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Ford Fest is this Friday which just happens to be the day when the judge in the Project Traveller case could potentially release some or all of the warrants exposing potential gang ties with Ford and information regarding the crack video. Wouldn't that be something? Maybe Rob and Doug will skip their party.
I will say this for Ford. He's an amazing campaigner. Why in God's name he still wants the job is beyond me, but he is taking full advantage of his incumbancy - radio show that's basically an ad, Ford Fest, video, speeches, taking credit for Miller's programs AND his own, spinning the transit fiasco as a Ford triumph (THAT chutzpah was awe-inspiring!)

The thing is, he hates the job. Wants to be a councillor again, fixing potholes. Why bother the hard sell to re-up for a job he hates and does so, so poorly?
I will say this for Ford. He's an amazing campaigner. Why in God's name he still wants the job is beyond me, but he is taking full advantage of his incumbancy - radio show that's basically an ad, Ford Fest, video, speeches, taking credit for Miller's programs AND his own, spinning the transit fiasco as a Ford triumph (THAT chutzpah was awe-inspiring!)

The thing is, he hates the job. Wants to be a councillor again, fixing potholes. Why bother the hard sell to re-up for a job he hates and does so, so poorly?

Family pride? Personal pride? It's pretty clear that the Fords are the sort who would never let the opponent win, even if it means burning everything down. And that's why the next election matters in particular- by removing Rob Ford, you remove the last vestige of the Fords from the public sphere.
how do none of these 'ford fest' events break any election rules?????

why hasn't somebody filed a complaint against the integrity commissioner?

the media in this city willingly gather at these events and give him a free platform.
I will say this for Ford. He's an amazing campaigner. Why in God's name he still wants the job is beyond me, but he is taking full advantage of his incumbancy - radio show that's basically an ad, Ford Fest, video, speeches, taking credit for Miller's programs AND his own, spinning the transit fiasco as a Ford triumph (THAT chutzpah was awe-inspiring!)

The thing is, he hates the job. Wants to be a councillor again, fixing potholes. Why bother the hard sell to re-up for a job he hates and does so, so poorly?

Well, for one, his memoirs. McG or JJ Abrams could do the movie. :p

how do none of these 'ford fest' events break any election rules?????

why hasn't somebody filed a complaint against the integrity commissioner?

the media in this city willingly gather at these events and give him a free platform.

Careful signage, monies from private sources for festivities, and the "public" do things like writing a song without enumeration from Ford's office.

I wonder if Robbie will ever admit to sole sourcing for his office stationary, including his fridge magnets.
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I bet that a Rob Ford movie would be more popular than even a Steve Jobs movie. If this becomes true, then Toronto must be more interesting than Apple.
how do none of these 'ford fest' events break any election rules?????

why hasn't somebody filed a complaint against the integrity commissioner?

the media in this city willingly gather at these events and give him a free platform.

The truth is all Councillors have similar community picnics. They are called "environmental days" and the taxpayers pick up the tab. At least Rob Ford is paying for the hot dogs and hamburgers and FREE BEER!
out of his own pocket!

I see my local councilor - Kristin Wong-Tam - is holding her self-promoting community picnic ("environment day") tomorrow in Allen Gardens with Condo developer Great Gulf Homes picking up the tab for the BBQ! Should we alert the integrity commissioner?
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The thing is, he hates the job. Wants to be a councillor again, fixing potholes. Why bother the hard sell to re-up for a job he hates and does so, so poorly?
Ego. He one hundred percent believes his own bullshit. He does think that other councillours do nothing but waste money, and only he sees the true virtuous way. Plus he's sports driven, he sees the world in winners and losers, the victors and the crushed. Always up for a kickoff.

I've never believed this fixing potholes stuff. Sure, he did some of it, mostly as a rant against the system, but he was probably even less dedicated as a councillour, taking most days off to feed whatever addictions had hold of him. All these stories of him returning every call and taking care of every minor concern at the doorstep always was a combination of delusion and self-promotion.
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I'm talking about earning the right to complain about the content of the thread. My comment was precisely directed at the guy who joined and his first post said "First time poster saying straighten it out".

He may be a first time poster, but at 464 posts in over 5 years vs 1 post in 1 day, his ratio of 1 post per day has you beat by a longshot, so it depends how you define a "regular poster". That said, this forum shouldn't be about how many posts you have. This isn't a competition and a first time poster like pogopope is just as entitled as an infrequent poster with a few hundred posts like you, or a senior member with thousands of posts like adma. We all contribute in our own way (except for the few people who say nothing but "thanks for the updates" and "great shot!"), and new members should be welcomed instead of slapped down by older members.
We should not bite newcomers, and ignore trolls and spammers.

Everyone was a newcomer once, even those who live at UT.
new members should be welcomed instead of slapped down by older members.

I'm all for welcoming new posters - but I don't believe condescension and entitlement is deserving of praise (and if we're going to use your accouting method - every single one of his posts so far has been whiny). Go back and read the post I linked to and tell me that he's a new poster innocently trying to get his feet wet by joining the discussion - it's literally the worst "Hey I'm new here, first post!" I've seen on any forum. I was astonished there were no cries of "No one's forcing you to read a forum you don't contribute to, if you don't like it, go away." Had I been in a slapping-down mood, that's probably what I would have said.

To put it another way - I'm happy to see new contributors joining the forum. Operative word being contributors. Lurkers who think we have to satisfy their desires? Not so much. But that's just my personal preference.

In any case - is anyone going to listen to the radio show today? I'm also surprised no one has done a response-video to the "Summer of Ford" video, with all the resignations and blunders Ford has seen in the last 4 months. If I had the time/patience/editing software I'd give it a crack but, alas...
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