Active Member
I'm interested to hear others' perceived motivations for DoFo and RoFo's burnng desire to be in politics.
The only thing I can come up with is "the sense of power it brings", and the visibility. I guess Rob lives on whatever affirmation he can get from campaigning.
It's not for the consituents because the real, material one-on-one interaction is non-existent.
The idea of following in Dad's legacy is kind of hollow since he was only a four-year (one term?) backbencher.
If one argues it's for the kickbacks, well - given how they emphasize their hatred of that kind of thing - wouldn't it be just too easy to catch them in their own hypocrisy?
And their hatred of taxes, spending and politicians makes them virtual anarchists anyway. Why be in government if you hate the system? All they want to do is take city-funded services and infrastructure away - they have no proposed alternatives or ideas, because with their level of affluence, they don't rely on it and thus would never be hurt. Also, their minds don't work as visionaries, only as critics.
And they have Deco. So why politics? Why bother with all the hassle? Maybe it's the hassle that they like. The "street fighting".
I just don't get it.
Because they're incompetent assholes, and politics is one of the only professions in which you can succeed while being both.