How Warmington gets on CNN is a mystery, but of course he redirects and deflects the story...that's what Warmington does in his race to the bottom of the journalistic barrel.
He knows CNN isn't going to question his "conspiracy", because they don't have a clue what he is talking about...and could care less. Shame on CNN for giving him a soapbox without being able to question his BS.
CNN is very, very shoddy. I remember watching a Rob Ford piece on Anderson Cooper's show and he was interviewing that Dr. Drew person to find out what makes Rob Ford tick. No wait, that's not the punchline. Check out this utter nonsense exchange:
COOPER: Well, also, you know, I was reading one news that the crack smoking video broke, you know, the mayor denied it and one of the excuses Mayor Ford used that he had a twin brother who has all kinds of addictions and it must have been him on the video.
COOPER: Again, that's more family history there.
PINSKY: If he has a -- if he has a monozygotic twin, if he has a twin that's genetically the same as him, not a fraternal twin, then the twin has advanced addiction, the probability of this man developing advanced addiction or alcoholism is overwhelmingly likely. So if that -- if that twin story is in fact true then again more evidence of how series this thing is, this medical problem and this is becoming a circus. Please, somebody help this man.
COOPER: Dr. Drew Pinsky, appreciate your joining us.
COOPER: Thanks very much.
PINSKY: You bet.
COOPER: For more on the story, you of course can go to
Now, Cooper corrected the error later in the show (briefly and sort of incoherently), but still. What the hell? Were they conflating Doug Ford with Slurpy? Chris Farley with Ozzie Canseco? Who knows!