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It can also get annoying when first-time posters type "First!" as the first reply to any news thread (and especially on YouTube).

First-time posters who just state that they are first-time posters and not contribute anything meaningful is also a spammer in my definition.
In any case - is anyone going to listen to the radio show today? I'm also surprised no one has done a response-video to the "Summer of Ford" video, with all the resignations and blunders Ford has seen in the last 4 months. If I had the time/patience/editing software I'd give it a crack but, alas...

I sometimes listen to the netcast, but it is just so boring, same shite, different day.

The video is pure propaganda, it is interesting to note that more negative things went on for Ford this summer than positive things. The funniest part was opening the video with Ford coping a feel of McCallion. At least it was better than the standard dragging out the family for the pressers.
I'm all for welcoming new posters - but I don't believe condescension and entitlement is deserving of praise (and if we're going to use your accouting method - every single one of his posts so far has been whiny). Go back and read the post I linked to and tell me that he's a new poster innocently trying to get his feet wet by joining the discussion - it's literally the worst "Hey I'm new here, first post!" I've seen on any forum. I was astonished there were no cries of "No one's forcing you to read a forum you don't contribute to, if you don't like it, go away." Had I been in a slapping-down mood, that's probably what I would have said.

To put it another way - I'm happy to see new contributors joining the forum. Operative word being contributors. Lurkers who think we have to satisfy their desires? Not so much. But that's just my personal preference.

In any case - is anyone going to listen to the radio show today? I'm also surprised no one has done a response-video to the "Summer of Ford" video, with all the resignations and blunders Ford has seen in the last 4 months. If I had the time/patience/editing software I'd give it a crack but, alas...

Can we not create a new thread to discuss this and whatever other random stuff we want.

I watched the video but I think my copy was broken.

It seemed to be missing the wasted on Danforth, crack smoking, driving while reading, middle finger giving, personal use of tax payer funded property/staff, street car passing, butt grabbing, pictures with criminals, employee firing, weighing in, camera bumping, council meeting missing, verbal abusing, 911 calling, etc.... portions.

Beautiful comment from the article you linked us to.
Things have been really quiet on the Rob Ford front from my sources and so I've decided to take a vacation from the topic to get the bumbling idiot out of my head. Until today. I've been hearing a lot of chatter and scrambling. I don't know yet what's going on but I have a feeling something is about to hit.
Not directly tied to Ford, however, Sam's Sign is a part of Toronto's past and present.. Why is Ford not to interested in it's preservation? And it would seem Ford is not interested in holding Ryerson to their contractual agreements.

"The fate of Sam the Record Man’s iconic neon sign will hang in the air for one more year.
Toronto and East York Community Council voted Tuesday to amend a proposal that would have let Ryerson University off the hook for reinstalling the sign. Instead, Ryerson will have a year to come up with a new location to hang the 800-light, two-storey spinning neon records."
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Not directly tied to Ford, however, Sam's Sign is a part of Toronto's past and present.. Why is Ford not to interested in it's preservation? And it would seem Ford is not interested in holding Ryerson to their contractual agreements.

Ford has no interest nor is he competent in these matters - matters of historic merit or preservation, the pedestrian or cycling realm, culture, ethnicity (beyond votes), city planning, neighbourhood rejuvenation/beautification etc. Basically, unless it's about getting rid of streetcars, reducing taxes, making the island airport bigger, synchronizing street lights or football anything, he has little interest and no expertise.
Not directly tied to Ford, however, Sam's Sign is a part of Toronto's past and present.. Why is Ford not to interested in it's preservation? And it would seem Ford is not interested in holding Ryerson to their contractual agreements.


There has been a lot of misinformation on this subject. Ryerson never agreed to install the SAM's sign on or in the learning centre. In this interview Ryerson President Sheldon Levy sets the record straight:

I don't know how this myth got started that Ryerson was reneging on a contractual agreement. I suppose it has to do with the fact that we have a lot of lazy stupid journalists in this city who cant be bothered to do any research on a subject (they're too busy sending tweets to each other).
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Quick question about Rob Ford's transit plan: When he said "by 2015", did he mean December 31st or in time for the Pan Am games? Hopefully the latter, since he may need the extra time.

If he tries to keep a July 2015 target for subway expansion, that means starting today he'll need to open up one subway station every six weeks. However, if he switches to a December 31st target that gives him an additional two weeks of breathing room per station - a full 33% increase. That's not ideal of course because the new lines won't be ready for the Games, but surely the electorate will understand the extra five months.
Actually, re Ford and the Sam's sign

2:10: Jane is a musician, and she thanks Rob for increasing funding to the arts. (Actually the mayor routinely opposes arts grants, and increased arts funding is a result of the decade-long Beautiful City campaign). She supports the idea of making Ryerson restore the Sam the Record Man sign, and wonders what the mayor’s stance is.

Rob, too, supports keeping the sign. He encourages people to call their councillor and says he’ll arrange meetings to keep the sign up. I imagine this gives a lot of Rob Ford critics mixed feelings.

Of course, that's like a lunkheaded "Sam's, Sam's, Sam's" approach a la "subways, subways, subways".
I couldn't care less about the Sam's sign. I grew up in Toronto in the 1970s and 1980s, and well remember thinking as a teenager on Yonge St. in the mid-1980s that the whole Yonge & Dundas area was a dump, with dirty arcades, ratty clothing and electronics shops, drunks passed out in front of the multitude of taverns, and an atmosphere at night that was not safe. Compare it today, and Yonge & Dundas is, IMO, far improved.

Good riddance to the Yonge St. of the 1970s and 1980s. Sam's sign can be binned for all I care.
There has been a lot of misinformation on this subject. Ryerson never agreed to install the SAM's sign on or in the learning centre. In this interview Ryerson President Sheldon Levy sets the record straight:

I don't know how this myth got started that Ryerson was reneging on a contractual agreement. I suppose it has to do with the fact that we have a lot of lazy stupid journalists in this city who cant be bothered to do any research on a subject (they're too busy sending tweets to each other).

Thank you for bringing up this point.

For those interested in the necessary bits or the actual contract:
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