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The Ford campaign does not have seasoned political professionals on their team to advise them about what to do and what not to do. Doug Ford is the campaign manager. Therefore, stupid nonsense like this comes out.

However, the more time and resources they spend on their Hollywood Escapades, the better we like it, right?
Hey, It's Olivia Chow's 'Change' Campaign!

Opening of the National Home Show:
I'm not sure that it's random... Didn't Spacey diss Ford at the Jimmy Kimmel live show on Oscar night - after Rob showed up (jokingly) a night early? Jackson Prolow also tweeted that Ford was dissing Spacey because he wouldn't take a picture with them. Presumably that's mentioned on the YouTube video as well.

Edited to add: I'm totally not defending the Fords... It's just that I do remember the Spacey connection.

It needs to be said that Spacey is infamous for not wanting his photo taken with fans - or intentionally having those sorts of photos wrecked - it's not just the Fords.
I did not notice Ford the first time I looked at that photo. Being a random person in the background suits him :D
I didn't notice him either. Thanks for pointing him out. He does not look happy.

Mayor Crime Lord ‏@TOMayorFrod 10m
I'm not allowed to handle scissors anymore, but the National Home Show is now officially open.
That's what I mean - they all agree that the OPP wouldn't take on a failure. So the fact that they took it on is a sign that a good case has been built, and significant charges are coming.

Sorry. I missed the first parentheses and read your comment differently. My apologies. Good to hear that what I've heard isn't out of left field.
I didn't notice him either. Thanks for pointing him out. He does not look happy.

Mayor Crime Lord ‏@TOMayorFrod 10m
I'm not allowed to handle scissors anymore, but the National Home Show is now officially open.

Maybe National Home Show was concerned R Ford would bobble the ribbon cutting as he did at the Auto Show
The Ford campaign does not have seasoned political professionals on their team to advise them about what to do and what not to do. Doug Ford is the campaign manager. Therefore, stupid nonsense like this comes out. Also, Kevin Spacey wants to raise your taxes. Attack!

Doug Ford is the best campaign manager ever, and I urge him to continue this good fight against Kevin Spacey and the rest of the socialist tax-and-spend Hollywood elite. Next week: the Fords take on Meryl Candidate.
Yep -- that's the chart to which I was referring. It's crazy that you can pretty much tick the boxes for each one.
Question: Have the Fords "started" their campaign yet?

Yesterday, during CP24's interview with Rob (the one where they failed to ask him even basic questions like how he expects to pay for his 3 subway lines or about the $1 billion claim), the reported asked him "When will you be starting your campaign?". His response was at first a kind of deer-in-the-headlights stare, and then nervous laughter. He never really answered the question.

I was under the assumption that they had started their campaign. It's just a really unorganized, underfunded campaign. I expect Ford to just show up for the debates, continue touring suburban apartment buildings, filming YouTube videos, and repeating his standard campaign promises ("we're gonna build subways on Sheppard, Finch, and downtown; we're gonna contract out the rest of the garbage service; we need to get a new union deal done; etc).

Does anyone think that there's going to be a more formal campaign start, or an actual platform?
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