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Ford tries to break up football game fight

But back in Toronto, the allegations keep mounting.

For the first time, a media report indicates from sources police are probing Ford and those close to him. Toronto Police are not commenting on it.

Ford himself called the story suggesting his friend Sandro Lisi supplied drugs as “a total bunch of B.S.”

From his Niagara Falls hotel room over the phone, he said, the story is “not accurate” and that Lisi is a “great guy and he is straight as an arrow.”

He said the reports of Lisi’s involvement with shepherding the mayor around are also exaggerated.

It’s unknown if he is going to make it back to the CNE in time to do his 1 p.m. radio show on Newstalk 1010 but his councillor brother Doug said he is going to try.

The mayor did not tip his hand either way.

“I am enjoying being down in Niagara for the weekend for a little quality time with the wife and kids,” he said.

And to help break up some fights.
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It's gone up to 30% believe it does not exist. Can you believe 30% of Newstalk1010's audience are that gullible/stupid? I don't listen to that station, so I have no idea what they're about but it's still pretty pathetic.
It's gone up to 30% believe it does not exist. Can you believe 30% of Newstalk1010's audience are that gullible/stupid? I don't listen to that station, so I have no idea what they're about but it's still pretty pathetic.

Please don't listen to it.

A few weeks ago, one of the talking heads was going on about how it was unreasonable to expect our mayor to know where or what the SRT was. It was in reference to this video. I almost drove my car off the road...

Respect for taxpayers dollars and yet has no clue about what he wants to spend $1.4 Billion on. Yup...
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Got to love the media reports that Ford was "hounded by a crowd of his supporters" at the CNE. Interesting that none of them mentioned the giggling and "get me a photo with Mayor Cracky McCrack" that could surely be overheard.

Are we overestimating the size (no pun intended) of Ford Nation? Were half the people who went to Ford Fest just locals going for a laugh and a free burger?
i had forgotten about those threatening calls... now connected to the range rover...

NOW's own investigation into the Range Rover prompted a curious sequence of events, including two threatening phone calls from unknown persons.

Speaking of those way-out phone calls your bodyguard, David Price, has been making, i’ve been getting a few weird ones myself
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Got to love the media reports that Ford was "hounded by a crowd of his supporters" at the CNE. Interesting that none of them mentioned the giggling and "get me a photo with Mayor Cracky McCrack" that could surely be overheard.

Rather appropriate that he'd bring his one man freak-show to the CNE. Aside from what were certainly a few Ford supporters, the rest come looking for the side-show - not unlike the House of Mirrors on the Midway.
Doug Ford again took shots at his council colleagues, saying that 80 per cent of them could not find a private-sector job that would pay them the $105,000 salary they get from the city.

From The Star at this link.

That's one way not to make friends.

However, with the police investigating "friends" of the Ford brothers, maybe they'll be better off if they weren't "friends".
It's gone up to 30% believe it does not exist. Can you believe 30% of Newstalk1010's audience are that gullible/stupid? I don't listen to that station, so I have no idea what they're about but it's still pretty pathetic.

Pretty reasonable, given that Newstalk1010 skews heavily towards the conservatives. Heck, they're the ones who mysteriously gave Ford a spot while kicking out Matlow.

From The Star at this link.

That's one way not to make friends.

However, with the police investigating "friends" of the Ford brothers, maybe they'll be better off if they weren't "friends".

Doug Ford again took shots at his council colleagues, saying that 80 per cent of them could not find a private-sector job that would pay them the $105,000 salary they get from the city.

After Rogers sportscaster Dana McKeil said he found grenades among the possessions of his late father, a military veteran, Doug Ford joked: “Do me a favour, those grenades, can you send a couple down to city hall? We might need a couple down there, just to straighten the guys out a little bit.”

Could this be grounds for libel? These comments are why I strongly believe they deserve every bit of criticism they get. Thank goodness Doug's leaving municipal politics next year.
Could this be grounds for libel? These comments are why I strongly believe they deserve every bit of criticism they get. Thank goodness Doug's leaving municipal politics next year.

Those remarks aren't technically libel. They're rude, juvenile, offensive, and would probably count as illegal threats if an average Joe/Jane like you or I said them. But they're not libel, as I fully believe Doug Ford would lob a few grenades into City Hall if given half the chance.
Could this be grounds for libel? These comments are why I strongly believe they deserve every bit of criticism they get. Thank goodness Doug's leaving municipal politics next year.

That's not libelous, that's just being a dick.

It's kind of like saying that 100% of the Ford children could not find a private-sector job that would pay more than minimum wage unless it was handed to them by their dad.
I guess it was appropriate that the Ford brothers appeared on the midway today for their radio show. Although from the looks of the small crowd they were drawing, maybe they were taking valuable carny space away from the bearded lady, the balloon headed baby and the man who bites the heads off live rats.
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