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Developing: A promising lead is being followed regarding a person who's first name is all that I know right now. Mike.

We might not be looking for that video if this pans out. That video wasn't documenting the first or last time that Ford was stupid enough to smoke crack around people who could film him.
Perhaps it is this Mike:
“I may have to write a book,” PeeTeePeee wrote. In another post 24 minutes later, PeeTeePeee added, “I think it would be pretty good.”
PeeTeePeee called himself “Municipal Man of Mystery” in a post on Aug. 29. The Star could not verify his identity. But evidence suggests he is Michael Prempeh, who worked for Ford as a special assistant from Sept. 5 until Friday. “There is WAAAAY more going on behind closed doors,” PeeTeePeee wrote Thursday afternoon.

Since it hasn't been mentioned yet, I'll mention that this article was written by Richard Florida, who is an American Urban Studies theorist but is head of the Martin Prosperity Institute at U of T (in addition to being a professor at New York University). So he's got a wee bit of an anti-Ford bias, which comes through in his comparisons. I just wish he was a bit more strong/critical, because the way he states it, Ford's ripping-up-of-bike-lanes and anti-transit stance is logically connect to a crusade against the "downtown elite" (as if the two are related). Not to mention that he doesn't really call out the fact that Ford himself is one of the so-called elites. But I guess that isn't really the point of the article :(

Ok, but if we consider Florida's basic premise for a moment, independent of political agenda etc., it seems to offer a rationale to Ford Nation that goes beyond the 'they are all blind idiots' line of argument here.... to wit, herein lays the answer perhaps to any looming potential of a second term for Ford: reveal him as the entitled member of the establishment he truly is and offer up a candidate (left or right but hopefully centrist) that truly does speak for the discontentment of the middle class?
i somehow have a feeling that ford would be running away from this conversation as fast as he possibly can. Too many big words and too much deep thought and planning. Come on people! all he wants is low taxes and Subways Subways Subways!!!

Ok, but if we consider Florida's basic premise for a moment, independent of political agenda etc., it seems to offer a rationale to Ford Nation that goes beyond the 'they are all blind idiots' line of argument here.... to wit, herein lays the answer perhaps to any looming potential of a second term for Ford: reveal him as the entitled member of the establishment he truly is and offer up a candidate (left or right but hopefully centrist) that truly does speak for the discontentment of the middle class?

Yeah, I think at this point what the City needs is someone who can stand firmly apart from Miller's legacy (whether you liked him or not) and still be able to point at Ford and say "and I'm not ANY of those things, either!" - I sense that by the time all of this pans out, the winning candidate will have a few of Ford's tenets (respect for taxpayers!), live in midtown (not a downtowner!) but still have their wits about them when it comes to public policy. So I guess it'll be Stintz.

I guess my main critique with Florida's piece was, though, that I wish somebody would just call a spade a spade with Ford - point out the hypocrisy and the silliness of some of his stances and statements. When Florida says "By waging a symbolic war on public transit and bike lanes, Ford turned the resentments of the city’s left-behinds against its downtown elites" he's almost giving legitimacy to the notion that whoever these downtown elites are, they're the ones asking for more public transit and more bike lanes. And as a transit-riding downtown-living cyclist, I can tell you - nobody on a bike or streetcar is "elite" by any stretch of the imagination. It's guys living in big houses in the suburbs with millionaire parents and Escalades that are the "elites".

Which I acknowledge isn't the point of Florida's piece, it's about NYC politics. Toronto Life actually did a really good job exposing Ford for what he is (2012 article I think?), but under the guise of a biography piece rather than a critique - and of course, if it's coming from Toronto Life, Ford Nation will just ignore it.
Perhaps it is this Mike:
“I may have to write a book,” PeeTeePeee wrote. In another post 24 minutes later, PeeTeePeee added, “I think it would be pretty good.”
PeeTeePeee called himself “Municipal Man of Mystery” in a post on Aug. 29. The Star could not verify his identity. But evidence suggests he is Michael Prempeh, who worked for Ford as a special assistant from Sept. 5 until Friday. “There is WAAAAY more going on behind closed doors,” PeeTeePeee wrote Thursday afternoon.

