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It's not anti-democratic if the accused is removed due to the violation of the law. That's the system regulating itself, preventing itself from being overrun and corrupted. But I know how you came to this conclusion- Ford is completely infallible to you.

Not so much "infallible", as the only real meal ticket-esque thing CowboyLogic types have to power. They're clinging to Ford, lest they be orphaned...
A summary of what I've learned over the past few days:

- Some Councillors are trying to find out if there's support in TO Council to force Ford to reveal David Price's role in his office. Why are we paying him and what does he do? Councillors want to know.
- The police have what they need to nail Ford so detaining him or bringing him in for questioning could happen soon.
- Conservative campaign financiers are upset over Ford's anti-downtown stance. A clogged up downtown hurts their pocketbooks.
- John Tory is all but fully convinced to run and has those former Ford financial backers nudging him to do it.
- Kouvalis is being courted to run Tory's campaign. He's distanced himself from Ford even more clearly today, confirming that he's available for 2014.
John Tory. So we'd go from a mayor with too much personality to a mayor with no personality. How about someone who wasn't a rich kid?
Polling data says Chow would trounce Tory in a race between them.

I figure that in a three way race, the results would be a 2:1:1 ratio in favour of Chow. Or in other words, ~50% Chow, ~25% Tory, ~25% Ford.

Those would be great numbers for her considering that she's racing against one incumbent and another strong candidate.
John Tory. So we'd go from a mayor with too much personality to a mayor with no personality. How about someone who wasn't a rich kid?

You'll never see a mayor of Toronto who isn't beholden to the interests of the business class in this country. The only way that would change is through some sort of incredibly unlikely violent uprising.
Who would win between John Tory and Olivia Chow?

Having not seen any polls, I'd predict Tory, easily. Tory takes all of Ford's support place a lot of moderates. And without Ford in the race, the left has less of a reason to unify around Chow. As someone who would prefer Tory over Chow (or Ford obviously), that's why I hope Ford doesn't make it to election day as a viable candidate. Tory's got a better shot at beating Chow without Ford splitting the right and unifying the left.
The fact is Rob Ford was elected by the majority will of the people. UT being a leftist echo chamber, the majority here isn't representative of the majority out there in the real Toronto where real families are struggling to make ends meet.

Rob Ford's list of accomplishments is longer than any mayor in North America. In the latest episode he's finally cut through the red tape and got the shovels in the ground for Scarborough without costing the taxpayer one red cent.

I get that the tax and spend artsy elitist crowd won't necessarily like his policies but that doesn't give them the right to attack Rob Ford by spreading lies and half truths. If you have a problem with him, do it at the ballot box, not by plotting to usurp our democracy in the shadows of 23 division.

The fact that Rob Ford is still a free man speaks volumes about his critics. The fact that Rob Ford's approval rating is still skyrocketing despite the naysayers speaks even louder. If anyone thinks he's dodging anybody his door is open at any time. Rob Ford has nothing to hide. Stop acting like schoolyard bullies and let him get on with his work.

Imagine this post being read by Stephen Colbert. It makes a lot more sense in that context!
OK seriously - calm down. Why is this the conclusion you're jumping to?

When I read "cops are divided", I read it more as - we're talking about the chief magistrate here, we can't just go and take him away in handcuffs, it's a pretty major deal. If he refuses to come in for questioning, how do we deal with it sensitively. I thought from day one - simply because he's the Mayor, if he's brought in for questions it will be done on the down low - if they haven't already been to his office/home numerous times in plainclothes to do so. I had to provide testimony to the police once and they came in plain clothes to do the interview at my home (videotaped), and they came to my workplace in plainclothes to give me a summons to appear in court. They treat it very, very sensitively when they have to.

But hey, that's just me - and maybe it really did mean what you think it did. But I'm going to wait to see how it plays out before speculating or freaking out

Since a great deal of what is written here is speculation, I'm quite alright with my choice to go in the direction I did. Just as you chose to speculate giving the benefit of the doubt to the Police based on your experiences. I am informed by my own experiences involving this scandal and the Police, and feel very comfortable with my speculative direction. To your point though, I'm not really swayed that the idea that the "cops being divided" (if an accurate barometer of the TPS at this time) means that the divisions are about how he's questioned. I read it as more indicative of whether or not members of the force want Ford to face questions/consequences about his conduct at all, even if he has committed serious breaches of the law.
Having not seen any polls, I'd predict Tory, easily. Tory takes all of Ford's support place a lot of moderates. And without Ford in the race, the left has less of a reason to unify around Chow. As someone who would prefer Tory over Chow (or Ford obviously), that's why I hope Ford doesn't make it to election day as a viable candidate. Tory's got a better shot at beating Chow without Ford splitting the right and unifying the left.

You're making the assumption that Ford won't be in the race. It's way too early to assume anything like that.

And the polling data shows that Tory has less support than Ford in a hypothetical four way race (Chow, Ford, Tory, Stintz; Stintz is > 5%)

In a hypothetical two way race between Tory and Ford, the former would beat Ford approximately 50% to 30%. But that's still nowhere close to as well as Chow would perform.
A few days ago, in casual chat with a City Hall staffer and some of his acquaintances, people talked about rumours, one said police have what they need. It's consistent with what I've heard but nothing has changed. I think Ford will be questioned soon. Will the police make a big show out of it? Will Blair host a press conference or simply visit the Mayor at his office?

Today's downtown comments have me furious and I really want the police to hold off until the election. This man needs to be defeated by the people. But common sense tells me that at the very least, some charges will be prosecuted and they won't be a year from now, theyll be weeks or months at the latest. He's not going to make it to election day and that leaves me bitter. Jail is the easiest exit for this idiot.

I feel like being defeated in an election gives Ford a legitimacy he doesn't deserve. he's just another one-term politician---so what? that's not enough. He needs to be ridden out of town on a rail, and the ground salted underneath him so nothing as toxic as him can ever grow there again. That means jail, for him, and hopefully, for his brother.
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