no one is saying 380K people who voted for this moron are stupid.
I figured it would happen eventually, but something more in line with perhaps a few books or a documentary after all was said & done. Ladies and Gentlemen, The Rob Ford TV Show - http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/08/13/rob-ford-tv-show-crowd-funder_n_3748487.html?utm_hp_ref=tw
Hey, you're free to do whatever you want. But if you want to suggest that around 380,000 Torontonians are stupid, well... it's a bit ironic, isn't it? It's not an intellectually sound position to take. It's just emotional, knee-jerk posturing.
Okay, here's the thing. First we have to agree on a definition of stupidity. You don't seem to think it exists outside of as an insult to call someone. I just use it as a definition of someone who is either willfully ignorant or unable to process information. You can trade stupid for a less inflammatory word if you want. I suppose it is harsh. But if you want to make it simple and just look at the I.Q. rates, well, as I said before 3.6% of the population of the United States is mentally challenged, so it's probably roughly about the same here. And 75% of the population of the United States has an I.Q. below 110, putting them in the category of average or below average. I don't want to get into the thing of whether or not an I.Q. test is a true indication of intelligence, I'm just using it as an example. If 75% is average or below, that means 25% is above. If 25% is above, it's probably likely that roughly 25% is below, with the 50% in the middle being average.
So, taking out the inflammatory word "stupid" and replacing it with "below average intelligence", yes, I'm pretty comfortable suggesting that at least 20% of the population is of below average intelligence. Now I'm not saying all of that 20-25% voted for Rob Ford, but given the evidence I'm going to go out on a limb and say that a good chunk did.
Anti-Ford Nation
Ford Nation
Is that a "classist" knock?
I feel like this thread has been hijacked and has taken a turn for the worse.
My apologies, I'll stop. I feel like it's really important to complicate the simplistic right/wrong, black/white, smart/stupid dichotomies that are being used here, but I don't want to threadjack either.
Here's hoping that either the tape comes out and Ford quits/is pushed out and gets help, or that a compelling progressive candidate can become a force in the next election.
On the contrary, history has just been made. This is officially the first UT thread to reach rarefied air and go beyond a 10/10 rating!I feel like this thread has been hijacked and has taken a turn for the worse.
And so, let me repost this from yesterday...
...and may I offer this to those of you antsy about the references to diehard-to-the-end Ford supporters as "stupid". It's like being antsy about those who'd defend this kind of reno hack job being labelled "stupid"--like, you know, it's their property, it's their right to do what they want with it, and we should shush up all urban aesthetic criticism because it's like force-feeding holier-than-thou elitism..
To expand upon your analogy - if the defaced building shown above represents Rob Ford - I would suggest to you that George Smitherman was the equivalent of a nuclear waste dump. I suspect most of us who voted for Ford did so because he represented the lesser evil. Considering all options it was better to live next door this EIFIS clad monstrosity than live next door to a nuclear waste dump. Given the same choices I would vote for Ford again even knowing what I know about the man now. Hopefully next time around we have better choices but I will say right now if it becomes a race between Ford and Chow - Ford has my vote again!