rather than point-of-origin, we should put an embargo on all in-migration. Including that from the rest of Canada, Reformist white trash from Calgary not excepted.

Oh, and stop breeding.
For the Record, I think this is a non-story, and I am all for legal drug use. I think he still uses drug though!

One toke over the line can be a career-ender if the line in question is the U.S. border.

But not for mayoral candidate Rob Ford, who successfully beat a marijuana possession charge in Florida in 1999, even though he admits he was guilty as charged.

“They pulled me over,” Ford said. “I was with my wife. They found one joint in my back pocket.”

It was Valentine’s Day 1999 and Ford and his wife-to-be were in the Miami area for a winter break.

He was arrested, booked and fingerprinted, then released on his own recognizance.

But Ford said he never had to appear in court — he hired a lawyer and the charge was eventually dropped, for reasons Ford can’t remember.

“Was it wrong? Absolutely it was wrong and I made a mistake,” he said. “You learn by your mistakes.”

The details are fuzzy — he’s not sure why he was pulled over and couldn’t say where he got the joint.

The brush with the law, though, hasn’t made him reconsider his stern law and order views.

“I think the laws are absolutely right,” he said.

“I think the laws are appropriate and I’m not one to say we should legalize marijuana. I’ve never said that and I wouldn’t want to see that happen.”

Ford said he’s never had any trouble crossing the border since the incident and no longer uses marijuana.

“I don’t use drugs. I’m not in that scene,” he said.

He put the incident so far behind him, he said he was caught off guard and adamantly denied having been charged when first approached by the Sun.

“No to answer your question,” Ford said.

“I’m dead serious. When I say no, I mean never. No question, Now I’m getting offended. No means no.”

But after Ford was provided with details from a Florida state criminal history record obtained by the Sun, he admitted the incident.

“I completely forgot about it until you mentioned it right now,” he said.

“You think I’m BSing you but I’m not. It completely, totally slipped my mind.

“It was nothing. It wasn’t a major issue. There’s more serious things in life.”

Ford’s brother and campaign manager Doug Ford said he never knew about the incident.

“I guess that’s something Rob kept personal. That’s Rob, that’s his business,” he said.

“I’ll sit down and I’ll be talking to Rob. I haven’t had a chance to sit down with all the whirlwind from this immigration thing from yesterday. I guess today immigration, tomorrow this and the next day, who knows what?”
What's more interesting than the drug charge, is that he lied about it until confronted with the evidence. Though I suppose that Ford is used to simply denying so many things that are true that it is simply reflex, and we shouldn't make a big deal about it.
What's more interesting than the drug charge, is that he lied about it until confronted with the evidence. Though I suppose that Ford is used to simply denying so many things that are true that it is simply reflex, and we shouldn't make a big deal about it.

Exactly! If he lied, which he does quite often, he can't be trusted. If he really had forgotten about this incident, then I don't think he has the mental capacity or qualifications for the job of mayor.
Problem with Ford's lying is that it's chronic. He denies, denies and denies, which is the same as lying until confronted with the evidence. Then he spins it around like it's no big deal. Not the kind of person I want as mayor.
Problem with Ford's lying is that it's chronic. He denies, denies and denies, which is the same as lying until confronted with the evidence. Then he spins it around like it's no big deal. Not the kind of person I want as mayor.

that is a null argument Every politician, from across the spectrum 'lies'.

DENY DENY DENY.. until you can't. Mulrouney, Clinton, Dalton, first ones on top of my head.... Some are just better at spining/weaseling their way out of it.
We should reserve the right to turn others away at our borders as we see fit. Immigrants of the past had to prove their worth before being allowed entry into our country.

Do you have absolutely ZERO knowledge of Canadian immigration policy or something?

The vast majority of newcomers to Canada come via the "immigration" route. In that case, Canadian Govt Officials DO INDEED reserve the right to turn away people as they see fit! People DO need to prove their worth!

It is only the 20k people per year who come in via the "asylum" route which we are obligated to let in - but so are many other Western countries, including the UK and perhaps the U.S.
They're still a minority amongst the entire yearly immigrant group though... which is like 250k as I recall?

But I shouldn't have to explain this to you. How can you not know this already?