That's a good place to start pulling the string.
Unrelated, but does anyone remember the total amount of potential savings identified by that KPMG report a few years ago?

I believe it was in the 15 million range, with an operating budget shortfall of something like $750 million. So less than 2% savings.

So much for all that "gravy."
That's a good place to start pulling the string.

PeeTeePeee maintained a sense of humour even in writing about the Ford crisis. On May 22, he retweeted a post that read: “I need a public figure to do something ridiculous so I can record it and use the proceeds to pay off my OSAP.” He responded: “Now you thinking.”

Wonder what Prempeh's student debt load is. ;) Although all indications are that he'd write a book, not make a video.
Rob Ford has friends in low places: jail, crack houses, six feet under — whence lie the remains of at least one murdered drug dealer photographed with the mayor.

This apparently makes him an ally of the people, at least for those scrunched into the trenches of Ford Nation, and no volley of scandalizing grenades will blast them out or trigger a retreat.


Believe me, if we wanted to attack the mayor’s family, there is more than enough ammunition to do so. Instead, the Star — I can’t speak for any other news organization — has deliberately chosen not to go there, despite on-the-record interviews with no less an authority than Police Chief Bill Blair.

Nor did the Star — primary target of blathering attack by Ford & Ford — run with a story gathered a few months ago about the mayor making a peculiar after-hours visit to the Toronto West Detention Centre in March, to speak with a man the mayor has known since high school.


This newspaper held back on the story at the time because the source was deemed insufficiently credible. Contrary to what the Fords endlessly assert, the Star does not rush to print every kernel of provocative news relating to them, even though the brothers clearly have no appetite for pursuing libel suits which would, by necessity, open them to cross-examination on the stand. It was the Globe which broke the jail visit story last week, reporting that Ford tried to visit Bellissimo on March 26 but was not allowed in. In a recent exchange with Donovan, Bellissimo snarled: “Buddy, I am going to talk to the Crown and police and get you arrested.”


Incrementally, the allegations and evidence is tightening around Toronto’s mayor. Only the obstinately blinkered can continue to discount the thickening Ford dossier. Of course, they will, because not only Ford’s judgment is at issue but also their own. Some have long parted company with reality, left with nothing but the braying against media scrounging.


For a long time, it appeared as if law enforcement was leaving all the urgent legwork to journalists, just as media took the lead role gathering evidence of apparent police abuse against civilians during the G20 protests.

Getting to the truth has exposed reporters to threats from unsavoury characters in the Ford circle of creeps. Sometimes that’s part of the job. But if police won’t do it, who’s left?

It now seems they are doing it, in their close-to-the-vest fashion.

I don’t expect cops to blab details about active investigations. I do expect the chief of police to tell us if Toronto’s mayor is under the microscope for drugs.

No comment, from Blair and his Iago spokesman Mark Pugash, just doesn’t cut it anymore.
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he hasn't worked at city hall for about 7 weeks now... so he was just sitting on, whatever it is, until now?

Ford only recently started going on about receiving requests to coach high school football teams. Perhaps being an athlete (assuming it is the "Mike" mentioned) he wants to do everything possible to keep a drug user away from young athletes.

Multiple copies, multiple events has always made sense, as has Ford knowing which one came from which person or group. The farther it gets from the source, the more copies available, the more people involved, the safer releasing it becomes.

Think of it as the video version of money laundering :)

Seeing the mayor's supporting cast, it is perfectly clear why people would be reluctant, and of course the beauty of blackmail is the anxiety it induces, keeping someone on edge.
Ford Nation (most likely) on the attack:

The Ontario Press Council will hold two hearings in response to complaints it has received relating to two newspaper publications:

1. An article published by the Toronto Star, dated May 16th, 2013 entitled “Rob Ford in ‘crack cocaine’ video scandal”

2. An article published by the Globe and Mail, dated May 25th, 2013 entitled “Globe investigation: The Ford family’s history with drug dealing”

The video needs to come out NOW!!
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