sno man
Senior Member
unless he's wearing a wire.
I used to like his dancing on those Six Flags commercials.
But if Ford was drunk or high, would what he's saying be admissible in court?unless he's wearing a wire.
It appears as though there is a new drunken Ford video out there.
I recently reported that the Police have finally got something on Rob Ford. This is consistent with what has been revealed today: Rob Ford has been meeting with Sandro Lisi again, and as observed in today's released recording, he's on a stimulant -- not drunk.
I believe that as part of a plea deal, Sandro Lisi is working with police to catch Ford purchasing drugs from his old friend. Sandro may be a criminal but he's not dumb enough to be seen with Ford in public locations while the media -- and the entire Toronto public -- have their eyes on them. Lisi is smart enough to employ anti-surveillance tactics, so it's uncharacteristic of him to be seen in such a public location.
LeDrew is on CP24 acting shocked that the mayor lied to him in November when RoFo gave a 100% guarantee we'd never see him drink again.
He was still tossing potshots at the Star for being too tough, though.
But if Ford was drunk or high, would what he's saying be admissible in court?
... frankly, I'd feel worse if I read news about a random person overdosing than I would about the same happening to Ford.
LeDrew won't stop shilling until somebody walks into the studio mid-taping and kicks him in the mouth. I hope I live to see the day that happens. Talking heads like him need to experience consequences for all their mealy-mouthed hackery and propaganda.
Originally Posted by LLtarra View Post
"Cocksucker, uh, fuckin Chief Blair and dem all"
I personally think it is extremely inappropriate for the Mayor to refer to the Chief of Police in the manner.
As seen on Twitter:
Who's responsible for this wonderful Photoshop job? Credit where credit is due! The most hilarious thing I've seen in days. The expression on his face is priceless. Lights are on but nobody's home.
A mayor who can’t trust himself can’t be trusted by the citizens he leads.
Two months ago, Mayor Rob Ford publicly pledged he was done drinking.
On Monday night, he was caught on video appearing to be in a drunken state, mimicking what is colloquially called a Jamaican accent and insulting Police Chief Bill Blair.
Ford has admitted drinking but insists the incident was no big deal and that he was out with friends on his personal time.
But that’s not the issue. The issue is Ford made a public pledge not to drink and then did.
* * *
Like any human being who is struggling with such problems, Ford deserves compassion as an individual.
But it is irresponsible and detrimental to the citizens of Toronto and to the city he says he loves, for Ford to continue as mayor.
He needs to resign and get help.