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Thanks to you all. It makes sense when presented to me in this way. I believe that the civic dynamic truly is more bread and butter and lends itself to more people-centric value system which is less driven by money and more by qualities of life. True, left and right labels are often unfair and it is the particular issue at hand and the potential solutions put forth that must take precedent over the supposed left or right wing bias of the person making the proposals. Cheers to all.
I've always been perplexed at the left-leaning councils and mayors that we seem to elect. Certainly they at times have some good ideas but I would expect that a city that is such an important corporate and industrial centre would have fostered a more centrist or slightly right-leaning political atmosphere. Any ideas how the left has been able to succeed or is it as simple as the idea that left-leaning persons are more likely to get out and vote for their cause and this leads to success in an apathetic voting environment? :confused:

The left loves grass-root politics. And city councils are about as grass-roots as you can get. This means they are better organized and play the game better. The NDP practically uses city councils in Ontario as a sandbox for grooming future politicians. Too bad the other parties haven't caught on.
I am confident that Torontonians will not elect Ford.

Never say never. And that's what scares me. Get around Scarborough and Etobicoke. Many of the things Rob Ford says resonates with inner suburbanites. And most don't know his full history. They just hear a guy talking their language.

I would not be surprised one bit, if he wins...though I would be thoroughly disappointed.

People need to start taking the suburbs seriously. So far, he's the only one talking their language. And that's why he's actually got some popularity.
Never say never. And that's what scares me. Get around Scarborough and Etobicoke. Many of the things Rob Ford says resonates with inner suburbanites. And most don't know his full history. They just hear a guy talking their language.

I would not be surprised one bit, if he wins...though I would be thoroughly disappointed.

People need to start taking the suburbs seriously. So far, he's the only one talking their language. And that's why he's actually got some popularity.

Do the low-income neighbourhoods which make up much of Scarborough and Etobicoke really resonate with the Ford ideology?
Typical liberal strategy: sling the mud rather than talk about real issues...

Is it any wonder that Left-wing thought is never able to sell itself to the average person? This is why Left-wing talk radio and TV always is a losing proposition. It is idiotic in its reasoning. Left-wing candidates always have to lie about whom they are and what they believe in order to win. The only way for Left-wingers to win is to lie about themselves, their opponents AND most importantly, promise voters free stuff that will be paid for by other people.

If liberals agree, with each other, on any issue, then, by their reasoning... they are right and everyone else is wrong.
Hey all

I'm mostly just looking for more information, but why do a lot of people (particularly on this site) refer to Ford as though he's the worst possible thing that could happen to Toronto? I know a fair amount about Smitherman and Rossi, but on the surface it just seems like Ford is the right-wing candidate who has shot his mouth off (albeit, stupidly) a few times.

Fiscally speaking, he's the only one who talks about scrapping transit city (which I personally agree with, except Eglinton, since the majority of the lines will save a few minutes max vs the express bus routes, and a dedicated HOV bus lane could probably accomplish the same thing. But I digress...). Admittedly, his statement that people want more subways and saying that the private sector would pay for them with air rights above stations makes no sense, but it seems to me like he's be the candidate most willing to take on the unions which would probably be necessary to free up more cash for transit construction.
Anyway, I don't know much about him, just hoping some of you could shed a little light on this.

You’re not going to get a straightforward, unbiased, objective opinion here on UT (much less from the liberal-skewed MSM); so there’s no point in you even asking. It’s better to listen to what actual Rob Ford supporters have to say about him and why:


Looks to me like Mr. Ford appeals to a broad range of races, ages, genders and sexual orientations in spite of his gaffs.

Basically, he’s the antithesis of everything City Hall stands for right now (rampant tax increases, unnecessary garbage strikes, fees for owning a vehicle in Toronto, a crumbling and costly transit system, political favouritism, corruption with Councillors’ spending habits... boondoggles run by the mob. And when they do initiate something, the work will never be completed and the cost will rival the provincial deficit).

Ford's voice, along with Nuziata and a few other decent councillors have been muzzled by the creation of Miller's executive committee (a gift from McGuinty). The agenda was set by the chosen few and many issues did not even make it to the floor for a full council vote. Councillor raises last year is a good example of the muzzle. Full council was not given the chance to turn it down. On the issues that did hit the floor, will give you a flavour of where everyone stood. Also:
Typical liberal strategy: sling the mud rather than talk about real issues...

Is it any wonder that Left-wing thought is never able to sell itself to the average person? This is why Left-wing talk radio and TV always is a losing proposition. It is idiotic in its reasoning. Left-wing candidates always have to lie about whom they are and what they believe in order to win. The only way for Left-wingers to win is to lie about themselves, their opponents AND most importantly, promise voters free stuff that will be paid for by other people.

If liberals agree, with each other, on any issue, then, by their reasoning... they are right and everyone else is wrong.

Yeah but why are right-wingers so fat? I mean they're always honest, and always keep all their promises, and they're on TV and radio alot, which makes them better, and right-wing candidates always win every election in history because they're so good at selling themselves to the average person... but why can't a right-winger say no to eating a big mac once in a while?
Never say never. And that's what scares me. Get around Scarborough and Etobicoke. Many of the things Rob Ford says resonates with inner suburbanites. And most don't know his full history. They just hear a guy talking their language.

I know his full history, but yet I'm willing to look past that. There's more important things at stake to consider here than voting the most congenial person into office. Miller was congenial too. Look where that got us.
sling the mud rather than talk about real issues...

No mud slinging from you, eh? I guess the stuff you spewed above are 'real issues'.
Why are right wingers always such hypocrites?
It's not even worth discussing his policies or political platform. The man is a buffoon and has no business even being a city councilor.

Next time someone calls Ford a buffoon, someone needs to file a OHRC complaint.

Yeah but why are right-wingers so fat? I mean they're always honest, and always keep all their promises, and they're on TV and radio alot, which makes them better, and right-wing candidates always win every election in history because they're so good at selling themselves to the average person... but why can't a right-winger say no to eating a big mac once in a while?

Dear kettal,

Your arrogance and habit of denigrating those who have the affrontery to disagree with you and the socialist mantra will be the main reasons that I will stand up and applaud the demise of any and all left-leaning councillors.

You seem to suggest that Rob Ford suporters know nothing about municipal poilitics? Well, I know enough about it that my tax bill has increased and I'm paying more fees. Furthermore, I don't enjoy being treated like a child whenever I question something, and I'm seeing more waste at City Hall than I ever have. That's all I need to know and I will use my vote to effect a change within City Hall.

The union/special-interest trolls in here aren't worth responding to, so I won't waste my time and energy on you. Anyone strongly anti-Ford at this point is understandably upset, since they stand to lose a lot after Mayor Ford is sworn in-- starting with their place at the trough! :p
Mainstream Media a la Toronto Star, CTV, Globe and Mail (all owned by the TorStar Corporation).

Don't mind me though, I just don't like the lopsided debates.
The TorStar corporation does not own CTV or the Globe & Mail, only a minority share in CTVGlobeMedia. The Globe & Mail endorsed Stephen Harper in the last federal election.

Knowing facts is so left-wing.
